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rainbowkisses's blog: "stuff"

created on 11/26/2006  |  http://fubar.com/stuff/b28476


If any of you have a myspace go add me just let mt know your from Cherrytap! http://www.myspace.com/tmcmickle
9 Things I Hate About Everyone 1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is? 2 People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the T.V. remote because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel manually. 3 When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is cake if you can't eat it? 4 When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? Gonna Kick their asses! 5 When people say while watching a film "did you see that?". No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor. 6 People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine? 7. When something is 'new and improved!' Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new. 8 When people say "life is short". What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer? 9 When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here, dumbass?


This is the ultimate sex survey. The trick is to repost this and see if someone gives u their answers. Name: Age: Current Location: Eye/Hair Color: Height: Ethnicity: Sexual Orientation: Size of penis/breast: WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR IN THE OPPOSITE SEX?: Age: Eye/Hair: Height: Ethnicity: Body Type: Whats your favorite part of a guys/gals body?: EASY QUESTIONS: What kind of underwear R U Wearing? Have you ever given/received a lap dance? Ever watch a porno? Ever made someone think you were gonna have sex but didnt? Are you into ass smacking? Are you a Virgin?: When did you lose it? How was your first time? If you had a choice would you have stayed a virgin longer? Are you an easy O or hard O? Ever meet someone off the internet for sex? How many dates does it take to get into your pants? Do you like dirty talk? (girls) Does size matter? (girls) Whats the biggest you had? Smallest? How do you wear your pubic hair? How do you like your partners public hair done? What is your favorite birth control The pill Ever have sex without a condom? Ever been in a one night stand? If so, how many? ALITTLE DEEPER How many sex partners have you had? How many oral sex partners? How many anal? What kind of sex do you prefer? Ever have sex with the person of the same sex? If so, How many times? What is your favorite position? Can you usually make your partner cum? (girls) On what part of your body do you want guys to cum? How many White peeps ya had sex with? Black? Spanish? Asian? Indian? Other? How old is the oldest person ya had sex with? Youngest? How much sex have you had in the post month? Week? Day? How long can you go without sex before you start going crazy? Do you enjoy going down on your partner? (girls) Do you swallow? NAUGHTY ZONE Ever have a 3 some? What kind? How did it happen? Ever been with more than 2 guys/girls at the same time? How many dudes/gals? How did it happen? Ever have sex with another couple? Ever been video taped or photo graphed during sex? Ever been involved in a double penetration? Triple penetration? Ever been involved in a bukkake? Golden Showers? Brown Showers? Spitting? S and M? Been tied up? Ever Paid or taken money for sex? Ever have sex in Public? If so, where? What is your sexual fantasy? Ever been involved in beastiality? Incest? Who do you think about when you masturbate? Own any sexy toys, what kind?

"attractive" test

This is the "attractive" test. Reply to the person that post this with your answers. Re-Post this blank and see who will fill this out for you. You may be surprised to see some of the answers. BE HONEST!!! Do i look like a good kisser? [] yes [] no Would you kiss me? [] yes [] no Am I? [] beautiful! [] sexy azz hell [] fine [] pretty [] cute [] iight [] ugly! I look like.. [] a player [] slut [] whore [] hubby/wifey type [] one time thing [] next bf/gf If you saw me for the first time would you talk to me? [] Yes [] No Would you rather.. [] hook up with me [] cuddle with me [] have sex with me [] date me On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), rate me.. [] 1 [] 2 [] 3 [] 4 [] 5 [] 6 [] 7 [] 8 [] 9 [] 10 Are you going to repost this so i can answer for YOU? [] yes [] no what would you want me to be to you? [] friend [] fuck buddy [] girl friend/boy friend [] hubby [] friend w/ benifits
APPLICATION FOR A BOOTY CALL Name________________________________ Address___________________________ City_______________________ State________ Zip________________Age_______ Phone__________________ S.S.#___________________ Dentures____________ Height________________ Weight_________________ Waist Size______________ Chest/Bra Size___________________ Married_____________ Single________________ Divorced__________________ Are Breasts/Balls Real?___________________ Do You LikeThem *bleep*ed?__________ Squeezed?_____ Other?____________ Explain_________________________________ *bleep*/*bleep* Size (dont lie) Small________ Medium______Large________ Wow______ Can You Stay Out Late?___________ HowLate?_____________ All Night?_________ Several Days?_________________ How Many?_____________________ Do You Like To Be Screwed? __________________ How Often __________ Do You Like Oral Sex?________ Give?_______________ Receive?________________ Do You Like Anal Sex? __________ How About "69"?___________________________ Do You Prefer: One on One?____ Double?_____ Group?_____ Football Team?_______ While Screwing, Do You: Faint?_______Hum?_____Scream_______Fart?___________ Cry?_______ Moan?________ Sweat?_________ Yodel?_________ Scratch?_________ Whistle?_______ Just Lie There?________ Go To Sleep?____________ Read The Paper?_______ Think of Someone Else?________ All of The Above?_______ List Three Positions You Like Best: 1._______________________________________ 2._______________________________________ 3._______________________________________ When You *bleep*, Do You: Wiggle?__________ Wobble?________Twist?__________Jerk?_________ Pant?_______ Scream?_________ Cry?_________ Other?_________ Or Do You Just Hump Like Hell?_____________ Method of Screwing Preferred? Fast?____________ Super Fast?_______________ Slow?___________ All Night?________________ How Many Times?_________ Comments:____________________________________ If You Have Screwed Before, Give References. (Not Family Members) Name__________________ Address____________________Phone________________ Name__________________ Address____________________Phone________________ Name__________________ Address____________________Phone________________If Application is Approved, What Are The Charges? Free______ Per Hour________ PerWeekend________ PerWeek_______ Other_______ Do You Accept Muff____________ Burger Specials?_____________ Blow Job Specials____________ What Credit Cards Do You Accept? Visa_______ MasterCard_______AMEX________ JC Penny____ Sears____ Discover_______ Diners Club_____ All of the Above______ ********A Special Note Pertaining to Oral Sex********* Are You: A Spitter?___________ A Swallower?_____________ If Application is Approved, A Six (6) Week Orientation Course Will Be Required!!


If any of my friends here on cherrytap have a myspace also please add me http://www.myspace.com/tmcmickle!
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