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#10 The Wheel of Fortune

#10's the Wheel of Fortune )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( If your birth number is a 10, then your Tarot card association is The Wheel of Fortune. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Characteristics: If you are using your energy in a positive manner then you are Lucky by nature. You are Positive, Successful, and Happy. You roll with the punches and you benefit from change. You always seem to land "butter side up" ***Traits associated with the use of negative energy. If you are blocking your positive energy you may experience these traits. You may be Arrogant (arrogance masking fear), Pompous, and Vain. You may feel as if you live on a roller coaster, with pits of despair, followed by peaks of happiness. ***Actions which may block Positive Energy: Fear that something "bad" is about to happen. Over-emphasis on material assets. Being Over-cautious. Feeling that you should be punished for past actions>>>Guilt. ***Symbols: Chance, Luck or Fate Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Angel: The Angel associated with #10's is the Angel of Cycles and Solutions. This Angel imparts the ability to except and benefit from change. This Angel also gives Positive energy which expresses as Positive Thinking. ***Archetypes: Tyche (Greek Mythology) Fortuna (Roman Mythology) Norns (Norse Mythology) The Wheel of Life (Celtic) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Planetary Energy: Jupiter ***Colors: Green associated with Fertility and Abundance Red associated with Good Fortune. ***Gemstones: Aventurine and Bloodstone (good luck and abundance) Citrine ( creativity) ***Physical body: Liver and Pituitary Glands ***Keywords: Change and Abundance )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

Note: These TarotScopes were created by LuAngel1111, Lucretia S. Ward. Please give credit where credit is due.

#9 The Hermit

#9's The Hermit )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( If your Birth number is a 9, then your Tarot card association is The Hermit. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Characteristics associated with the use of Postive Energy: You are a Seeker of the Truth. You are Knowledgable, Solicitous, and Prudent. You can be Discreet as well as Sensitive. You are a Deep Thinker and you may be Self Denying. You are also Vigilant and can overcome Challenges. You may seek Solitude. ***Traits associated with the use of Negative Energy. If you are blocking your positive energy then you may experience these traits: You may be withdrawn, in cautious and you may be careless. You may behave impetuously or tactlessly. You may be insensitive and secretive; you may hide your true feelings. You may be a loner. ***Actions which may block Positive Energy: An attitude towards life which only focuses on self or material possessions. Centering on the "effects" rather than on the cause. Insecurity around others, feeling inferior. Wanting to close off from others, separateness due to the inability to deal with people. ***Symbols: Divine love and Completion--Rewards for actions in previous lives. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Angel: The Angel associated with # 9's is The Angel of Perception and Insight. This Angel helps you to make proper decisions based on Spiritual insights. Usually these insights are gained thru Meditation or Solitude. This Angel also teaches you to be Observant of yourself and your World. ***Archetypes: Osiris (Egyptian Legends) Hermes (Greek Mythology) Tcisaki (Native American) Mimir (Norse) Donn (Celtic Legends) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Planetary Energy: Virgo ***Colors: Deep Blue ( Cobalt) associated with tranquility and Pearl Grey associated with Peace and Balance ***Gemstones: Quartz ( Clear, Smokey or Milky), Silver and Lapis Lazuli all connected with inner peace and knowledge. ***Physical Body: Bowels, Intestines, and Nervous System ***Keywords: Reflection and Introspection )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

Note: These TarotScopes were created by LuAngel1111, Lucretia S. Ward. Please give credit where credit is due.

#8 The Justice

#8's The Justice )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( If your birth number is an 8, then your Tarot association is The Justice. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Characteristics: You are Fair-minded and Reasonable. You like to hear both sides and then come to your own conclusion. You are Just, Well-Meaning and Sincere. You seek Balance and Equality. You are Righteous, Virtuous, and Honorable. You are also a Good Critic because you have the ability to evaluate things. You are also Insightful and Even-Tempered. Traits associated with the use of Negative Energy: Antagonistic, one who loves conflict, a creator of disorder. A person who experiences great Trials and Tribulations. Actions which may block Positive Energy: Having a Lack of Joy or Inspiration. Believing that attacking others is justified to protect yourself. Believing that Peace and Reconciliation are Weaknesses. ***Symbols: Infinity and Fate--can also be a symbol for money, sex and power Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Angel: The Angel associated with # 8's is the Angel of Order and Harmony. This Angel's Purpose is to maintain Balance and Equality. He also promotes peace in relationships of all types. He also inspires Fairness and Integrity. ***Archetypes: Themis (Greek Titan) Minerva (Roman Mythology) Owl Woman (Native American) Ma'at (Egyptian) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Planetary Energy: Libra ***Colors: Pastels (Soothing and Calming as well as representing all the elements) ***Gemstones: Opals and Gold (Peace and Consciousness) ***Physical Body: Kidneys, Loins, Bones and Skin. The Lumbar region of the back. ***Keywords: Balance and Equality )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

Note: These TarotScopes were created by LuAngel1111, Lucretia S. Ward. Please give credit where credit is due.

