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If you could have three wishes, what would you spend them on? If you were trapped on an island with only one Cd, what would you want it t What one super power would you most like to have? You and one other person surive the Armaggedon, who is the other person? If you had to save one thing from your burning house, what would it be? If you had 24 hours to live, what would you spend it doing? After the 24 hours, how would you most like to go out? Would you rather give an orgasm on command or receive one? You can get away with murdering any one person, who do you choose? What one person would you bring back from the dead? You can make one person fall eternally in love with you, who do you choose? You can wipe one animal completely out of existence, what do you choose? What country would you most like to wipe out of existence? This or that Live forever (aging) or die young Be a porn star or a prostitute Kill your favorite pet or kill your favorite sibling Suffocate or drown Burn to death or freeze to death Have no fingers or no eyelids Be blind or deaf Never see your Mom again or never see your Dad Sleep in a tank of spiders or bath of cockroaches Live in constant fear or constant pain Be too thin or too fat Be constantly talked about or ignored Be a pothead or an alcoholic Eat until your stomach burst or starve to death Have to have sex with everyone you meet or never have sex at all For 5 Million Dollars.... Would you... Murder someone you didn't know? Have sex with a member of your family? Throw yourself from a great height? (non-fatal) Set yourself on fire? (non-fatal) Never see your parents again? Be a heroin addict? Be made hideously ugly by plastic surgery? Beat up your favourite sibling? Kill an animal? Run around your school naked? Have a baby? Never speak again? Never see any of your friends again? Have your legs amputated?

Stuff About YOU!

Name DOB Highest level of education completed Piercings Tattoos Pets Religion State you live in Favorites Color Food Clothing store Animal Band Music Artist Movie TV Show Place to be Person to be with Time of Day Season Resturant Magazine Website Person to hug Person to kiss Thing you own Song Drink Ice cream flavor Car Item of clothing you own Memory CD Subject in school Sport to watch Sports team Word Cuss word Roller coaster Theme park Room in your house Place in your house (besides the one you said above) Thing to do Book Do you... Ever drink Ever smoke Shower daily Listen to rap Country R & B Rock Pop Classical Jazz Any other genres Cuss Watch MTV Watch The Real World Have a best friend Have any enemies Smile a lot Laugh a lot Cry a lot Laugh easily Cry easily Have mood swings Have a role model Have a hero Have any obsessions Like to shop Like the taste of alcohol Like school Have crazy dreams Day dream Have a cell phone Have your own pool Have any scars Have an iPod Do well in school Brush your teeth twice a day Eat meat Drive Have a car Love shopping Love your friends Love Starbucks Love little kids Cheat on tests/ homework Stay up late and sleep till atleast noon Run to class because your always late Like sushi Consider yourself fat Get annoyed easily Have you EVER??? Drank alcohol Under the legal age Smoked Been Skinny Dipping Been TP-ing Tanned topless Cussed in front of your parents Wanted to change something about yourself Burnt yourself with a curling iron straightner Bought something way to expensive Bought something you wanted to take back right after you bought it Been Camping Been to NYC Been out of the USA Danced in public Given a lap dance Received a lap dance Stolen anything Been embarrssed by a family member Mooned someone Asked a stranger for a tampon Been searched in an airport Bought a thong when the cashier was a guy Sang a solo in front of a crowd Broken the law Broken a bone Been in jail Made out with a poster Had lice Wanted to be a TV/Movie star Cried for no reason Laughed for no reason Been measured for a bra at Victorias Secret Looked at porn Went on a diet Been called fat Been skiing Skipped School Ate just because you were bored Gone somewhere public in your pajamas Been on a cruise Done something you seriously regret Been in a physical fight Spent the night at a house of the oppisate sex Wached TV for over 6 hours in a row Been to 2 movies at the cinema in one day Gone an entire day without food or water Ate at a fast food resturant 