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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Sometimes they call me. It’s not all the time. It’s not even on a regular basis, but sometimes they decide to call me. And when they do call me, I come running. Some people would think that I am pathetic. They would say that it is sad, the way I am. But they don’t know how it feels to be me. They don’t know why it is that I am this way. I’ve been told before that I could have any one I wanted if I would just act differently. Friends and family have told me that if I would just realize what I have, I would be dangerous. One of my best girlfriends went as far as to tell me, “Girl, if I could just possess your body for one week, you would come back to a whole new world. Men would be drowning you in diamonds, buying you penthouse apartments to live in, clothing you in silk and furs!” Instead, I am who I am. I let men mistreat me. I let them cheat on me, yell at me, grab me by my throat and throw me up against the wall. I give men the upper hand. I let them think that they are better than me, and that I am nothing but a play toy for them. Abuse? What exactly is abuse? If you like it, can it still be considered abuse? So, sometimes they call me. Their names are Greg and Paula, and they’re married. I met Greg and Paula on the internet. I know, totally cliché’, right? But sometimes things really do happen that way. I was browsing the web, like I normally do on lazy Sunday afternoons, and happened to find a website on a local swingers club in New Orleans. It was an out of the way place, no distinguishing markers or signs outside, on a back alley in the French Quarter. I was so intrigued by this place that I signed up for the members only forum discussion. Did I think that I would ever get the nerve to actually go to this club? No! I mean, what kind of people go to clubs where everyone is having sex with everyone else, and there are voyeur rooms and porn theatres and dungeons? Certainly not people like me! I mean, yes, I have had my share of sex. I have had boyfriends, and I have had a couple of one night stands. I’ve even been married once before to an “abusive” husband. Thank God there were no children from that marriage, but I am still nursing emotional wounds. Still, when I would think about actually going to this club, it seemed like an unattainable fantasy. There was no way. I wasn’t the type of girl who would fit in there. I am not some super hot bikini model with a size 0 waist. I mean, granted, I am nothing to sneeze at. I’ve gotten plenty of offers from plenty of men who wanted to date me, but come on! A hot swingers club like this probably sees it’s share of strippers and that type. I think I went on the site out of pure curiosity. I read the forums and saw what people had to say. That’s when I read Paula’s letter. Dear Group, I am a 26 year old female who is married to a 38 year old man. We are both attractive people. We are looking to explore the lifestyle, and would like some information. When we come to the club, are there certain expectations? Will it be okay if we choose to just watch and not participate the first few times? Is anyone going to look at me funny? I am slightly overweight, and wouldn’t want to feel uncomfortable in a setting surrounded by Barbie’s. Let me know what you think, see picture below. Hope to hear from you soon, Curious in the Big Easy The picture below the post was incredible. This woman was gorgeous. She had light cappuccino skin, long curly brown hair, almond shaped eyes, and a voluptuous figure. The gentleman standing behind her was tall and dark skinned, with a clean shaven bald head and a salt and pepper colored goatee moustache. I stared at the photo for a long time, drinking in their sexual energy. I had never been with a black person before. I am about as white as you can get. I have long dark hair and a peachy complexion. Everyone I have ever dated has been white, and although I have had fantasies in the past, I had never had the opportunity to even date a black person. The feelings I was getting from looking at this couple’s picture were new, and unbelievably strong. I felt compelled to write. Dear Curious in the Big Easy, Hi, my name is Heather. I read your post and had to write back. I have never been to the club before, and am just as curious as you are. We are about the same size, and I found myself wondering the same thing about the crowd that would be found there. Maybe if you go, you can let me know what it was like, and I would think about going one night. I am too nervous to go on my own, and I don’t have a significant other to bring me. Let me know how it goes. By the way, the two of you are SO INCREDIBLY GORGEOUS, that I am sure no one will have a problem with you being there! Love, Me To make a long story short, Paula and I began emailing each other everyday. The two of them did go to the club, and she came back and told me all about it. I was so fascinated that this couple would venture out to do something like that. She said they had never done it before, and were just curious. All they did was watch, but what she described to me made me so moist that I just