#10's the Wheel of Fortune )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( If your birth number is a 10, then your Tarot card association is The Wheel of Fortune. ***Characteristics: If you are using your energy in a positive manner then you are Lucky by nature. You are Positive, Successful, and Happy. You roll with the punches and you benefit from change. You always seem to land "butter side up" ***Traits associated with the use of negative energy. If you are blocking your positive energy you may experience these traits. You may be Arrogant (arrogance masking fear), Pompous, and Vain. You may feel as if you live on a roller coaster, with pits of despair, followed by peaks of happiness. ***Actions which may block Positive Energy: Fear that something "bad" is about to happen. Over-emphasis on material assets. Being Over-cautious. Feeling that you should be punished for past actions>>>Guilt. ***Symbols: Chance, Luck or Fate
***Angel: The Angel associated with #10's is the Angel of Cycles and Solutions. This Angel imparts the ability to except and benefit from change. This Angel also gives Positive energy which expresses as Positive Thinking. ***Archetypes: Tyche (Greek Mythology) Fortuna (Roman Mythology) Norns (Norse Mythology) The Wheel of Life (Celtic)
***Planetary Energy: Jupiter ***Colors: Green associated with Fertility and Abundance Red associated with Good Fortune. ***Gemstones: Aventurine and Bloodstone (good luck and abundance) Citrine ( creativity) ***Physical body: Liver and Pituitary Glands ***Keywords: Change and Abundance )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(
Note: These TarotScopes were created by LuAngel1111, Lucretia S. Ward. Please give credit where credit is due.