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Dolly Dagger's blog: "SUPPORT HELP"

created on 10/02/2007  |  http://fubar.com/support-help/b136761  |  7 followers


Scrapper's Blog


People have been reporting members who are changing their default photos to game the system. This means dudes are using female photos to help their efforts to level up or female's using FAKE model photos as their main. We consider this CHEATING. If you want to cheat you will be reset. We have not had to reset anyone back to Level 1 in years nor do we want to, but we will do this. Our terms of service is VERY clear about this. Using the excuse that you spent a lot of money here does not justify you cheating the system.  This is not a witch hunt, but this behavior is unacceptable.

If you see someone doing this, please screen grab and send to me. The reason we take such a hard stance on this is it is NOT fair to the people who play fairly. We are hoping that eveyrone will get the message and we will NOT have to do this to anyone. Please help spread the word and let's focus on having FUN!

PS For those of you who are fumarried or using a relationship and using this to try and manipulate the system by using your fu spouse or gf's photos in your default, this is NOT acceptable and considered cheating just like mentioned above. 

Also, please report anyone in the hottest 100 leaderboards using a fake model photo as their default. There has been a LONG standing rule on fubar that this behavior is NOT acceptable in the Top 100.  Men can NOT use female photos period! 




CLICK HERE for Baby J's blog profile.


Hey folks,

We're about to launch some changes that we've been thinking about for a long time. We feel like the old school behavior of rating and commenting on peoples profiles and photos has been forgotten and based on the feedback from a lot of long-time members.. we're not the only ones.


To help this we've decided to make some changes to the point rewards for rating profiles and photos and leaving profile and photo comments. Because of these changes we've also had to adjust some special ability bling items so they retained the same (or more in certain cases!) value.


Here's what we're starting with over the next 15-20 minutes, and we'll probably adjust these over time based on everyones feedback:

* doubled the base point value for giving and receiving 11 ratings to profile and photos.

* _drastically_ increased the base point value for giving and receiving non-11 ratings of profile and photos...

* _majorly_ increased points for receiving and giving profile and photo comments.


Because of these changes we're also making the following changes to special ability bling:

* reduced Auto-11's run-time from 24 to 12 hours.

* reduced Boomerang run-time from 8 to 4 hours.

* reduced Famplifier run-time from 6 to 3 hours.

The plan is for everyone to receive the same amount of points for running the special ability bling items listed above, only it'll take half as much time. Hold onto your boots...


*****Baby Jesus Blog*****



Hey guys,


So basically, the reason we've had to change it up is that it was simply to powerful as a feature. There wasn't enough space in the online bar for all the people who wanted to be pimped out. That leaves me with 2 options, A) I can make it so expensive (either using credits, ability points, etc) that fewer people can do it, or B) I can move it into space that will support the number of people who want to be pimped out.


I chose B.


We're still working on it to get people as much exposure as they had in the online bar, but we'll get there.It just take some tweaks and feedback from everyone to make it happen. 






Everyday we log into fubar we are confronted with all types of people. Many of us are here to have fun and hang out with friends and to meet new people. Some of us love to play the game, earn points and level. We also must mention the members who push the envelope and photo shop photos to display as much of their girl parts or man parts as possible. The reality is many of us do not want to see your borderline NSFW photos. Yes you might be riding the line of what is considered NSFW, but it is time to clean things up. Yes, you are going to disagree and bitch and moan about how mean we are because we want you to respect the public areas and clean up your main photos, but it is what it is. 

The reality is there are many members who DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOUR junk falling out of your clothes as your main photos. You are more than welcome to upload all those photos to your albums, but it's time to clean up your MAIN photo or avatar. This means exessive clevage, sexually suggestive photos or anything that looks borderline NSFW will be flagged. We are NOT an adult site. We are a site for adults. Please do not get upset with bouncers or admins if your photo is flagged. We are not asking you to delete photos. We are simply asking you to NOT put them as your MAIN photo or avatar. 

This also goes with BLASTS, TICKERS and HAPPY HOUR messages. If you see something that is out of line, please report to a bouncer. We do not need sexually suggestive messages flying in the public areas. Things like CUM, Check out my NSFW or NAUGHTY photos are not going to fly. 

Please be respectful to everyone on this site. We give you the liberty to do as you wish in 99% of the areas on the site, so plese be respectful in public areas. 

Also, please do not use the excuse, "There are worse photos blah blah blah." This is no conspiracy. Those individuals will be flagged soon.


For those of you who are getting flagged listen up. Many of you are carrying on like school children. Your photos are not being flagged NSFW. They are only being flagged to not be used as a main photo. There is a huge difference. You can photo shop size FFF boobs and make them blink or whatever it is you want to do but you have to keep those photos in your albums. Keep your main photo tasteful and you wont have any problems. 



