I was tagged by ¢¾Trix¢¾~Family Member - Subherban's Asst. Stoner Chapter~
Here's the rules ,list six weird things or habits about yourself, list six friends you would like to play tag and comment them so they will check the blog for details.(6+6+6 ?) Here Goes:
1. I have a fetish for pregnant woman
2. I am deathly afraid of needles
3. I used to steal money all the time when I worked at a pizza place.(I mean a few hundred a week)
4. I cry everytime I hear the song "Love Me" by Colin Raye (Only counrty song I like)
5. I used to steal and sell scales for HS to drug dealers.
6. I once killed a man(not really but I couldn't think of anything else to say)
Naughty & Nice
Sweetest Bitch