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48 Year Old · Male · From Macon, GA · Invited by: ibutterflytatt2si · Joined on March 23, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on May 18th · 5 referrals joined! · 3 different people have a crush on me!

Come to one of the hottest new Juggalo Lounges on Fubar!!! Completely drama free and Free Faygo Showers and alcoholic Drinks on Tap 24/7!!!

@ fubar href="http://s252.photobucket.com/albums/hh36/TATTOO1976/?action=view%C2%A4t=J.jpg" target="_blank">Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
plz read this in its entirty

"This shit is soo true we need to love this family more!"

-JUGGALOZ- Sorry to be all deep and serious but i got lots of shit on my mind. I'm tired of everything and everybody. The only thing i give a shit about in this hell we call a world is my Juggalo Family. The Carnival saved my life and my soul. My Juggalo Pride is the best thing that ever happened to me. It's starting to scare me for the fact when I sit back and actually observe the juggalo world, It seems like its going down hill. It seems to me that a lot of ninjas are out for self and trying to prove whos a bigger juggalo that who. There is no big or small juggalo. We are all the same. It doesn't take $4,000 is psychopathic merchandise to be a juggalo. Just because I got an old school mostastless jersey doesn't make me any better than a ninja with only one t-shirt. Being a juggalo is whats in your heart not whats on you clothes. I've seen juggalos callin each other juggahoes over spots in line at shows. That's BULLSHIT! Does anyone else realize this? Does anyone else feel the pain I do when my heart bleeds as I watch my family fall apart? We are all equal. Juggalos shoud not fight with one another! Remember? We are suppose to love each other! We need to be reunited as one once again. Just as we were before. "From the first jokers card, Carnival of Carnage, to the latest card. The Wraith: Shangri-La, we have been united as one by the powers of the Dark Carnival, the power that brings us together and makes us who we are, never again must you care what people think of you or what you do, this is our world and we live for each other!" If you own a copy of Dark Lotus, as soon as you get a chance, I want you to sit down and listen to ..15 enititled, "Juggalo Family." When the song is over, think about what it means and think about how it makes you feel. If yall want to laugh than go ahead but personally, When i sang the song i really didnt listen to the words but when I heard that song for the first time, I was at The Gathering of The Juggalos 2001 and when I listened to the words and took a look around at all the juggalos face, tears slowly came from my eyes and I thought to myself, "this is my family." It felt so good to know that the only thing I care about is right here with me. My juggalo family is the only thing true in my life. Nothing else has ever made me feel good. No person place or thing has ever looked at me as a part of their family. If you own a computer, get on a website such as realjuggalos.com and click on the icon "juggalos" search through the page and take a look at all of them and just think, each of them consider you family, each of these people can be trusted with your life just as they trust you with their life. We shouldn't be fighting, we should be giving each other hugs and saying, " I clown love you ninja!"to any of you that have web sites, i would greatly appreciate it if you could post this on your site. If you happen to have access to a copy machine, please make copies and give this to as many juggalos as possible. I want to make sure every juggalo world wide reads this letter I'm goin to do my damnest to save our juggalo world and reunite it, not only that but make our family bigger. We have over two million dedicated juggalos in the world but we must also be dedicated to each other. My heart, mind, body and soul goes out to each and every one of you. If you dont remember anything from this, at least remember this, "mass murder makes me happy, dead bodies make me happy, say what you will of me, I'll always have juggalo family" please repost this and help our sick family find there way back."

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48 Year Old · Male · From Macon, GA · Invited by: ibutterflytatt2si · Joined on March 23, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on May 18th · 5 referrals joined! · 3 different people have a crush on me!

