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Meteor's blog: "Support"

created on 09/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/support/b327
1)cleavage shot,no face,nsfw 2)butt shot,with or with out thong or clothes,nsfw 3)any sexual act,nsfw 4)any nudity,male or female,nsfw 5)drugs,of any kind,usage or pics of the drug,nsfw 6)text tags with vulgar or sexual content,nsfw 7)morbid pics,decaputations,and such. 8)Bathing suits and panty shots with spreading legs, if it looks like porn you must mark it reguardless if there is a clearly seen face or not. 9) Gory Pics 10) Pictures that contain NAY KIND OF MARIJUANA LEAVES 11)NSFW pics in private folders MUST BE marked as nsfw too. 12) Bongs/Bowls/Joints G♄Ω§†


How to make a Salute? 1. Make a sign of yourself having your nickname @ fubar.com UID(User ID) #81630 2. Make sure you face is clearly visible 3. Indecent exposure pics will be rejected 4. Salutes in Private Albums will be rejected. 5. To tag a photo as a salute you have to click the option "Tag a photo in this album as a salute" "WHY DIDNT I GET MY SALUTE APPROVED?" Ask yourself these simple questions..... Please follow these guidelines in approving salutes: A HANDWRITTEN sign that clearly states: FUBAR.COM, SCREEN NAME, and MEMBER ID along with a clear picture in the photo. We should be able to clearly read the sign and see the member in the photo. (Example www.fubar.com/Scrapper, ID #22) “Photoshopped” and typed salutes will NOT be accepted. If it looks misleading, it should be rejected. The following items WILL be allowed in the photo as part of the verification: a) A LostCherry/CherryTAP/fubar t-shirt. b) Sitting next to their PC, with THEIR fubar profile on the screen.. c) Any signs written on their hands, arms, head, but they MUST have the same information as above. Nudes or exposed photos are NOT acceptable. d) A photo clearly showing the persons face, with fubar visibly loaded on their computer display in the background NOTE: Any SALUTES Marked PRIVATE will NOT Be Approved. Make sure the SALUTE is done in a Dark Color So it can be readable. Be very careful when taking pictures of your Computer Screen check to make sure it can be read and the lighting is not blurred on the screen. ßΣπ§†ΩπΣ85
Make sure your image is hosted online somewhere - you will know it is when it has the ending tags like jpg,gif,png,etc... http://cherrytap.com/myskins.php Click on Create Skin at the top - delete the code in the window then Copy this code below ¡é and put it in a skin that you will create. TIP: DARKRED will not work you will have to use RED. If you have any questions ask me i'll help you out body { background-color: #000000; background-position: left center; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-image:url("URL HERE"); scrollbar-arrow-color: white; scrollbar-face-color: 000000; scrollbar-highlight-color: white; scrollbar-3dlight-color: white; scrollbar-shadow-color: white; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: white; scrollbar-track-color: 000000; } A:link {text-decoration: none; color: white;} A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: white;} A:active {text-decoration: none; color: white;} A:hover {text-decoration: none; color: white;} table.top_header{ background-color:transparent; } td.top_left_header{ background-color:transparent; } table.top_menu{ background-color:transparent; } table.shouts{ background-color:transparent; } table.user { background-color:transparent; border:none; padding:5px; } td.user_left { text-align:center; padding-left:2em; padding-right:2em; } td.user_right { text-align:left; padding-left:2em; 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background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; padding:2px } table.play_track { text-align:center; padding:10px; background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; border:1px outset #000000; } td.play_track_hdr { font-weight:bold; text-align:right; padding:5px; /*border:1px outset #000000;*/ } td.play_track { text-align:center; padding:3px; color:000000; } td.play_track_r { text-align:right; padding:3px; color:000000; } td.play_track_l { text-align:left; padding:3px; color:000000; } table.user_aboutme { border:1px outset #000000; text-align:left; padding: 2px; background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; background-image:url(URL HERE); } td.user_aboutme_hdr { text-align:left; color: 000000; /*border:1px outset #000000;*/ background-color:#000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; padding:2px; font-size:medium; } td.user_aboutme_data { text-align:left; color:#000000; background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; padding:2px } table.user_games { border:1px outset #000000; text-align:left; padding: 