#7 The Charioteer/Warrior

#7's The Charioteer / Warrior )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( If your birth number is a 7, then your Tarot Card Association is the Charioteer. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Characteristics: If you are using your energy in a positive manner, you are Energetic, Outgoing and Positive. You have the ability to conquer whatever challenges you may face. You are a Self- Starter and a Go-Getter. You are Self-Motivated and a good Competitor. ***Traits associated with the use of Negative Energy: If you are using your energy in a negative fashion, you may exhibit Imbalance, Uncontrolled Emotions, and You may make Hasty Decisions. You may Fail to Face Reality. You may be Unsuccessful no matter how hard you try. You may show Little or No Compassion or Tenderness. ***Actions which may block Positive Energy: Having a Fear of Failure. Feeling as if there is no point to accomplishing goals and objectives. Believing that you have not ever accomplished anything or that you ever will. ***Symbols: Seven colors of the Rainbow, seven Musical Notes, seven Days Of the Week, Seven Chakras, Seven, Deadly Sins Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Angel: The Angel associated with # 7's is the Angel of Victory and Triumph. This Angel's purpose is to help you acheive your goals and objectives. It gives you that Conquering Spirit needed to attain your Ideals. This Angel also promotes Tenacity and Resolve ***Archetypes: Serapis(Egyptian Legends) Thor (Norse Mythology) Cetan ( Native American Legends) Pollux (Greek Mythology) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Planetary Energy: Cancer ***Colors: Blue-Green, Turquoise, Teal (Confidence and Compassion) ***Gemstones: Turquoise ( Conquering spirit), Aquamarine ( Connections with water Spirits) ***Physical Body: Breasts, chest, stomach, and digestive system ***Keywords: Achievement and Victory )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

Note: These TarotScopes were created by LuAngel1111, Lucretia S. Ward. Please give credit where credit is due.

#6 The Lovers

#6's The Lovers )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( If your Birth Number is a 6, your Tarot card association is The Lovers. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Characteristics: If you are using your energy in a Positive manner. You are Passionate and Loving. Confident and Emotional. You are also Trustworthy, Honorable and Optimistic. You may also believe in Love at First Sight. ***Traits associated with the use of Negative Energy: If you are blocking your energy you may make poor choices in relationships. You may have suffered with unrequited love and you may even exhibit sexual dysfunction. ***Actions which may block Positive energy: Feeling that you are unworthy. Guilt over past actions and feeling that you should be punished. Having a fear of Rejection. ***Symbols: Six pointed star, (top or upward triangle represents male aspects, fire and air, the bottom or downward triangle represents female aspects, earth and water ) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Angel: The Angel associated with # 6's is the Angel of Loving Relationships enabling positive energy to all types of relationships. The Purpose of this Angel is to help you make correct choices in relationships. This Angel is also the main energy of Partnerships, Courtships and Marriages. ***Archetypes: Adam and Eve (Biblical) Lif and Lifthrasir (Norse Myths) Adonis and Aphrodite (Greek Mythology) Apollo and Artemis (Roman Mythology) Kama (Hindu, both male and female aspects) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Planetary Energy: Gemini ***Colors: Beige, Brown (Earth tones associated with fertility) and Pink (associated with Love) ***Gemstones: Diamond (Fidelity) Rose Quartz (Friendships and Love) ***Physical Body: Eyes, Ears, Lungs, Hands, Arms and Shoulders. Sight and Hearing ***Keywords: Cooperation and Love )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

Note: These TarotScopes were created by LuAngel1111, Lucretia S. Ward. Please give credit where credit is due.