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JUGGALO: The term derived from the Insane Clown Posse in the late 80's at the start of their career. It was mainly meant to define people who were too different, like them, to be accepted in other social groups where they can socialize and relate to one another but with no offense to anyone else. A juggalo is not a fan or
groupie of the Insane Clown Posse, that would just be a fan. It's more of a state of mind and a real juggalo never stereotypes him/herself just like the punks did in the 70's, but just like the punks, juggalos were misunderstood, manipulated and exploited in being something that they're not. A juggalo has nothing to do
with ICP's music, style, or often times offensive lyrics. The deeper meaning of juggalo falls into category with originality. ICP calls themselves juggalos, they can't possibly be a fan of their own music especially when the term was made up before they were big. Write this down and remember it: There are no rules to being
a Juggalo. There are no initiations, no requirements, and no one can say you don't meet Juggalo standards. We are not a gang, you don't gotta wear colors or know signs, or fuck anybody. It's this simple: if you listen to Psychopathic music, and you feel it, you relate to what it's saying and what it's about, then you're
a Juggalo. If you got shit goin on that you just can't handle alone, and the Dark Carnival and your Juggalo Scrub family make it better, then you're a Juggalo. Everything you need to know is there in the music. Everyone expresses it in different ways, and of course we love our hardcore Juggalos, reppin the Hatchet 24/7,
but if your broke ass don't have a single T-shirt, you're no less a Juggalo. First off, the term Juggalo is uni-sexual. A juggalo is someone who has been saved by the dark carnival. Many people don't recognize the intelligence behind the music. It is satire. Their intention is to influence people to free their minds (the most beautiful thing in the world to experience, recipe for wisdom = weed and music). We are anti-predjudice (sexism, racism,etc.) We know that karma is real and don't see life in black and white, but with more colors than a gay pride parade. A Juggalo is someone who lives for themself, meaning they realize that if you care what other people think about you and try hard to be accepted, then you will always be a slave to your own mind. A Juggalo is someone who enjoys life to the fullest they possibly can and stops "to smell the roses"(meaning living your life in the moment). It's not about having all the gear, posters, albums and trivia knowledge. You don't have to know what faygo or a neden is or even have ever heard of psychopatic records in order to be a Juggalo. A Juggalo is an enlightened/reawakened person with a discovered wisdom beyond their years. Yes, there are hound dogs who haven't discoverd what the dark carnival is really about and perhaps sadly, never will and just really want to belong somewhere and have a loving family they never had. That is what you find with the fam-MMFL. Sure, there are many posers/'trashy people' around at shows and mini-gatherings, but a real juggalo would show them love anyway in order to show them who we are and what we represent and welcome them to a life free of worries and shame and regret, where you are free to not give a fuck with wonderful people who think like you and have felt like you in the past. If you're a real juggalo, then love and understanding flows naturally. Yes, there are hound dogs/posers that haters stereotype us as, but we were all that at first (and you know it homie so shut up). The important thing is that we KNOW who we are now and pity haters who don't know. We look past the superficial and easily see through bullshit. Our philosophy is the golden rule with a twist; treat others the way you want to be treated, but don't take any shit. We see all human beings as equal. We give respect where it is deserved, but don't put ANYONE on a pedistal. We appreciate the psychopathic family's efforts, especially ICP(ya, I said it), to fish us out of the "hole" we were in and true juggalos are extremely greatful for their replenished, loving soul. True Juggalos know they don't NEED the music anymore. We are now able to care for others and try to help all that we can. A true Juggalo doesn't limit their musical taste and may appreciate/listen to all types of music. Most importantly, a real ass Juggalo is not a sheep. They are leaders and independent and free-thinking role models. We Juggalo family recognize real fam when we meet them. We don't try to be somebody else. We are realass people, real as they come. We speak our mind and keep it real and hate acting fake with a "good, how are you?" Very importantly, we see our glass as half full instead of half empty. We appreciate what and who we have in our lives instead of focusing on the negative like we used to. So yes, real Juggalos are optimistic people who used to be pessimistic during a dark time in our lives when we had given up and forgotten love. Thanks to the message of the dark carnival, we now know that GOD is love, have been forgiven, and will never be duped by the lying ass demons again. Stay strong my Ninjas. whoop whoop mmfwcl
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