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XxJennieRocksxX's blog: "Survey"

created on 03/15/2007  |  http://fubar.com/survey/b64850

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Relationship Survey

1) Are you single, taken, or crushing? taken 2)Are you happy where you are? Yes I love who I am with. 3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast? I fell very fast this time! 4) Have you ever had your heart broken? It's been crushed a few times. 5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok? Cheating is disgusting and anyone who cheats is fucked up. So fuck that, no excuse. 6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? nope. I have morals that I stick to. I can barely associate with people like that, let alone date one of them 7) Have you ever talked about marriage with someone? Kind of but nothing serious 8) Do you want kids? I have 2 beautiful children maybe one more some day. 9) How many? see above 10) Would you consider adoption? Probably npt, but you never know. 11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think is a cool way to tell you? He did it perfectly 12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get? no, games are stupid... 13) Do you want someone you can't have? Not at all 14) Do you believe love at first sight exists? More like lust, but with Jeremy it was pretty amazing and absolutely felt like love as crazy as that sounds. 15) Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries? yeah 16) Do you believe that you can change someone? Nope if someone needs to change they have to want to and do it on their own. 17) Do you have feelings for someone? deeply 18) Do you have feelings for an ex? nope 19) Have you ever wished you could have someone but you couldn’t? When I was younger I was convinced Axl Rose and I were meant to be ;) 20) Would you ever consider getting engaged or married right after school? Maybe if I felt that it was right, but that never was an issue lol. 21) Would you Marry any of your Ex's if they ask? um, HELL NO

Sunday morning survey

1. How old will you be in 10 months? 28!! 2. Do you think you'll be married by then? lol I doubt that 3. What do you look forward to most in the next 3 months? Every day with Jeremy, the summer, more Halflink shows, Julia's Birthday :) 4. Who was the last person you called? Mom or Keith 5. Who was the last person to call you? Keith 6. Do you prefer to call or text? text 7. Do you have any pets? one cat 8. What were you doing at 12am last night? going to sleep 9. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? seperated 10. When is the last time you saw your mom? yesterday 11. What happened at 11:00a.m.? lol nothing Jeremy and I were sitting next to each other on our laptops 12. How many states have you lived in? 2 13. How many cities/towns have you lived in? 3 14. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? flip flops 15. Are you a social person? yes! 16. What was the last thing you ate? dinner @ olive garden! 17. What is your favorite ice cream? choc and vanilla swirl 18. What is your favorite dessert? ice cream. 19. What is your favorite TV show? LOST 20. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? I HATE jelly lol 21. Do you like coffee? ewww noooo 22. How many glasses of water a day do you drink on average? more then you should every day :) 23. What do you drink in the morning? water 24. Would you rather kiss someone with or without a tongue ring? with out because my boyfriend does not have one and he is the only person I want to kiss....unless I meet this certain girl some day lol 25. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? yes!! 26. Do you know how to play poker? yep 27. Do you like to cuddle? love it but my boyfriend wouldn't cuddle with me last night :( lol he was sleeping so it's ok 28. Do you like cheese? YES lol 29. Do you eat out or at home more often? home 30. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? yes 32. Would you ever get your nipples pierced? HELL NOOOOOOO thats disgusting 33. Have you ever smoked? yeah 34. Have you ever been in an ambulance? no 35. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool? pool 36. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? window. 37. Do you know how to drive a stick shift? nope. 38. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? um everything lol 39. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7? yes my ring my Grandfather gave me for my 16th bday 40. Do you speak any other language? no thanks 41. Can you roll your tongue? nope. 42. Who is the funniest person you know? My brother and Jeremy 43. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no 44. What is the main ring tone on your phone? The kill- 30 seconds to mars 45. Do you still have clothes from when you were little? um I don't think so 46. What is the color of your bedroom walls? white 47. Do you shut off the water when u brush ur teeth? no 48. Do you sleep with your closet doors opened or closed? closed 49. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? neither!!! 50. Do you flirt a lot? Only with someone very very special!!

