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252815's blog: "stuff"

created on 11/08/2006  |  http://fubar.com/stuff/b22647


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The Female Disney Character Personality Test
NalaAt a young age, you were playful, adventurous, always wanting to be on top, and didnt always obey the rules. Now older, those traits still show, but now you're more mature.I will now label you: playful, intelligent, thoughtful, fun-loving, and wild.
Take this quiz!

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You are 30% STUPID!

You're not a complete moron, but you're definitely on your way if you don't watch out. Beware of brain farts!

How Stupid Are You???
Make a Quiz

is this true? ? ?

You are 73% girly!

you wish you could still play with those barbies and join another dance class, well you know what? you can! Go to the mall and splurge on all things pink!

How Girly are you?
Create a Quiz

sad, but kinda true. . .

What type of person do you attract?
Your Result: You attract unstable people!

Congrats, you are an 'insane' magnet, and you probably have no idea why. Something about your mix of styles, how you walk not just 'one' lifestyle, but appear to have a foot in them all. To the insane, you appear to be a beacon of hope and they will flock to you, like it or not. But, they ARE insane. Lucky for you, the insane tend to be the best sexual lovers, just the rest of the package deal may not be for you.

You attract artsy people!
You attract geeks!
You attract Yuppies!
You attract rednecks!
You attract models!
What type of person do you attract?
Quizzes for MySpace


Your Vocabulary Score: A-
Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary!
You must be quite an erudite person.

am i weird?

You Are 60% Strange!

Based on your score, it seems you do have a healthy dose of strangeness. You aren't THAT far out, but you are somewhat bizarre. Congratulations on being different and having some quirks. It makes you an interesting person!

How Strange Are You?
Quizzes for MySpace

The Last Survey
Last person you huggedmy mom
Last car rideto work
Last time you criedMonday
Last movie you watchedOver The Hedge (still like madagascar better tho)
Last food you atecheez its
Last item you boughtjuice and soup
Last shirt you woreaeropostle sweat shirt
Last phone calldenny today
Last text messagehollie,like 5 min ago
Last kissDenny, tuesday (been sick :-/)
Last thing you touchedthe keyboard. . .
Last funeralmy grandma two yrs ago :'(
Last trip to the malldunno, don't remember (saving money sucks)
Last time you were excited for somethingumm, dunno lol
Last person you sawmy boss
Last thing you drankpepsi
Last person that broke your heart, he knows who he is.
Last time you were happytoday
Last plane rideback in '01
Last dreamdunno, been sick so takin nyquil so don't remember lol
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com

damn monkeys

How Will I Die Quiz

How Will I Die Quiz

You will die at the age of 39

You will be killed when the chimpanzee's rise up and take control of the planet

Find out how you will die at Quizopolis.com

note to self, stay away zoos. . .

more about me.

A to Z Survey
A - AvailableFor?
B - Best FriendHollie or Cathy
C - CrushWentworth Miller. . . yum
D - Dad's NameLarry
E - Easiest Person To Talk ToFred
F - Favorite BandThree Days Grace
G - Gummy Bears Or Wormsworms
H - HometownPekin, IL
I - Instrumentpiano/keyboard
J - Jobsucks. . . data entry clerk
K - Kidsmy cats and guinea pig
L - Longest Car Rideto vegas from Illinois, 35 or so hours in a car w/ my parents -hell
M - Milk Flavordon't like milk
N - Number Of Siblings2
O - One Wishto finish school
P - Phobiasheights/drowning
Q - Favorite Quotecan't think of any
R - Reason To Smilesomeone else's life sucks more then mine. . .
S - Song You Last HeardSeether - The Truth
T - Time You Woke Upnoon
U - Unknown Fact About Meumm. idk.
V - Vegetablecorn or brocoli
W - Worst Habitsbiting my nails. :-/
X - X-Rays You've Hadidk. never really kept count.
Y - Your Favorite FoodPizza
Z - Zodiac SignSagitarius
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com


Supernatural Survey
Do you believe in ghosts?yep
Have you ever seen a ghost?yep
Would you be scared if you saw a ghost?depends on the ghost i guess
Who would you least like to see come back as a ghost?idk
Who would you most like to see come back as a ghost?my g-pa that i didnt get a chance to meet
Do you think psychics are real?some of them, maybe
Which dead person would you like to talk to most?buddha...
Have you ever had your fortune told?yep, n so far seems to be true (this was a couple of yrs ago that i had it done lol)
Would you ever visit a palm reader?yea, been there done that
Do you read your horoscope?yea, freaky cuz sometimes seems to be in tune to whats goin on in my life
Has your horoscope ever come true?many a times
Do you have a good luck charm?no, i lose stuff to easily
Do you think we have powers in our brains we havn't unlocked yet?possibly, who knows
Which brain power would you most like to have unlocked?the one where you can move stuff w/ ur mind :)
Do you think there are aliens out there?yea, why not?
Have you ever been abducted by aliens?not to my knowledge, but i have met quite a few weird ppl
Which famous person do you think is most likely to be an alien?anna nicole smith. . .
Do you think crop circles are real?idk, could be, but could be ppl w/ too much time on their hands too
Do you think aliens will be peaceful for will they attack us?idk, i think we could all just be experiments n they're just watchin us
What color are aliens most likely to be?purple! lol
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com

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