* Tell a man that there are 400
billion stars, and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench
has wet paint, and he has to touch it.
* How come SUPERMAN could stop bullets with his
chest, but always ducked when someone threw a gun at
* If it was only a 3 hour cruise, why did MRS.
HOWELL have so many clothes.
* Why is it called a HAMBURGER, when it's made out
of BEEF?

* Why does SOUR CREAM have an Expiration
* If "Con" is the Opposite of "Pro" ....then what is
the opposite of PROGRESS?
* Why is LEMON JUICE mostly
artificial ingredients.... but DISH WASHING
LIQUID contains real lemons?
* How much deeper would the ocean be, if SPONGES
didn't grow in it?

* Why buy a product that it takes 2000 flushes to
get rid of?
* Why do we wait until a PIG is dead, to "CURE"
* Why do we wash BATH TOWELS - aren't we clean when
we use them?
* Why doesn't GLUE stick to the inside of the
*Do Roman paramedics refer to IV's as
Have A
Great Day!  Pass A Page Of Pondering On To Your Friends and