So the point of this game is to post a blog about ten weird habits/random facts about yourself, and then "tag" ten people who, then, have to post a blog about their ten weird habits/random facts. You have to tag them in your blog and then post a comment on their page saying that you tagged them. No tag-backs are allowed!
1. I dont like feet . including my own.
2. I have a fear of Deep Water,and drowning
3. I have been married twice , still married to the 2nd one
4. I have a birthmark on my Privet part.
5. I have 2 tattooes one just because some once told me i couldnt .
6. I love nature and animals of all kinds for those of you who got the joke
7. Ihave never been arrested ever !
8. I shave my pubic hair off cant stand to have it.
9. I met my husband on the internet 5 years ago.
10. I think child molester's should be killed for the crime of mudering a childs inocents. killed because I was molested when I was 5.
I'm tagging a few people!