fubar Levels: Levels, Points, and Unlocks:
Levels Points Unlock...
0 Freshmeat - 0 - Up to 50 photos
1 Newfu - 250 - Being known as Meat =)
2 Fu-ling - 500 - Set your own online status
3 Grasshopper - 1,000 - Vote on a MUMM
4 Chill Fu - 2,000 - Post HTML comments
5 Fu-Fighter - 4,000 - Create your own MUMMs
6 Twisted Fu - 6,500 - Rip a photo
7 Wasted Fu - 9,000 - Up to 70 photos
8 Psycho - 14,000 Up to 750 profile ratings
9 Freak - 25,000 Up to 6000 friends
10 Friend of fubar - 35,000 Create your own lounge
11 Barfly - 50,000 - Up to 110 photos
12 Regular - 75,000 - Up to 10,000 friends
13 Bad Fu - 100,000 - Up to 140 photos
14 Minion - 135,000 - Up to 25 family members
15 Idol - 170,000 - Up to 5 MUMMs a day
16 Fu-gee - 210,000 - Up to 175 photos
17 Pimp - 250,000 - Up to 1000 photo ratings
18 Assassin - 300,000 - Up to 1000 profile ratings
19 Ninja - 350,000 - Up to 225 photos
20 Rock Star - 425,000 - Bolded nickname
21 Fuberlord - 750,000 - Up to 1500 profile ratings
22 Henchman - 1,500,000 - Up to 500 bulletins
23 Insider - 2,250,000 - Up to 280 photos
24 Fu-king - 3,000,000 - Up to 290 photos
25 Godfather - 6,000,000 - Bragging rights.
50 Sponsored User - Someone who has shown consistent support for fubar throughout its lifetime
55 Rising Star - Designated by a Celebrity Ambassador
56 Verified Celebrity - Designated by a Celebrity Ambassador
57 Verified Celebrity (Ambassador) - An ambassador for Verified Celebrities that uses various methods to verify a celebrity as "real" or "fake"
100 fubar Supporter - Someone who has helped out fubar along the way
150 fubar Bouncer - A community volunteer who helps keep fubar a safe and clean place to hangout!
200 fubar Family - The folks who spend every breathing moment working fubar
255 Shepherd - babyjesus