had to experience it for myself. Paula continuously begged me to come to the club with them one day. She assured me that her husband would act as bodyguard for the both of us. Maybe we could meet for the first time at Café Du Monde, go to a club to get a couple of drinks before hand, and then head to Francesca’s (the swingers club). The law says that if you have onsite sex going on in an establishment, you can’t also serve alcohol, so we would have to get buzzed elsewhere. My stomach was full of jitters the first evening that I met my couple. I sat at a table in the middle of the beignet Café, looking lonely and out of place, while tourists surrounded me – laughing, drinking, and eating their tasty treats. Paula called my cell phone a few times to tell me that they were on their way, lost somewhere in the French Quarter, but that they would find me soon enough. It was eleven thirty before they finally walked up. I recognized them immediately. He looked amazingly like Kobe Bryant in person, and she was a creature unlike any I had ever seen. They were dressed sexily, he in a tight black sweater with a tie-up collar and black leather pants that showcased his ample package, and she in a long slinky black skirt with a mega-slit going up the side, revealing her smooth tan legs. She wore a red satin bra and a see through top, and her thick curly hair cascaded down her back freely. Their faces were serious and stern as they walked up the sidewalk to the cafe. I felt like I was in a movie – this couldn’t be real. As they approached, my stomach flipped and I felt my heart begin to hammer inside my chest. I began to wonder if they would think I was attractive as well. Once they saw me, I waved and was relieved to see both of their faces light up with huge grins. “Oh my gosh, it is so good to meet you!” Paula gushed, embracing me in a tight bear hug. “Good to meet you,” Greg smiled warmly, hugging me as well. I didn’t know what to expect from him. All of my correspondence had been with Paula, but she told me of how sweet and intelligent he was, so I was at ease. “I know!!! I was so nervous, sitting here!” I felt my face flush and silently cursed my pale skin. “Oh, I am so sorry that we were late! This town is insane to drive in at night! But you look great!” “Oh, thank you! You too!” I blushed. “Yeah, you look hot, Heather.” Greg smiled. We decided to grab a couple of quick drinks at the bar down the street from the club. I had two Heineken’s with lime, Paula had a Long Island Ice Tea, and Greg downed two huge mugs of Guinness. Then it was time to go. Again, my heart fluttered rapidly, and my palms began to sweat. What would I be getting myself into? I felt safe, because while we were in the bar, Greg talked to me and I could tell he was just an awesome guy. We started walking down a quiet back street, and I wondered aloud, “Where is this place? I don’t see anything that even looks like a club down here. Are you sure we are in the right place?” “Well, this is the coolest part about this place. You’re gonna love it!” Paula looked further down the street. “Look at those guys leaning against the wall there.” Greg pointed out. “Those guys are just smoking.” I noticed. “That’s what you think. Watch this.” Paula led the way, and walked right up to the two inconspicuous men. They smiled at her and opened a door that had the street address printed on it. I gaped at Paula, and she laughed naughtily. We walked into a dark hallway, and I could hear loud music with heavy bass lines playing within. “Wow, from the outside you couldn’t even tell that this was a club. It looked like all the other houses and buildings in the French Quarter.” I leaned in to say in Greg’s ear. We went up to a woman seated behind a small desk. She was a plump blonde, wearing heavy makeup. Her breasts were spilling over the top of her red lace corset, and when she smiled up at us, her blood red lips spread across her face. “One couple and a single woman?” She asked with a thick accent that I couldn’t place. “Yes.” Paula answered. “We have memberships already. And we are all locals.” “Alright.” She looked their names up in a notebook she had on the desk and told them it would be $50 tonight. She made me sign some papers saying that I knew this was a sex on-site club, and told me that tonight, single women got in free. We entered the club and a red light illuminated the whole bottom floor. I watched a very tall woman pass by me wearing a thong and knee high leather lace up boots – and that was it. She was gorgeous, with straight jet black hair, and I was reminded of Cher. I blushed and looked at Paula, who was laughing at my reaction. I turned my head back to Cher and admired her incredibly perky natural breasts, her nipples standing at attention. Suddenly I felt overdressed in my velvet skirt and black peasant blouse. “Look over there.” Paula pointed at a huge couch, if you could call it that, in the corner. Imagine a full sized bed, covered in red velvet, and pressed against a wall, with couch pillows lining one side to look like a big comfortable couch. A black couple was on top of this couch, the man with his shirt off and only his black silk boxers on and the woman