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45 Year Old · Male · From San Luis Obispo, CA · Joined on February 8, 2011 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 14th · I have a crush on someone!
45 Year Old · Male · From San Luis Obispo, CA · Joined on February 8, 2011 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 14th · I have a crush on someone!

About me. Im Sensitive, im funny at times, im a dork most the time. I've been through a lot of shit. Im a deep person. I usually wont show these types of character until i have one on one time with people. makes it more intimate.

I am like a onion. I have several layers. I portray a hard exterior. I joke around in a very sarcastic, out of no where, kina way. Not to be misconstrued for rudeness or personal attacks. Just like to pull things out of no where, usually it works in making people laugh 16_winksmile.gif

I've been through some shit in life. I usually dont tolerate shallow, mis guided, Undisciplined, Harsh, abrasive, untrustworthy people. Although i do always give the benefit of the doubt. usually to their advantage, everyone deserves chances to be themselves. as we all have flaws in our characters, that can be easily judged by a judgmental person, for something, it most likely is not. Actions are just that. Actions. It doesn't make the person. We are human, we make mistakes. Its how we stand up after those mistakes, is what makes us who we are. Sometimes it takes making the same mistake over and over again, until you finally learn. I practice this abundantly. As im hard headed, and always learn the hard way. Some of us are slower than others 16_winksmile.gif .

I have had my heart crushed, lost everything more than once. Life is nothing but a constant strugle. There is no constant, in this choas of a life. Everyday is something to be valued. And to show your friends and family how much you love them. Time travels at light speed. Everything comes to an end. Including our living bodies. So cherish what you have RIGHT NOW, and not what you can have, or what you didnt get, or what you had. LOVE WHAT YOU HAVE NOW. Because it may not be there tomorrow.

Love like its your last day on earth. Show people how much they mean to you. And always be greatful for the gifts, big and small given to you in life. From waking up in the morning with your legs and arms, to what ever your huge heart desires.

I am who i am. Most people love me, some hate me. Either way, i only change for me. I control my world, and how i feel. Although things around me effect those things. Its up to me, to make the changes, of either making sure to not endure the pain, or some sort of change. You can only change yourself. Anyone who NEEDS a relationship, should really evaluate, their self needs.

My heart is huge. I do wear my heart on my sleeve. I get punched in the stomach all the time. I'm 31, and i refuse to let it jade me. I just learn, get up, and move on. sometimes that pain lingers.... but that pain is just a reminder of how i never want to feel again. I am a Pisces to a Tee. I am a water sign. I love to be by the ocean. Have lived by it my whole life. I make life decisions of emotions. which is usually not the wisest decision. But i cant help it. its just engraved in me. i try to learn, to react by logic, and is a ongoing project. But usually my intuition, is right. and im so hard headed, i usually dont listen to it. lmao . Im a wonderful lover, when i find the right connection. But i am not eager to jump into anything. As caution is wise. and the logical decision.

If you are a lyer, thief, manipulator, cheater. Just do me a favor and stay the fuck away.

Thank you for reading.

P.S. dont be so quick to judge me, you may miss out on a good friend, and a even better lover.... Thanks again for reading.

45 Year Old · Male · From San Luis Obispo, CA · Joined on February 8, 2011 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 14th · I have a crush on someone!
TO many to list but i think Sex, Music, people, communication, touching myself, maybe touching you Smile2.gif

Come Join the Mystery Underground. A social outlet for everyone. http://www.fubar.com/lounge/78398
Nine Inch Nails, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Jack Johnson, Eminem, Dre, Snoop, and a lot more i will add when im not so..... warm inside
Good Fella's, Casino, Pulp Fiction, and a lot more
Ghandi, Timothy Leary, people who appeal their criminal prosecutions to the upper courts, speaking of... Trent, Maynard, Roger Waters, David Gilmore, Richard Right, Nick Mason

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