Life changes

3 YEARS AGO: How old were you? Then: 24 Now: 27 Where did you go to school? Then: Nowhere Now: Same Where did you work? Then: nowhere lol I just had a brand new baby!!! Now: At home watching children Where did you live? Then: MY HOUSE Now: Same Where did you hang out? Then: Home with my kids lol Now: Same, but I go to Jeremy's quite a bit. Also love to catch a Halflink show when I get the chance. What was your hair style: Then: Long curly thick ass hair but STRAIGHTEN IT LOOOOOOTS!! lol Now: same Did you wear glasses? Then: no never Now: nopers How many tattoos did you have? Then: 0 Now: maybe 1 SOON How many piercings did you have? Then: my ears Now: same What was your worst fear? Then: Well, going to sleep at night was very hard this time 3 years ago becuase my Baby and I almost died! Now: Anything bad happening to me and everyone that matters most to me. You been arrested?: Then: hell no Now: no Had your heart broken? Then: Yes Now: Yes :( Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter? Then: taken Now: still taken, but not Keith anymore.....Jeremy

Got Bored

1. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach? Every time I see Jeremy, hear his voice, & look at his pictures : ) 2. What was your last alcoholic beverage? smirnoff 3. Who is/are the friend/s you can count on the most? Sherri Brandi & Kristi 4. Where was your first kiss with your current significant other? At his house 5. Favorite Band? Guns N' Roses 6. What is something you've learned about yourself recently? I deserve the best 7. Do you like anyone? I more then like someone 8. Do you know anyone who is engaged? yes 9. What's your favorite number? 21 and 22 10. Who was the last person to make you cry? Jeremy but not in a bad way 11. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? yes 12. When was the last time you cried? last night 13. What is one thing you miss about your past? Living in Greenbelt 14. What are some things you've learned about life? There is a lot of evil and bad things in this world but there are also some amazing wonderful things. Why not hold on to the good instead of dwell on the bad? my motto- Live Laugh & LOVE <333 15. Are you jealous of anyone? I guess everyone is jealous of people, but I try to appreciate and love who I am and what I have instead of wishing I was more like someone else. 16. Is anyone jealous of you? probably 17. Has a friend ever used you? none of my true friends ever have 18. Has anyone recently told you that they like you more than as a friend? yes :) 19. Who was the last person you drove with? Jeremy and Jess 20. What are you looking forward to? tomorrow night HALFLINK and PSYCHOSTICK 21. How are you today? happy 22. Are you currently single? no :D 23. How many things in your past do you regret? a few 24. Do you have a best friend? I sure do and I love all of my best friends so much! 25. Have you ever kissed two people in one night? yep well my kids of course lol 26. Who was the last person you hugged? Jessica 27. Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't have them? sorta, hasn't everyone? 28. If you could change anything about your past, what would it be? I don't think I really would because everything happens for a reason. 29. Have you ever felt like killing somebody? yes! the guy responsible for my God Daughter's death!!! 30. Do you like your life? for the most part 31. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? yeah, but u know what? nobody is perfect and we all do dumb things that we regret 32. Did you forgive them? yes 33. Do you like gum? sure 34. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys? used to be more guys but now I think more girls 35. How long have you had a myspace? 3 years 36. Has anyone ever cheated on you? way back in the day lol Eddie Wilson cheated on me with anyone and everyone! 37. Favorite boys name? Jeremy lol 38. Favorite girls name? Julia and Jessica 39. What are some of your biggest fears of your life? DEATH is my biggest fear & losing my loved ones. 40. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Way too many times 41. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? YES lol 42. Are you a player? never have been and never will be 43. Have you ever dated/fooled around with a co-worker? nope 44. Are looks important? You have to be attracted for it to work, yes but looks are not everything!! 45. Does how many people a person has slept with affect the way you view them? No 46. Do you believe in love? I do!!
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