with only her white lacey bra and panties on. He had her on her back with her legs cocked wide open, and he was laying in front of her, with his mouth cupped over the crotch of her panties. His hands caressed her bottom, thrusting her hips up towards his face forcefully. “Oh my god!” I gasped, stumbling over my own feet, while trying not to be obvious about staring. The loud music was intoxicating. “Wow, those couches look so comfortable.” “Yeah!” Paula laughed, “I bet they are!” “Let’s show Heather upstairs, hon.” Greg motioned to the elevators, and we walked that way. Before I knew it we were headed up to the second floor, and a Latino man wearing a speedo was riding up with us. I checked out his amazing biceps, and began to feel self conscious. He was drinking in the view of Paula standing at the back of the elevator, and she was holding his gaze expertly. Thankfully, the ride was short, and we arrived on the equally as dark second floor. The red light wasn’t on here, and my eyes had to adjust to the darkness before we started walking again. “This is our favorite spot.” Paula led me to three stools seated in front of a ledge and a window. We each took one, and I noticed a large bowl of condoms on the ledge. On the other side of the window that we were now facing was a large room with about eight king-sized mattresses covering the entire floor. On top of these mattresses were about twenty absolutely naked people, men and women of all races, shapes, and sizes! Some were partnered up, some were having group orgies, some were fondling themselves while watching the others and hoping for the prime moment to join in. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! I’d only seen this kind of thing in the movies and on television. You mean, this was real? This was a real place, where real people came to have indiscriminate sex with people they didn’t know? Reading the forums was one thing, but seeing it in the flesh was an entirely different thing! “Oh my god, Paula… I can’t believe this!” I whispered into her ear. I looked over and noticed that she was smiling contentedly, with her head leaned towards me. On her other side, Greg was cupping her breast in one hand and suckling her neck. A spark of jealousy came over me, and I turned back to the window. Suddenly I felt someone brush up against me, and I jumped. The large ebony man in front of me made me lose my breath. He was about 6’2”, and maybe 220 pounds of lean muscle. His dark black skin was shiny with perspiration, and he sported a bald head, just like Greg’s. He was standing there in all of his naked glory, just as confident as he could be. He had every right to be confident. If he stepped one step closer to me, his confidence would slap me right in the face. He smiled, and his white teeth gleamed in the darkness of the room. I could hear moans and heavy breathing all around me, but time seemed to stop as he looked down at me, still seated in the stool. “Hey, Ms. Lady, how are you? Having fun?” His deep voice boomed, and I stammered, not able to get the words out. I tried desperately not to look at his massive cock, but it was proving very difficult. “Excuse me…” He reached over me, his body brushing mine again, causing me to feel faint. Retrieving two Magnum sized condoms from the bowl in front of me, he stepped back again. He held them up, smiled and pointed back to the window suggestively. I shook my head and gulped. He shrugged and rubbed my shoulder, “You let me know if you decide to loosen up. My name is Carl.” “Uh…” I said stupidly, watching him walk away, and gazing longingly at his tight round buttocks. Paula nudged me. “Girl, I saw you flirting!” “Flirting? I couldn’t even speak!” I wiped the sweat from my forehead and looked back into the window. Carl had entered the room again and held the condoms up over his head. He said something that I couldn’t hear and winked. Three women jumped up from their partners embraces and ran over to him across the mattresses. He picked two of them, wrapping his arms around them, and the third woman – a blonde – pouted. She returned to her spurned lover and resumed to suck his dick with fervor. The two women Carl had chosen were a plump black woman with long micro-braids flowing down her back and a brown haired white woman with large obviously fake breasts. He gave the brunette one of the condoms and stood while she put it on him with her mouth. The black woman with the braids stood kissing him while the other woman set to her task. Once it was on, he laid flat on the mattress and guided the black woman onto his dick to ride him while the other white woman sat her skinny behind on his face. I realized that my mouth hung wide open during this whole scene, and snapped it shut. I didn’t want Carl to have the satisfaction of seeing me stare at him. As if reading my mind, Paula leaned in and whispered, “You know, the window is a mirror on the other side. The people in the room can’t see who is out here watching them. Cool, huh? I don’t think I could ever go in there, I’m not for that orgy mess. But it sure is sweet to watch!” I saw that Greg had moved off the stool, standing behind Paula, reaching around to tweak her nipples