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more Helpful Boston Info

Information on Boston and the surrounding area: There's no school on School Street, no court on Court Street, no dock on Dock Square, no water on Water Street. Back Bay streets are in alphabetical "oddah": Arlington, Berkeley, Clarendon, Dartmouth, etc. So are South Boston streets: A, B, C, D, etc. If the streets are named after trees (e.g. Walnut, Chestnut, Cedar), you're on Beacon Hill. If they're named after poets, you're in Wellesley. Massachusetts Ave ! is Mass Ave; Commonwealth Ave is Comm Ave; South Boston is Southie. The South End is the South End. East Boston is Eastie. The North End is east of the former West End. The West End and Scollay Square are no more; a guy named Rappaport got rid of them one night. Roxbury is The Burry, Jamaica Plain is J.P. Definitions: Frappes have ice cream, milkshakes don't. If it is fizzy and flavored, it's tonic. Soda is CLUB SODA. "Pop" is Dad. When we want Tonic WATER, we will ask for Tonic WATER. The smallest beer is a pint. Scrod is whatever they tell you it is, usually fish. If you paid more than $6/pound, you got scrod. It's not a water fountain; it's a bubblah. It's not a trashcan; it's a barrel. It’s not garbage; it’s rubbish It's not a freak of nature, it's a freakin h er! It's not a shopping cart; it's a carriage. It's not a purse; it's a pock-a-book. They're not franks; they're haht dahgs. Franks are money in France. It's not a rubber band, it's an elastic. It's not a traffic circle, it's a rotary. They are not State Police or Highway Patrol; they are Staties Police don't drive patrol units or black and whites they drive a "crooza". If you take the bus, your on the "looza crooza". If something's good, it's "pissa". If something's really good, it's "wicked pissa". "Going to the islands" means Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket. The Pat's = The Patriots The Sox = The Red Sox The C's = The Celtics The B's = The Bruins Things not to do: Don't pahk your cah in Hahvid Yahd ... they'! ll tow it to Meffa (Medford) or Slumaville (Somerville). Don't sleep in the Common. (Boston Common) Don't wear Orange in Southie on St. Patrick's Day. Things you should know: There are two State Houses, two City Halls, two courthouses, two Hancock buildings (one old, one new for each). The colored lights on top the old Hancock tell the weatha': "Solid blue, clear view...." "Flashing blue, clouds due...." "Solid red, rain ahead...." "Flashing red, snow instead...." - (except in summer; flashing red means the Red Sox game was rained out) Route 128 is also I-95 south. It's also I-93 north. The underground train is not a subway. It's the "T", and it doesn't run all night (fah chrysakes, this ain't Noo Yawk). Order the "cold tea" in China Town after 2:00 am you'll get a kettle full of ! beer. Bostonians... think that it's their God-given right tocut off someone in traffic. Bostonians...think that there are only 25 letters in the alphabet (no R's). Bostonians...think that three straight days of 90+ temperatures is a heat wave. Bostonians...refer to six inches of snow as a "dusting." Bostonians...always "bang a left" as soon as the light turns green, and oncoming traffic always expects it. Bostonians...say everything in town is "a five-minute walk." (pronounced "wok") Bostonians...believe that using your turn signal is a sign of weakness. Bostonians...think that 63-degree ocean water is warm. Bostonians...think Rhode Island accents are annoying. How to say these Massachusetts city names correctly: Worcester: Wuhsta (or Wistah) Gloucester: Glawsta Leicester: Lesta ! Woburn: Wooban Dedham: Dedim (like denim) Revere: Re-vee-ah Quincy: Quinzee Peabody: Pea-bud'-dee Waltham: Wahlt-ham Chatham: Chahttum

What Bawston Axcent?