#5 The Priest/Hierophant

#5's The Priest/Hierophant )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( If your birth number is a 5 then your Tarot association is The PriestHierophant. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Characteristics: If you are using your energy in a positive manner. You are Merciful, and Kind. Patient, Enduring, Good, and Forgiving. You are also inspiring and Spiritual. You have a deep appreciation for Rituals, Heritage and Tradition. You work the best within a routine or a schedule. You may volunteer your help or services to organizations especially those connected to God or Community. You also have the ability to Believe and to have Faith. ***Traits associated with the use of negative energy: Over kindness, too generous and timid. Tendency to cling to the old even if no longer useful. You may hate change. You may also be stubborn, obstinate, unyielding and opinionated. ***Actions which may block positive energy: Having a "know-it-all" attitude. Not being open to new influences. Inability to accept change or to make changes. Being stuck in old routines and behaviors. ***Symbols: Midpoint of the number sequence, the five senses, a pentagon (point up--represents light, point down--darkness). Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Angel--The angel associated with 5’s is the Angel of Spiritual Understanding. This Angel's purpose is to allow you to gain spiritual insight. He also imparts open mindedness and esoteric principals to you, so that you may pass them along to others. ***Archetypes: Alektca (Native American Legends, Creek) Apis (Egyptian Mythology) Balor (Celtic Mythology) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Planetary Energy: Taurus ***Color: Purple or Violet (the color of Faith and Altruism) ***Gemstones: Amethyst (Nobility and Spiritual Awareness), Celestite (Communication with Angels), Citrine or Topaz (Spiritual Development) Keywords: Faith, Hope and Charity *****The Native American painting used on this page is an original artwork by Paul Surber (it is titled "Medicine Crow"). )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

Note: These TarotScopes were created by LuAngel1111, Lucretia S. Ward. Please give credit where credit is due.

#4 The Emperor

#4's The Emperor )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( If your Birth number is a 4, then your Tarot card association is The Emperor. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Characteristics: If you are using your energy in a positive manner you are a natural born leader, you say it and others follow. You can control things; you have the ability to be decisive, authoritative and intelligent. You can rise to the top. You also like to live according to the rules, the rules you generally make!!! You are fair minded and you desire to increase in all directions. People respect your opinions, and tend to follow your advice. ***Note: although this number is most associated with traditional "male" aspects. The women who are born under this influence are very strong and determined. They make good business women and in this age of single moms raising kids on their own, drawing on this energy is a blessing : )*** ***Traits associated with the use of Negative energy: Immaturity, Ineffectiveness, Lack of Strength, Indecision, Inability, Weak Character, Failure to control petty emotions, arrogance, condescending, self serving, vain and pretentious. ***Actions which may block positive energy: Pride, thinking that one is better than others. Having a fear of surrender, especially to the Higher Power or to the will of Spirit. Not being able to let go so that right action may occur. Worry and Stress. ***Symbols: symbolizes the material world, the square, the four seasons, the 4 phases of the moon, the 4 compass points Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Angel: The Angel associated with Number 4's is The Angel of Power and Authority. This Angel's purpose is to help you to use your leadership abilities and your decisiveness. He helps to give you energy and determination. He relies on the will of the universe in all efforts. ***Archetype: Jehovah (Biblical) Zeus (Greek Mythology) Jupiter (Roman Mythology) Odin ( Norse Mythology) Old Sky God/Father Time (Celtic) WakanTanka (Native American) Amon-Ra (Egyptian) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Planetary Energy: Aries ***Color: Red ( The color of determination) ***Gemstones: Ruby (Happiness, Healing, Courage) Amethyst (Nobility and Spiritual Awareness) ***Physical Body: Head, Face, and Facial Bones ***Keywords: Greatness, Valor, and Fairness )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

Note: These TarotScopes were created by LuAngel1111, Lucretia S. Ward. Please give credit where credit is due.

#3 The Empress

#3's The Empress )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( If your birth number is the number 3, then your Tarot association is The Empress. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Characteristics: If you are using your energy in a positive manner, you are loving, caring, nurturing, and loyal. You are generous, and considerate. You are also creative, probably in the traditional sense as in arts, crafts, cooking, anything that involves making something out of nothing. You also have the ability to bring out the skills and talents of others, so you make good teachers, mentors, and coaches. You have the ability to motivate people and because you make good decisions based on looking at all the facts, you are fair minded which makes other look to you as the natural leader. ***Note: Although this number is associated with traditional "female" aspects. The men who are born under this influence are great fathers (these are the ones always involved with their children). They are sensitive and loving partners. They make great husbands. They are also hard workers and money makers. ***Negative traits associated with the use of negative energy. If you are blocking your positive energy then you may exhibit these traits: Harassing, nagging, indecisive, and procrastinating. You may worry constantly, and be nervous and anxious. You may experience problems with financial lack, infertility, sex or career. ***Actions which may block energy: Believing that you will never have anything, that others will always have all and you none. Not believing that the universe will provide and does provide all!!! ***Symbols: Personal Creativity with Action. Strong Religious symbol (Father, Son, Holy Ghost) (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva--Hindu) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Angel: The Angel associated with # 3's is The Angel of Abundance. This Angel's purpose is to be the Giver of all Divine Substance. She is the Keeper of the Supply House. Love, Creativity, Finances and Personal Power all are within her domain. ***Archetypes: Aphrodite (Greek Mythology) Venus (Roman Mythology) Frigga (Norse Mythology) Changing Woman (Navajo Legends) Brigid (Celtic Mythology) Hathor (Egyptian Mythology) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Planetary Energy: Venus ***Color: Green ***Gemstones: Emerald and Jade (Both provide Energy, Creativity, Healing) ***Physical Body: Throat, Kidneys, and Lower Back ***Keywords: Abundance and Fertility )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

