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58 Year Old · Female · From Fort Worth, TX · Joined on April 20, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 16th
58 Year Old · Female · From Fort Worth, TX · Joined on April 20, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 16th
58 Year Old · Female · From Fort Worth, TX · Joined on April 20, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 16th

Name:: Sereyna
Age:: Too damn old
Height:: 5'6"
Weight:: Touchy subject!
Right or left-handed:: RIGHT
Your heritage:: Irish
What is your favorite game?: Final Fantasy
Favorite color:: White
Least favorite color:: Grey
Do you like to drive fast?: Three speeding tickets in two years! What do you think?
Do you like thunderstorms?: Not really
What is your sign?: Leo
Do you eat the stems of broccoli?: Yes
What was your first car?: 1972 Chevy Nova
If you could have any job, what would it be?: Wreck Diver
Is the glass half full or half empty?: HALF FULL
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?: YES
What's under your bed?: A Kick Starter! LOL
What are your favorite sports to watch?: Baseball, and Football
Single biggest intense pain?: Belly Buttong Pierciing OWWWWWW!
The best places you have ever been?: All over Europe! Hawaii and the State I live in
Hamburgers or hot dogs?: Hot Dogs! Nathans
What is your occupation?: 9-1-1 Dispatcher
What was the last thing you ate?: Chorizo, Egg and Potato Burritos...I can already hear my arteries hardening
Do you wish on stars?: YES
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Huzzy Red
Last incoming call on your cell phone?: Stacy
Last outgoing call on your cell phone?: Stacy
What's your favorite restaurant?: Razzoo's
Favorite food?: Authentic Italian Food
Britney Spears is a skank--agree or disagree?: She's just a squirrel trying to get a nut...I dont know too many people that wouldnt mind having the money shes got, for being a so called skank!
What type of music do you dislike most?: Country
What was the last thing you bought?: Video game
Do you take illegal drugs?: I am required to say no!
Does someone have a crush on you?: I wish
Do you really know all the words to the national anthem?: ABSOLUTELY
Favorite drink?: DR PEPPER....the nectar of the Gods
Favorite alcoholic drink?: Shiner Bock
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No....Lust at first sight yes!
Where were you for Valentine's Day?: Working
What's your favorite animal?: Cat
What do you think about most?: Family and friends
Do you like to play in the rain?: I melt
Are you a risk taker?: Absolutely
How many people have you had sex with in '06?: 1...I am extremely picky!
When was the last time you had sex?: 1 year...refer to prior question...plus I think I forgot how...LOL
Ever cheated on a g/f or b/f?: No
Have you ever been to jail?: Oh hell yea!
How many states have you lived in?: 3
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: No
Hugs or kisses?: Hugs....kisses are personal
Living arrangements?: Rent my own habitat
Who is your best friend?: Stacy
What do you sleep in?: T-shirt and shorts
What is your bedtime?: Depends on if I am working the next day
Piercings? Tattoos?: Both...lots of tattoos and set off metal detectors
Biggest pet peeve?: Hypocrites
I have low tolerance for people who....: Act like they had an extra bowl of stupid for breakfast!
Do you sleep with the TV on?: No, have to have quiet!
Do you have a TV in your bedroom?: No
Are you good at keeping secrets?: Yes
How do you spell relief?: Comfy jammies and a video game
Parents still together?: No
Can you handle the truth?: Yes
Current car?: Pontiac Sunfire
Are you in love?: Nah...cant find anyone to put up with my shit!
Hair color?: Dyed!
What are you afraid of?: Having to be a greeter at wal-mart when I retire!
Last time you cried?: Dont remember
Friend you've had the longest?: Stacy
Best friends?: Stacy, Angi, My Sister and my Mother
Favorite car?: 1934 Silver Ghost Rolls-Royce
Number of keys on your keyring?: 3
Favorite day of the week?: Sunday...nice and relaxing
Favorite shampoo?: Biolage
Day or night?: Day
Best advice you've ever received?: If it has tits, tires or testicals its going to cause you trouble
Favorite quote?: I'm in shape...Round is a shape!
Favorite type of music?: Diverse
Your biggest weakness?: Abused and neglected animals...whoever does this should be shot!
Biggest fear?: Being stabbed
Are you close to your parents?: YES
Do you swear?: Ex-Squid here! Hello
Favorite song at the moment?: Low by Flo-Rida
Favorite band?: Downside at the moment
Do you have sex?: I think I forgot how
Read books?: Very well read
Have a religion?: I am a Christian, but do not practice my baptized religion baptist
Vegetable you love/hate?: Hate brussel sprouts.....love everything else
View on politics?: If you dont vote, dont bitch!
Worst habits?: Using food as a crutch, for a problem that I will not fix
Do you like to watch porn?: Oh hell yea
*In a boyfriend/girlfriend*
Hair color?: Any
Body type?: HWP
Personality?: Outgoing, witty, sense of humor...No fuddy duddies
Style of clothing?: Modern
Do they have to be popular?: No
Kiss on the first date?: Yes
Sex on the first date?: No...I am sort of old fashion
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History of the World Part I
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Indiana Jones
Star Wars...the first three..not the new stuff

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