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This is fun to do. The only catch is that you can't ask the person who posted it anything about it! :) Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your tota l fine. Title your bulletin "My Bar Tab is$........" You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine. Smoked pot -- $10 Did acid -- $5 Ever had sex at church -- $25 Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you-- $40 Had sex with someone on MySpace -- $25 Had sex for money -- $100 Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20 Vandalized something -- $20 Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10 Beat up someone -- $20 Been jumped -- $10 Crossed dressed -- $10 Given money to stripper -- $25 Been in love with a stripper -- $20 Kissed some one who's name you didn't know --$10 Hit on some one of the same sex while at work-- $15 Ever drive drunk -- $20 Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50 Used toys while having sex -- $30 Got drunk, passed out and do n't remember the night before -- $20 Went skinny dipping -- $5 Had sex in a pool -- $20 Kissed someone of the same sex -- $10 Had sex with someone of the same sex -- $20 Cheated on your significant other -- $10 Masturbated -- $10 Done oral -- $5 Got oral -- $5 Done / got oral in a car while it was moving-- $25 Stole something -- $10 Had sex with someone in jail -- $25 Made a nasty home video -- $15 Had a threesome -- $50 Had sex i n the wild -- $20 Been in the same room while someone was having sex -- $25 Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars -- $20 Had sex with someone 10 years older -- $20 Had sex with someone under 21 and you are over 27 -- $25 Been in love with two people or more at the same time -- $50 Said you love someone but didn't mean it -- $25 Went streaking -- $5 Went streaking in broad daylight -- $15 Been arrested -- $5 Spent time in jail -- $15 Played spin the bottle -- $5 Done something you regret -- $20 Had sex with your best friend -- $20 Had sex with someone you work with at work --$25 Had anal sex -- $80 Lied to your mate -- $5 Lied to your mate about the sex being good --$25 Tally it up and Title it..."My Bar Tab Is____"
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?? Which Precious Gem Are You ??
! You are most Like A Sapphire !Dark, mysterious - but unforgettable. You have a deepbeauty. Delicate, and shy you try to stay away from thelimelight but often your intelligence puts you in at thedeep end. You're like a Sapphire, because, your beauty is priceless.You're intelligent, full of opinions, and not big-headed about it all.Sometimes you need to put yourself out there, as you can be a bit shy.Congratulations ... You're the mysterious gem everybody wants to have and learn more about.
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?? Which Natural Wonder Or Disaster Are You ??
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?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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?? Which Creature Of The Sea Are You??
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?? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You ??
You are Lust!Sexy!! But they say that theres such a thing as too much of a good thing. You have sex on the brain, and it doesn't stay just there for long. Passionate, Fiery - and most certainly confident. You're a fun loving, spontaneous person who is always up for a laugh. People however, have trouble keeping up with you. You're sex crazy, and perhaps need to tone it down a bit! learn a little self control!But, Hey, Congratulations on being the Sexiest Red Hot deadly sin out of all the 7...
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Anybody can fart!

A little boy and a little girl, both about eight years old, were playing in the sandbox. Unexpectedly, the little boy farts, causing a little sand between his legs to shift. The little girl notices, and squeals with laughter. 'How'd you do that?" she asks. "Easy," he exclaimed, "I just farted." "Can I try it," she ask. "Sure," he says, "anybody can do it." She concentrates as she strains and grunts. Suddenly, there's a huge explosion, the sides of the sandbox fly off, all the sand flies out, and the little boy is thrown 20 feet, landing up against a tree. He groggily gets to his feet, runs back to where the little girl is. He finds her laying on the ground, out cold, flat on her back, spread eagle. Curiously, he lifts up her dress, peeks underneath, and loudly exclaims, "Just what I thought, dual exhaust

THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!

TOO ALL WHO TRIED TO HELP THANK YOU!! BUT SHE WAS DISQUALIFIED... After all my hard work. I've sent out 230 Private messages,Yes!! 11 pages in my sent folder,and put up 3 bulletins, I am very sorry that because of all the drama on here with the fake ppl and cheating and whatever else.. It has come to ruin my own reputation. What little of it there was to begin with. My sister was disqualified from "Heavnessence(NEEDING SUM LUV AND FANS)" contest. Due to.. well in her words: I REMOVED YOUR SISTER FROM THE CONTEST.. SHE HAS BEEN DISQUALIFIED.. I MADE IT VERY CLEAR THERE WAS TO BE NO DOWNRATING.. AND I WILL NOT TOLERATE CHEATING.. NUMEROUS FRIENDS OF HERS OR YOURS WERE CHEATING THE RATE BOX... NICE TRY.. AS IT SHOWS UP ON THE ALERT BOX.. I HAVE BEEN MONITORING THE CONTEST QUITE CLOSELY AND NUMEROUS VOTES TO UH OH WERE CHEATED RATES... AND I KNOW YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.. ENOUGH SAID HAVE A GOOD NITE.. HEAVNESSENCE I didn't down rate anyone! I don't even know what shes talking about! I have every PM I sent out in my sent box. I have a list of the names and I graciously sent those to her with a full copy of the Message itself. Not that it matters. Whatever!.. FK IT! Maybe it was fixed... Who knows! To all of you that replied to my messages Subject: "Hey??" again I really did appreaciate the LUV!!


To all My friends Stop by and Rate this Pic!! It's Her First Contest. No Comment Bombimg Needed.. I just want to show Sum Luv to the Most special person in my life! My sister! Help me out... :) You all were awsome at helping me out! Thanks 2 everyone! Just click her pic (pic is Link), and Rate 10 Cherries! Much LUV 4 U! image.php?u=358111&i=1895143282&tn=1


No offense but...People are getting too lazy on here. So I gave in, let's see who will actually read this. This is a test to see who's paying attention. This is a test to see how many people in my friends list actually pay attention to me. Copy and repost in your own bulletin. Lets see who the true friends are and I think I know who you are... Repost this if you are a friend.. Don't reply... just copy and paste this in a new bulletin as ...My so called friends...
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