while he looked into the window. I caught his gaze and he smiled at me. He reached one hand around her and pulled her long skirt up, revealing her long legs and part of her red satin panties. I watched with growing interest as he kept my eye contact while pulling her panties to the side and letting his fingers explore her moist cavern. Paula looked over at me and noticed that Greg and I were looking at each other. She smiled, arching her back while still seated on the stool. Her head leaned back to rest on his chest. I watched his fingers disappear and reappear over and over again inside of her, until they glistened with her sweet love juices. I also noticed that she was clean shaven down there, and her pussy lips were a darker brown than the rest of her skin. I had never seen another woman’s vagina before. Sure, in the porno’s that my ex-husband used to watch and his dirty magazines that he used to keep in the closet, but not up close and in person. I breathed deeply, feeling myself getting wet as I sat there - their captive audience. On the other side of them, an older woman sat on the stool that Greg had vacated, and now she was looking over Paula’s shoulder to watch them as well. “Damn, ya’ll a better show than those fools in the window!” She rasped, with a voice that was a tell-tale sign of a heavy smoker. Paula’s head snapped up and looked at the woman. She stiffened, and pulled away from Greg, pulling her skirt down quickly. “Let’s go into the other room.” Standing, Paula took my hand and walked towards another room on the second floor. This one had large plush couches – real couches, not like the ones down stairs – and a roaring fireplace. It was better lit than the rest of the club, with numerous candles in all corners of the room. Paula laid on one of the couches, and pulled me down on top of her. I was nervous, having never been with another woman before. I pulled away. She shrugged and spread her legs, letting her skirt ride up. I slid to the opposite end of the couch to make room for Greg next to her. He didn’t sit. Instead he knelt on the floor by the couch in front of her and slid her around to face him. She placed her legs over his shoulders and allowed him to lift her skirt up over his head. Now her skirt covered his head, and she leaned back into the couch, moaning and arching her back as he pleasured her. I slid closer to her. She looked at me and leaned in. Nervously, I leaned forward to meet her lips. I kissed her like I would kiss a man, and realized that this felt even better. Her lips were soft and full, and occasionally, a soft moan would escape them – a result of whatever Greg was doing below. We kissed this way for a long time, until I couldn’t control myself any longer. I reached up and caressed her breasts with my hand, feeling the fullness of them and the hardness of her nipples jutting through the material of her bra. Pretty soon, Greg and I had Paula writhing uncontrollably, moaning loudly, and tossing her head back and forth in ecstasy as he fingered her and ate her pussy and I licked and suckled her breasts that I had let loose from their constraints. We had a large audience now, and they were sitting in the other couches around us in the room. Funny thing was, this time, none of us cared. We were so caught up in the heat of our passion that nothing else mattered. When we were sure that Paula had came, over and over again, we laid there on the couch, pressed tight to one another, Greg laying down, Paula on top of him, and me behind Paula, holding her tight. The crowd dispersed and left us to relax. I found myself falling asleep, unbelieveably. I felt someone shaking me awake, and opened my eyes. “Girl, the owner just woke us up! We have to go, it’s four AM and they are closing!” Paula laughed, pulling me up. Greg was rubbing the sleep from his eyes and standing behind the couch. I stood, and laughed nervously. “I can’t believe I fell asleep!” I shook my head. “I know, crazy huh?” Paula smiled, grabbing both Greg and I by the hand and leading us back onto the street. For the last year, Greg and Paula call me every couple of months. They tell me to meet them at a certain hotel when they rented a room at for the night, we go trolling Bourbon Street holding hands and getting looks from people, and then, if I’m lucky, we spend the night together. Greg and I never have intercourse. That is reserved for them. I watch them have sex all the time, but we have all done everything else to each other besides that. I never thought I would end up in love with two people so deeply. I would never dare try to get between the two of them. They are madly in love with each other, and I would not want to break that apart. Actually, I wonder if I would even like either of them alone. I enjoy the feeling of being with a couple, and sharing the attention. But occasionally I find myself thinking about Paula and her expert mouth, her clever hands and fingers, in the middle of the night, and I end up reaching for my little pink Beaver vibrator. That makes me wonder. Sometimes they call me, and sometimes they don’t. But when they do call me, I come running.
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