OMG, so I can actually post something here, and Someone (We will call her person "A") wont get her panties in a fucking knot. So here it is. I know 90% of the world thought what those fucking moron marines did was gross as all hell. Well someone, No names mentioned, WHO NEEDS TO GROW THE FUCK UP, Thinks apparently I'm "IGNORANT" GET OVER YERSELF. I'm sorry but that was the worst thing, I saw in a loooooooooong time, and it was not right that they fucking laughed about it, and TAPED IT!!! Come on now. So then I tell person "A" she changed, and she cant except that. She thinks she is all high and fucking mighty or some shit. Well here it is, I'm not sorry I think you changed. I'm not sorry for being disgusted in some of our military, and I'M NOT SORRY FOR LOSING FUCKING RESPECT IN THEM!
NEWS FLASH World, Me, yes lil old me is bi polar, and I snap. And I decided I was not gonna take no more shit from noone. I also saw what her hubby's myspace away thing says, and oh yes its cute. "If you are going to shoot yourself in the head, please do us a favor and put down some plastic and don't MISS!!!" Well News Flash Person B, You will never get that lucky, as for me (And yes I feel it was intended toward me) To kill myself, and give you the satisfaction of it all.
Ok so this rant, is honestly because I'm sick of being treated like shit. My own wedding, (yes I had her in it, because she was my cousin, and yes she has made numerous remarks about her and her brother about it, very sarcastic ones) anyways, my own wedding she fucking ruined for me. The rehearsal dinner, well she made sure she would get pissed off if I did not do what she said. She got pissed off because I did not tell her right away where the rehearsal was and the time, because I Was making calls still. Sorry wanna-be queen bee, I dont roll that way. She pulled a crying act one day because I did not go see her in the hospital. NEWS FLASH, I HATE THOSE PLACES! So as you all can tell, I'm sick of the shit, and I cant even put more on of how I feel, because there is not enough time in the day, nor enough memory on the computer.
So thats it, some of my ranting, concidering this is the only place, I know noone, and I like it that way!