3 times in a day Lasts.... Person you kissed Person you hugged Person you went to the movies with Movie you saw TV show you watched Person you yelled at Time you laughed Time you cried Time you cussed Party you went to Gift you gave Gift you received Thing you ate Thing you drank Person you went out to dinner with Time you posed for a picture Person you talked to on the phone Time you tanned Time you went shopping Time you applied make-up Concert you went to This or That... Pick one! Girls or Guys Black or White Red or Blue Gold or Silver Cake or Pie Subway or Firehouse Applebees or Outback Car or SUV TV or Movie Movie at home or cinema Widescreen or Normal Cat or Dog Beach or Mall Football or Baseball MTV or VH1 Real World or Road Rules Christmas or Halloween Tooth Fairy or Easter Bunny Kiss or Hug Sun or Moon TV or Computer On Ice or On Water Abercrombie or Hot Topic American Eagle or Hollister Aeropostale or Old Navy Sunglasses or Hat Winter or Summer Fall or Spring Water or Soda Coffee or Orange Juice Rap or Screamo Full House or Boy Meets World Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks Alone or With a friend Paper or Plastic Middle School or High School Smoking or Drinking Love or Money Hot or Cold Boxers or Briefs (on guys) Muscular or Really Skinny Blonde or Brunette Sight or Hearing Beach or Pool Mountains or Beach Half empty or Half full Stomachace or Headache Jeans or Sweatpants Skirt or Jeans Couch or Bed Child or Teen Funny or Serious Interesting or Fun Sleeping or Shopping Bra or Underwear Jacket or Sweatshirt Christmas or Birthday 4th of July or Saint Patricks Day Scheduled or Laid Back Talking online or On the phone Tan or Pale Cough or Sneeze Hot Tub or Pool Singing or Dancing Ashlee Simpson or Jessica Simpson Ludacris or Lil Jon Radio or CD Chips or Candy Sweet or Salty Pad or Tampon Jazz or Rock Country or Classical 1 best friend or 10 aquantinces 50 Cent or Kanye West Single or Taken Saved by the Bell or Step by Step Sex in the City or Desprate Housewives Appetizer or Dessert Apple or Banana Orange or Grapes Strawberry or Blueberry Oprah or Ellen Lights on or Off Soup or Salad Arm Muscles or Abs Reality TV or Sitcom That 70s Show or Seinfeld Pencil or Pen Eating or Working Out Random What is your weakness What are your biggest fears What is your most embarrassing moment Do you act ghetto What is your biggest pet peeve Do you like to be surprised If you could chang one thing about your school what would you change Biggest turn ons What is your favorite purse What are you doing today Do you procrastinate Do you scrapbook What online symbol do you use the most Do you read the newspaper Are you shy when prople first meet you Are you a lazy person Are you a pervered person Have you ever kicked a guy in the balls Have you ever had any New Years Resolutions Where are you going on your next vacation Are you a Democrat or a Republican Do you like romantic movies Who is your favorite actor/actress What is the most annoying thing about your personality What do you do when you are bored Would you consider yourself a drama queen What is your best physical feature What is your worst physical feature Do you have a lot of inside jokes with your friends What brand of shoes are you wearing What song are you currently listening to Current clothes Do you watch The OC Do you have a curfew What songs make you cry What movies make you cry Have you ever been pregnant Do you like jocks What is the biggest injury youve ever had Are you good at puzzles Can you keep a secret Have you ever taking a dance class Are you a virgin When was the last time you cried at school and why Do you like to party What is your favorite scent Would you ever bungee jump What size shoe do you where Have you ever thown up at school Have you ever screamed in a library Have you ever gotten kicked out of a store Have you ever gotten dressed and hated your outfit Are you a good whistler Can you touched your nose with you tongue Who are you thinking about right now Wonder or amazement What is your favorite type of kiss When was the last time you mooned someone What is the stupidest movie youve ever seen Do any of your friends have blonde moments Do you like to travel What is your favorite number What do you want to be when you grow up Do you have your future kids names planned out If you could adopt any one of your friends who would you adopt End this survey with a good quote/phrase