2px; } td.user_games_hdr { text-align:left; color:#000000; /*border:1px outset #000000;*/ background-color:#000000; padding:2px; font-size:medium; } td.user_games_data { text-align:left; color:##000000; background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; padding:2px } table.user_general { border:1px outset #000000; text-align:left; padding: 2px; } td.user_general_hdr { text-align:left; color:#000000; /*border:1px outset #000000;*/ background-color:#000000; padding:2px; font-size:medium; } td.user_general_data { text-align:left; color:#000000; background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; padding:2px } table.user_movies { border:1px outset #000000; text-align:left; padding: 2px; } td.user_movies_hdr { text-align:left; color:#000000; /*border:1px outset #000000;*/ background-color:#000000; 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-moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; background:transparent; text-align:left; border:1px outset #000000; } td.user_comment_user { border:none; padding:3px; background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; text-align:center; } td.user_comment_hdr { font-size:9px; font-weight:bold; color:#000000; border-bottom:1px outset #000000; background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; } td.user_comment_body { text-align:left; color:#000000; background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; } td.user_comment_date { color:#000000; font-style:italic; border-bottom:1px dashed gold; font-size:9px; padding-top:3px; background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; } table.profile_viewers_small { text-align:center; color:#000000; border:1px outset #000000; padding:2px; background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; } td.profile_viewers_border { text-align:center; 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padding: 2px; background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; border:1px outset #000000; } table.mygiftbox_items{ text-align:left; padding: 2px; background-color:000000; filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:0.75; opacity:0.75; border:1px outset #000000; } /*a:hover, a.navbar:hover, a.man:hover { filter:Glow(color=white,strength=2);height:0px; }*/ ©¬¥Ò¥ð¡×¢Ó¥Ø¥ð¥Ò85
fubar Levels: Levels, Points, and Unlocks: Levels Points Unlock... 0 Freshmeat - 0 - Up to 50 photos 1 Newfu - 250 - Being known as Meat =) 2 Fu-ling - 500 - Set your own online status 3 Grasshopper - 1,000 - Vote on a MUMM 4 Chill Fu - 2,000 - Post HTML comments 5 Fu-Fighter - 4,000 - Create your own MUMMs 6 Twisted Fu - 6,500 - Rip a photo 7 Wasted Fu - 9,000 - Up to 70 photos 8 Psycho - 14,000 Up to 750 profile ratings 9 Freak - 25,000 Up to 6000 friends 10 Friend of fubar - 35,000 Create your own lounge 11 Barfly - 50,000 - Up to 110 photos 12 Regular - 75,000 - Up to 10,000 friends 13 Bad Fu - 100,000 - Up to 140 photos 14 Minion - 135,000 - Up to 25 family members 15 Idol - 170,000 - Up to 5 MUMMs a day 16 Fu-gee - 210,000 - Up to 175 photos 17 Pimp - 250,000 - Up to 1000 photo ratings 18 Assassin - 300,000 - Up to 1000 profile ratings 19 Ninja - 350,000 - Up to 225 photos 20 Rock Star - 425,000 - Bolded nickname 21 Fuberlord - 750,000 - Up to 1500 profile ratings 22 Henchman - 1,500,000 - Up to 500 bulletins 23 Insider - 2,250,000 - Up to 280 photos 24 Fu-king - 3,000,000 - Up to 290 photos 25 Godfather - 6,000,000 - Bragging rights. 50 Sponsored User - Someone who has shown consistent support for fubar throughout its lifetime 55 Rising Star - Designated by a Celebrity Ambassador 56 Verified Celebrity - Designated by a Celebrity Ambassador 57 Verified Celebrity (Ambassador) - An ambassador for Verified Celebrities that uses various methods to verify a celebrity as "real" or "fake" 100 fubar Supporter - Someone who has helped out fubar along the way 150 fubar Bouncer - A community volunteer who helps keep fubar a safe and clean place to hangout! 200 fubar Family - The folks who spend every breathing moment working fubar 255 Shepherd - babyjesus

Music Sites

http://7humor.com http://bolt.com http://videocodezone.com http://youtube.com I will ad more when i find them Copy the embed code and put it in your trackz, stash or profile. If you need helping added the embed codes let me know. ßΣπ§†ΩπΣ85
1 - You must have at least 1 photo in your pics to send a message. 2 - Send a message to http://cherrytap.com/user/60228 requesting that your profile be deleted. 3 - Delete your profile information, friends, fans, family, pics, skins, and everything as much as possible. 4 - Log out and never return to your account. ßΣπ§†ΩπΣ85
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17 years ago
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