Note: These TarotScopes were created by LuAngel1111, Lucretia S. Ward. Please give credit where credit is due.

#2 The High Priestess

#2's The High Priestess If your birth number is the number 2, then your Tarot Association is The High Priestess. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( ***Characteristics: If you use your energy in a positive manner. You will be Initiative, Perceptive, Serene, Objective and Far-Seeing. You are able to read signs and feelings. You are also able to see what is going on behind the scenes. You are also able to use your innate Psychic Abilities. ***Traits associated with the use of negative energy: If you block the flow of positive energy you may avoid entanglements (relationships). You may lack patience; you may be cruel and vindictive. You may exhibit shallowness, short-sightedness, or conceit. You may also be confused, make poor decisions, and show poor judgment. ***Actions associated with blocking positive energy: If you are experiencing any of the above negative traits you may be blocking energy. The most common for you are: Only thinking in a "scientific" manner only what is considered rational or reasoning thinking. Not trusting your instincts. Not using your initiative or psychic natures...use it or lose it. Do not discount your hunches. ***Symbol: The 2's are symbols of Unity and Duality Expressed as Ying and Yang, Good and Bad, Light and Dark Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Angel: The angel associated with 2's is The Angel of Creative Wisdom. This Angel's purpose is to be an intermediator between your conscious and your subconscious. She imparts spiritual wisdom and gives the ability to solve problems quickly. She also makes sure your judgment is clear and correct. She stimulates your intuition. ***Archetypes: Isis (Egyptian Mythology) VivianLady of the Lake (Arthurian Myth) Moon Woman (Native American) Grimhild (Norse Mythology) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Planetary Energy: The Moon ***Color: Yellow (for intuition) ***Gemstones: Topaz-(teaches spiritual love), Amethyst-(meditative and psychic abilities), Celestite-(angel connections), and Moonstone-(insight) ***Physical Body: Breast and Digestive system ***Keywords: Intuition, Knowing )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

Note: These TarotScopes were created by LuAngel1111, Lucretia S. Ward. Please give credit where credit is due.

#1 The Magician

TarotScopes ~ #1 The Magician If you birth number is the number 1, then your Tarot card association is The Magician. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( Characteristics: If you are using your energy in positive manner, you are energetic, dedicated, focused, original and creative. You have the ability to use your skills to accomplish a task. You have a lot of imagination which you use to create solutions. You are spontaneous, self-confident, flexible, and determined. You are also capable of influencing other people. ***Negative traits associated with the use of negative energy: If you are blocking your positive energy you maybe experiencing these traits. You may be deceptive, manipulating, weak of will, insecure, and you may apply your skills to destructive ends. ***Actions that may block positive energy: Worry, Worry, Worry!!! The absolute blocker of all!!!. Worry will create a wall; worry will lead to unscrupulous behavior to correct the situation or willpower applied to destructive ends. Easiest way to fix--don't worry, Let go and Let God !!! Try some quiet meditation!! Focus on something else. Symbols: Essential Being and Ego; strength of Identity, and the Oneness. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Angel: The angel associated with #1's is the Angel of Illusion and Reality. This Angels purpose is to help you separate the true from the false. It helps you to do this through creative intelligence...you are, what you create. ***Archetypes: Hermes (Greek Mythology) Mercury (Roman Mythology) Merlin (Arthurian Myth) Sigurd (Norse Mythology) Thoth (Egyptian Mythology) Medeoulin (Native American) Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket ***Planetary Energy: Mercury ***Color: Orange (associated with creativity and energy) ***Gemstones: Moonstone (Insight), Amber (Wisdom), and Citrine (Creativity) ***Physical Body: Respiratory systems, nervous system, alertness, and concentration. ***Key Words: Focus, Consistency, Will Power, and Control. )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

Note: These TarotScopes were created by LuAngel1111, Lucretia S. Ward. Please give credit where credit is due.
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