What is your Zodiac Sign? What makes you feel like a kid again? What is your weakness? What candle scent is your favorite? What is your nationality? What kind of music do you dislike most? What sport do you dislike most? What is your favorite drink? Are you a good kisser? Can you cook? Do you go out with your friends often? What was your favorite toy as a kid? Whats your favorite movie? Last time you were in trouble? Whats your favorite sports team? What kind of phone do you have? Have you ever been to a strip club? Whats in your CD player? Are your toenails painted? What was your 1st alcoholic beverage? Do you have a crush on anyone? Have you ever been on an airplane? Whats in your shower? Do you have an Ipod? Mac or PC? Are you getting along with your parents? Do you wear jewelery? First thing you think when you wake up? Have you ever gone scuba diving? Whats on your feet right now? Whats your dream car? When is the last time you kissed some one? Whats your favorite smell? Are you modest? What cell phone carrier do you use? Have you gone to a prom? How do you take your coffee? Do you care others think about you? What do you do when your driving? Whats the last thing you ate? Walmart or Target? What do you think of your last ex? Do you kiss and tell? Are you a good speller? Whats on your mousepad? What taste is in your mouth? What is your favorite snack? Is your hair curly or straight?

Boredness Solution

The basics Name Age Age you wish you were Are you a student? What grade? Birthday Hair color Eye color Height? Any nicknames? Are you a chick or a duck? This-or-that! Chips or candy? Friends of bf/gf A few really close friends or a ton of aquaintances? Twix or Snickers? Water or Milk? Apples or oranges? Carrots or corn? Fruit or vegetable? Cats or dogs? Kerry or Bush? Cute or pretty? Handome or hot? playing or watching sports? big city or small town? Rock or rap? Cell phone or home line? Yahoo or aim? Taking pictures or having yours taken? reading or writing? Suspense or romance? What is your favorite.... Song? Book? Movie? Band? Singer? Actor? Actress? Sport? Show? Game? Food? Drink? Candy? Gum? Website? Subject in school? Descirbe.... The scariest thing that has ever happened to you You best friend How you look Your favorite scent Your best memory Your perfect guy your crush.. if u dont want to do looks just do personality The best time of your life Your love life Are you single or taken? Are you happy with it? Describe your bf/gf or your crush If you are single.. do you like anyone? If you are taken do you like anyone besides your bf or gf? If so, does this person know? Describe your perfect date Do you over that this section is over? Cuz i know i hate these sections The future Do you plan on graduating high school? Going to college? What college? Do you want to get married? Have kids? How many? What will their names be? Where do you want to live? Dream job? Dream car? Where will you get married, if you will? Honeymoon? Randomness Without looking at a clock, what time do u think it is? okay, now look.. what time is it actually? Try writing your name with your nose... Now try it with your chin Now your elbow... Reach out straight with your left hand, what is the first thing you touch? What about your right? Are you talking to anyone on the phone or online? If so who? Say to them... I want a cow! What do they say back? Are you a superhero? Of course you are.. what is your superpower? What color, if any, underpants are you wearing? What do you like on your pizza? Do you like grapes? What color apples do you like? Do you have a cell? What color? And the brand? What is the last thing you ate? Drank? Heard? Have you ever... kissed someone in the rain? sang when you thought noone was listening, but someone was? Been in love? been close to love? wanted to tell someone you loved them? told someone you loved them and meant it? told them that and not meant it? been out of the country? danced naked when you were home alone? watched a show/movie you would be ashamed telling people you watched went out with someone because you felt sorry for them been a clam? wanted to be a clam? cussed someone out? had a crush on your best friend? got hit in the head with a basketball or any sports-related ball? If so, is your name Gianna? pretended to be someone your not to get someone to notice you? liked a survey like this? Word association Red Girl Me evil you love hate food friend peanut clam llama mom duuuude peace Friends Best friend Craziest Loudest Oldest Youngest Known Longest blondest smartest dumbest most dramatic quietest randomest tallest shortest prettiest(or cutest for guys) Who was the lsat person ... you talked to you called that called you? you imed that imed you you had a crush on you cried over you missed you went to a movie with you ate out with you saw hurt played with laughed at laughed with you hugged kissed Right now Watching Listening to eating drinking talking to waiting for date location what are you thinking you are wishing avoiding anything? day of the week? playing... reading... being annoyed by?

