50 Year Old
Invited by: shanmeister12·
Joined on October 2, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 4th
·7 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
50 Year Old
Invited by: shanmeister12·
Joined on October 2, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 4th
·7 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
50 Year Old
Invited by: shanmeister12·
Joined on October 2, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 4th
·7 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
its not about people knowing who you are..its about livin your life in a way evryone wants to know who u are!! x ღ¢¾ღ A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though she knows that you are slightly cracked ღ¢¾ღ
Happy Tuesday :) Hope you had a great weekend and a great day. Just wanted to pop in, show someluv and share this very cute video...not the usually funny ones, but a"feel good" one...hopeyou enjoy...have a great evening :))))))HUGS(((((~Nellie
Hope you had a great weekend and a great day :)I wanted to stop by and show you some luv and to share this little video...look at their reactions hahaha :D)))))HUGS(((((~Nellie
Online friends are people we may never meet... We see pictures, we see cams... It isn't the same.... We grow close... We care and love one another.... One day we may not hear from one another... Our hearts will break... All we see is a name on messenger but we don't see the person anymore... We pray..."Please come back" All I ask is that you remember me in the good times we had... Keep me close to your heart... Friends forever. Pass this on to all your friends... If I get it back... I know you care
Happy Tuesday...I haven't been on a while, things been a little crazy, but I wanted to say helloand hope things are going great. I don't know how often or when I'll be back again, just don't think I forgot about you :)Hope you have a great evening and enjoy this little video :))))))HUGS(((((~Nellie
TGIF!!! Sorry I haven't been on in a while...been so crazy lately at work, working 14-16 hour days...but, the weekend's here, hope you had a better week than I had lol. Well, just wanted to stop by show you some luv and leave you this little prank video hehe :DHave a great weekend :))))))HUGS(((((~Nellie
All she wants to do is, dance, dance, dance . . .Did you know that it's Beautiful Women Month?Well, it is and that means you !!!I'm supposed to send this to FIVE BEAUTIFULWOMEN,and you are one of them !!!Below is a wonderful poem Audrey Hepburn wrotewhen asked to share her 'beauty tips.'It was read at her funeral years later.For attractive lips , speak words of kindness...For lovely eyes , seek out the good in people.For a slim figure , share your food with the hungry.For beautiful hair , let a child run his/her fingersthrough it once a day.For poise , walk with the knowledge that you never walkalone...People, even more than things, have to be restored,renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeeme never throw out anyone.Remember, if you ever need a helping hand,you will find one at the end of each of your arms.As you grow older, you will discover that you have twohands ; one for helping yourself and the other for helpingothers.If you share this with another woman, something good willhappen......You will boost another woman's self esteem, and she willknow that you care about her.It's BEAUTIFUL Women MonthTAG YOU'RE IT!Dance On, Sister!!!
Just wanted to stop by and show you luv...hope you had a great weekend and you're having a great Monday :) Hope this little video makes your Monday a bit better hehe :D)))))HUGS(((((~Nellie
Hope you're having a great weekend...just wanted to stop by and show you some luv and share thisfunny video...now bust a move hahaha :))))))HUGS(((((~Nellie
Hope you're having a wonderful Thursday!! Me I'm ready for the weekend already...one more day to go!!Well, here's another one of my favorites...enjoy :))))))HUGS(((((~Nellie
Happy Friday!! Hope you enjoyed a nice short week and have a great weekend planned.Have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoy this little funny video to get the weekend startedwith a laugh hahaha :) )))))HUGS(((((~Nellie
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! It's Christmas Eve and I hope that you haven't been naughty hehe ;) Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday :) )))))HUGS(((((~NellieDid you ever wonder what Santa's crib looks like? Hehe