Why is a salute important?

I could write a novel but I will be blunt....This is the internet and people lie about who they say they are. I have been fooled many times and so have you. It fucking sucks when you find out the person you thought was cool and real is a fraud. Early on we developed the salute process for this reason. Yes...it's goofy to take a photo of yourself with a piece of paper....BUT this is fubar.(and this is what makes fubar unique..dolly) On fubar your salute is your ID. The more CLEAR and SIMPLE you make your salute photo the higher the probability of it being accepted. Bogus salutes slip by us daily. I have seen some go unoticed for 2 years and then judgement day comes. Someone calls out the salute and the birds flock to check it out. There are dozens of forensic salute specialists on this site. If three of them call bullshit, we will unnaprove and request a new salute.I do not care how long you have had the salute up. If we ask you to submit new salutes, then please do it. So why am I writing yet another scrapper fillabuster? At the request of my bouncers, I am going to make this crystal clear. If it looks suspect, you will be audited and asked to submit a new salute. SIMPLE!

Follow these tips!

1. CLEAR photo! No grainy ass bootsy webcams.

2. Add your USER ID #, Screen Name and fubar! HAND WRITE IT!!!!!!!! Do it on lined paper if you really want to nail a solid salute.

3. DO NOT MANIPULATE IN PHOTOSHOP! NO Black and white, NO strange photo shop wizardry. NO NSFW, do i have to go on???

4. Hold the paper with two hands and smile for the camera. Don't cut off arms, hands etc. Don't crop it.

5. Save your creative fonts, crayons and other photo effects for your albums. DO NOT use it on your salutes.

6. Shoot a few photos and submit them. This way it is CRYSTAL clear you are not trying to fudge the system.

7. No animated gif salutes. No video salutes. KEEP IT SIMPLE!

8. First time salutes MUST be on paper, before you can submit a novelty salute.


As always, acceptance is at fubar's descretion.


In the five years I have been doing this, I have collected a grip of fake salutes. Check my photo albums for the hall of shame. You do not want to be there. If you do not wish to post a salute, you do not have to do so. It is not mandatory.....however, there are many of us that have an understading that at some point you need a salute to legitimize yourself. You don't walk into a bar for two years with a bag on your head or in a halloween costume.....so why do it here.

If you are called out for having fake salutes and they are indeed legit. You can simply jump on videochat and face palm my bouncers or me by showing your cute little face. Fake people will make excuses. Real people will step up to the occassion. I hate that all this is so obvious, yet some of you make an art out of trying to game us. Don't be butthurt when you get pimp slapped. All frauds and fakes deserve it.

MAKE A ROCK SOLID SALUTE AND THE DRAMA WILL STOP! I do not care if you are going blind, parapalegic, deaf or even babyjesus. If you are asked to to make salutes....simply just do it. There is no point in arguing. Oh yea....if you are claiming you have no camera. Ask one of your 2000 friends on fubar to come take a photo of you.


Making a salute is an easy process. You can get creative, but make sure you have one rock solid, clear salute first.

Browser 1o1



We get questions daily from user's who are having browser issues and blame these problems on fubar.

The first thing you should do when you are having trouble with using the site is to assume it is your browser.

I could write a book on reason's why and how this happens. To put it in fubaraian terms, browsers fail, browser addons can fail or overide normal browser functions, browsers need updating, browsers need refreshing, user's spy ware can overide functionality, running multiple tabs on a browser, slow connections and the list goes on. Browsers are not hard to understand, but if you think that something you downloaded two months ago is current, then you should read this closely. Browsers upate weekly if not more often. Getting the latest greatest is not always the best choice, but making sure you have a few things updated will help you avoid user error a.k.a browser errors......

The following tips should help you.

1. Dumping your browser history and cleaning your restarting your browser is the first step.

2. Also, make sure you update your browser, java and flash plugins. Most of this stuff will update itself, but in many cases simply updating your adobe flash plugin and your java will correct your problems. You can find this under your tools or settings. Each browser is different.

3. Make sure your anti virus, spyware or security settings are not filtering fubar.

4. Make sure you do not have 10 browsers open with 10 tabs. This will slow you down.

5. Make sure you are not running add-ons or some third party software that is conflicting.

6. If all else fails, download and reinstall the original browser and reset to the default settings. Make sure to restart your computer between uninstalling and reinstalling.

The best rule of thumb is to keep it simple. Use chrome, firefox, IE, Safari or whatever your personal preference. Download another browser as a back up and a sanity check for when you encounter problems. If you can't seem to figure it out, stop by the support lounge and have a bouncer walk you through.

You will save yourself a lot of frustration and heartache by keeping your browsers updated and having a back up browser.