Your lasts

Spilled your heart out to someone and they didnt care? Called a best friend and had them hang up on you? Lied about your age to feel cooler or look cooler? Kissed someone behind your boyfriend or girlfriends back? Kissed your boyfriend or girlfriend? Held hands with your boyfriend or girlfriend? Lied to them about a freind, saying they were just a friend..? Had your boyfriend or girlfriend ditch you on your birthday? Had your boyfriend or girlfriend ditch you on your 2 month anniversary? Cuddled with a complete stranger? Cuddled with your boyfriend or girlfriends best friend? Cuddled alone because your boyfriend or girlfriend were mad at you? Cried or appeared sorrowful to any extent? Cheated on someone because you thought they cheated on you? Lied and said you were single for a one night stand? Wore a skanky outfit to please your boyfriend or girlfriends best friends? Listened to a song and actually felt the lyrics down to its bloody heart? Told your parents you loved them, and actually meant it? Someone called you a lush? Made out in the rain? Made out in a sleet storm? Actually danced the night away? Made out with your hand due to extreme lonliness? Had your /best friend/ use you for a shoulder? Someone held you close to them, so close you could hear their heartbeat? Saw an abnormally distinguished person? Got so drunk you couldnt remember your own last name? Had a one night stand? Had actual intercourse with the one you love? Masterbajacked? Hung out with your boyfriend or girlfriends best friend to get details? Said I love you to someone and actually meant it? Changed yourself to be with the one you liked? Left the one you loved for the one you liked? Found out the one you liked, hated you and moved on? Found out what a broken heart really is? Had cramps in your stomach? Met someone and fell instantly in love with them? Agreed with the saying everything happens for a reason..? Drank yourself to happiness? Woke up naked next to your best friend? Wore your best friends underwear on your head? Wore your best friends underwear.. cause you lost yours under there bed? Got asked to homecoming, then got ditched for the hotter signifagent other? Showed off a little too much skin to get a better grade in class? Fucked, like really just fucked? Fucked up a friendship for a lover? Chose a friend over a lover? Madeout in the backseat of a car or an SUV? Couldnt get just enough of that special someones kisses? Felt really cheesy and called your lover /sweetpea/ or /puddin/? Called yourself an extremely cheesy but awesome person? Got complimented by a total stranger? Got complimented by your best friends mom? Were depressed for absolutely no reason, you just felt like it? Had your lover treat you like complete bullshit, and you took it? Got someone to beleive, stuffing your bra is natural enhancement? Had your lover come over half naked? Went to your lovers house half naked? Thought you saw your dog or another animal half naked? Thought you were the king or queen of the jungle? Bought a shirt because it looked killer on your best friend? Said the word killer? Had someone say killer in any sentence directed to you? Told someone your favroite band was the same as theres, to get with them? Got caught looking at pornography? Got caught masterbajacking? Tried something completely new? Were hott and bothered? Licked someones cheek? Had someone lick your cheek? Licked someones cheek while they licked another who was licking your cheek? Got naked and sat around in your house with the AC on? Woke up with someone else, and not so alone? Got called a scenester? Started to beleive that you just might be that? Got paid for sexual doings? Joined any type of mob, group, scene, cathouse? Danced naked around your room? Had someone walk in while dancing around in your room naked? Listened to any recent Britney Spears song, and liked it? Kissed someone, just in general? Hugged anyone, excluding yourself? Flipped someone the bird? Called your ex at 4 in the morning to tell them you /hate/ them? Read a book based on completely nothing? Had a survey make you realize how much of an asshole you really are? Had your brain repeatedly say /error error error error/? Thought maybe 90 questions is where it should end? Thought maybe this survey is bringing on a guilt trip? Put on pink nail polish, then spilt it on your new shirt and went rip-shit? Did an essay in 6 minutes or less? Actually fully read a pop-up? Missed out on something big? Missed out on the biggest makeout session in the world? Ditched out on a best friend for a makeout session? Made out with your best friend cause you didnt feel like ditching again?


TEN THINGS 1. Are you single? 2. Are you happy? 3. Are you bored? 4. Are you sad? 5. Are you Italian? 6. Are you German? 7. Are you Asian? 8. Are you cool? 9. Are you Irish? 10. Are your parents still married? TEN FACTS 1. Birth Place: 2. Hair Color: 4. Hair style: 5. Eye color: 6. Birthday: 7. Mood: 8. Where do you live? 9. How many credit cards do you have? 10. Lefty/righty? TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE 1. Have you ever been in love? 2. Do you believe in love at first sight? 3. Why did your last relationship fail? 4. Have you ever been hurt? 5. Have you ever broken someones heart? 6. Are you in love? 7. Are you friends with your exs? 8. Are you afraid of commitment? 9. Have you hugged someone within the last week? 10. Have you ever had a secret admirer? TEN THIS OR THAT? 1. Love or lust? 2. Liquor or beer? 3. Cats or dogs? 4. A few best friends or many regular friends? 5. Television or Internet? 6. Pepsi or coke? 7. Wild night out or romantic night in? 8. Busch Gardens or Six Flags? 9. Night or day? 10. IM or phone? TEN HAVE YOU EVER 1. Been caught sneaking out? 2. Been skinny dipping? 3. Done something you regret? 4. Bungee jumped? 5. White water rafted? 6. Finished an entire jaw breaker? 7. Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? 8. Prank called a store? 9. Skipped school? 10. Wanted to disappear? TEN PREFERENCES 1. Smile or eyes: 2. Light or dark hair: 3. Hugs or kisses: 4. Shorter or taller: 5. Intelligence or attraction: 6. Romantic or spontaneous: 7. Jock or Nerd? 8. Hook-up or relationship: 9. Funny and poor OR Rich and serious 10. Play the guitar or into sports: TEN LASTS 1. Last phone call you made: 2. Last phone call you received: 3. Last person you hung out with: 4. Last person you hugged: 5. Last person you tackled: 6. Last person you IMed: 7. Last person you kissed: 8. Last thing eaten: 9. Last thing you drank: 10. Last site you went to:


What song has captured your mind lately? What TV show do you catch regularly? What book really has lately engaged you? What movie do you find yourself re-watching? Has someone in your life become a new and surprising friend? Is there a book/film/piece of music from your childhood you still have? What is something that is over-rated lately? What is the best kept secret in music you NEED to share? What comfort food has been important to you of late? What place is your hiding place? Do you collect anything? If so what? What is a weekly ritual for you? What beverage is a daily consumable for you? What store or shop do you frequent the most? Are you a creature of habit? What is your favorite animal? Who is your favorite actress/actor? Are you obsessed with pink?
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