ok im just so sick of stupid ppl ok a person (you know who you are) talks shit about my mom becuz the person put a hole in my wall and my mother owns the place i live and he is pissed off cuz its gonna cost him 200 dollars to get the two walls replace becuz he punched his fist throw the kitchen wall and into my lil girls closet and my mother dont want a shitty job done on it i have never done drywall and have no clue yet yet he can talk shit about my mother call her a bitch and every thing else and exsepct me not to blow my steam about his memow well there is alotta more then what i told him that u could say i think it is time for him to grow up and be a man he need to take responsibility for his own actions and not xspect everyone else to do it he want everyone else to find him a job he wants everyone else to do it all fo him but why shuld anyone else have to do it when he is the only one that does it to himself i didnt punch the wall i didnt get fired from my job i didnt walk out of a job before i found new one