NEWS UPDATE! This just in Babyjesus just announced "moving the pimpout and reset11's angel/demon abilities to require level 40+, but doubling the number of ability points they require.. from 3 to 6"


We have added level 51.  Level 51 will have the ability for pimp outs. They also have the ability to reset someones 11s.  Many of you have voiced your opinion on this in the support lounge. Rather than clog up the support lounge with angry people who just want a place to voice an opinion, I have created this blog for you to be able to post your criticism and state your opinion. 

Adding new levels is never easy. While some people love the change there will be people who do not like it. Please do not abuse or be nasty to bouncers or admins. Thanks

For the record! Pimpouts came way after the fact of the online bar. If you were here at this point, then you would know that a pimp out was actually a manual process where a member would make a bulletin and pimp out a user.

The online user bar was a place where people who were online were able to scroll. When we added the automated pimpout it killed that for those who were online to be seen who were NOT pimped out. 

Depending on how you look at it, the pimp out feature was screwing over people who were online from having chances of appearing on the online bar. Now the field has been leveled once again adn the roots of the online bar are restored. Now you don't have to be pimped out to appear in the online bar and newer users also have a chance to get noticed. 

I realize the older users want to monopolize the online bar, but that is not fair to the new member who loses any opportunity of being seen. These are the facts and they should be noted as I am seeing a ton of conspiracy theories written here that are completely false. 

We want everyone to be able to have fun and be able to appear in the online member bar rather than being clogged only by top level members.

And to those who say this change has to do with money. Again, this is false. This has to do with allowing NEW users equal and more opportunity to appear ont he the online bar rather than it being controlled by top level members. Do not muddy the true intention of this change. If anything we want NEW users or users who are NOT pimped out to populate the online bar equally.


Leave questions and comments HERE





This is in response to the members who try and ask for compensation when fubar hiccups, farts or we are simply upgrading doing maintenance.

This has been addressed before. This is part of the life and times of a living, breathing monster like fubar. If you expect to be compensated because the site hiccups, you need a reality check. This is not the way we operate.

We give out bonus points and provide multiple opportunities to give you FREE advantages on the site. If you expect to monopolize off us when we are doing standard maintanance or because of a simple hardware issue that last a few minutes, i would suggest no purchasing whatever it is you are trying to get back.

This is not what this site is about. Thank you to everyone who supports and realizes that shit happens! Please send your grievances to the complaint box. 


This is in response to the members who try and ask for compensation when fubar hiccups, farts or we are simply upgrading doing maintenance.

This has been addressed before. This is part of the life and times of a living, breathing monster like fubar. If you expect to be compensated because the site hiccups, you need a reality check. This is not the way we operate.

We give out bonus points and provide multiple opportunities to give you FREE advantages on the site. If you expect to monopolize off us when we are doing standard maintanance or becasue of a simple hardware issue that last a few minutes, i would suggest no purchasing whatever it is you are trying to get back.

This is not what this site is about. Thank you to everyone who supports and realizes that shit happens! Please send your greivences to the complaint box. 




Hey everyone, just wanted to let you guys know what to expect when we release the revamped fubar leveling system in the next few days. We're hoping to launch it by Friday, but it might come on Monday.


* We're going to reduce the amount of points required for all levels. To reach the top level (50) you'll need around 500M points. You currently need 700M to reach level 45, so it'll be easier for everyone. Our goal is to get more people leveling up.

* We've removed the road-blocks that really made it really annoying to level up: Fan 25 newbies at level 20, be at exactly 50% buzz at level 22, get referrals at levels 26/28/30, be a VIP at level 35, perform level up action for 15 members at level 42,

* Initially choosing an Angel/Demon side will only cost 1M fubucks down from 10M. Changing sides will cost 5M fubucks.

* We've reduced the pain on a lot of the existing requirements to level up. For example, the MuMM 500 vote requirement has been reduced to 25 votes. :-)

* We've added some new requirements to some of the levels that involve newer features on fubar. Such as, the achievement system, daily ranking, videos, Likes, etc.

* The 'Cyborg Jesus' level name from 45 will be moving to level 50. We'll be coming up with new level names for 45-49.

* There will be 1 or 2 'widow maker' requirements in order to reach level 50. They won't involve you spending money, but they'll probably involve some weekend planning. :-)

* We're still working on the extra abilities we'll be turning on for levels 45+, so I can't go into much details on them yet.

Also as mentioned before, we'll be trying something new at level 50. If a level 50 account goes inactive for more than 2 weeks, the account will drop back down to level 49. They'll still have all their points, but in order to reach level 50 again they'll have to do all the requirements over. When you run across a level 50 fubarian, you're going to know they're a crazy badass! :D



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