"No more would I hurt"
I say and close the doors to my heart
Chains and straps
Latches and locks
I remove the tattered, abused Key
The last tear gliding down my face
Crossing the largest ocean
Hiking vast expanses of plains
Climbing to the tallest mountain
I gaze one last time at the twisted metal
And throw the key as hard as possible
Going on with my life
An empty void within
Telling myself over and over
"Better emptiness than pain"
Then one day you cross my path
A calm, warm smile upon your lips
Sharply and politely I say to you
"I will not hurt anymore, for anyone"
Still smiling you softly reply
"And you'll receive no pain from me"
You extend your hand out
And open to show a glinting object
Confusion on my face, I look
A soft glow, shining brightly
A sight I had not seen in so long
A Key of purest compassionate crafting
You place your hand with the Key on my chest
And release a flood of emotions
You wrap your arms around me
And you whisper softly
"You'll receive no hurt from me"
Written By Me.....