Living in New England is like being in a whole different country. We use different nouns for common every day items, such as; 1. Bureau = dresser. 2. Side board = counter top 3. Tag sale = garage sale 4. Soda = pop 5. Italians = subs 6. Cunnin' = cute 7. Built like a brick sh*t house = hunk 8. Dooryard = more than likely the front yard, but whatever yard the door opens up to. 9. Johnnie = Hospital gown. ***Here are some useful sayings and pronunciations to help on your visit to our fair New England.*** Going to college in Boston? "Mary-mutha-ah-gawd, you gotta be wicked smaht!" But we bet you don't know some things. Like, what's a three decka? A packie? How about a rotary? Ever banged a U-ey? Worn dungarees or ordered a frappe? Even a Rhodes scholar would have a tough time deciphering the language Boston calls its own. "New Englanders have had a long and strong tradition of eccentric ways of expressing themselves, especially in Boston," said Boston University Linguistics professor Michael Feldman. "It's very distinctive." Indeed ~ and we'd have a wickid time tryin' to stump ya, then make fun of ya behind ya back . . . but that's wicked mean. Instead, here's a little primah to take with you on the T, while you're on the Common or in the Gahden, maybe catchin' a Pats game or sipping a regulah coffee at Dunkies. American Chop Suey ~ Found in school cafeterias, this delightful dish doesn't resemble anything American or Chinese. It's macaroni with meat and tomato sauce. Bangin' a U-ey ~ This is what you do while driving after you miss a turn and you have to turn around. Book it ~ To high-tail it someplace, as in, "I better book it to Stah Mahket before it closes." Bubblah ~ Spelled bubbler, it's a water fountain. Der ~ An interjection indicating disdain for someone else's stupidity, as in, "The old Gahden was way betta than the Fleet! Der!" Down Cella ~ The basement. As in; "run down cella and get me a dishtowel outta the drya." Derived from upstairs. Dungarees ~ Jeans. Hardly heard anymore, unless you're at some sort of senior citizens event. The Gahden ~ it's called the Fleet Centah now, but nobody calls it that - it's still the Bahston Gahden. Frappe ~ What the rest of the nation calls a milkshake. But in Boston, a milkshake is just flavored milk; no ice cream allowed. Fried and Bizaah ~ Weird. "That dude is wicked fried." "Yah, he's totally bizaah." Fudge-icle ~ To the rest of the world, a frozen chocolate pop is a Fudgesicle, but in Boston, the 's' is silent. Goin' down the island ~ Headin' South to hop a ferry to Mahtha's Vinyahd or Nantucket. Hermits and black and whites ~ Cookies. A hermit is a molasses and raisin bar. Black and whites, known anywhere else as half moons or half and halfs, are round, cakelike cookies with chocolate frosting on one half, vanilla on the other. Jimmies ~ Sprinkles you put on ice cream. Packie ~ Liquor Store. You'll have to make a packie run if you want a kegga (keg party.) Rotary ~ traffic circle. And in Massachusetts, those in the rotary have the right of way. Scrod ~ a generic name for white fish. We think it's cod, but no one's sure. Usually breaded and laden with butter. ****I can sense English teachers about to scratch their eyes out over these three*** 1)Not For Nothin’ ~ is used in a variety of forms, kinda like saying “in my opinion” eg: “not for nothin’ but I thinking this year’s election will be close.” 2)So Wouldn’t I ~ is used to agree with a statement eg: “I’d like to go to the Bahamas ta get away from all dis snow.” “so wouldn’t I” 3)So Don't I/So Aren't I ~ So do I, So am I. "I have tickets to Aerosmith tonight." "Oh my Gawd, so don't I!" "No Suh!" "Yah huh." Three Decker ~ Pronounced three decka, it's a three story house in which each story is a separate apartment. A time ~ A party. "We're going to a time for Sully at McGuire's." Tonic ~ Coca Cola, Sprite, Pepsi.......it's called sodahhhhhhh. Wicked ~ Extremely. "Nomaaah's a wicked good baseball playa." Yah huh and no suh ~ Yes and no. Usually heard during an intense conversation. "I saw Mickey at Castle Island and he was with another girl." "No SUH!" "Yah huh." Other tips: Don't say COPEly Square, it's COPley. Don't say public transportation - it's "the T." Worcester isn't WOOster or Worchester, it's Wisstah. Gloucester isn't Glawchester - it's Glosstah. It's not PLYmouth - it's Plimuth. Don't say Provincetown - It's P'town. Say Commonwealth Avenue, Massachusetts Avenue or Dorchester Avenue and you'll get pinched. It's Comm. Ave, Mass. Ave and Dot. Ave. And the debate on the word "scallop" ~ OK out-of-statahs, repeat after me - say Gal, Sal, Pal - now, how do you pronounce "All," how do you pronounce "Call" and "Small-so just because you put an sc in front it's different? NOTTT! So don't say scaaaaaallops - It's scawwwwwllups. If someone asks you if you have Patriot's Day off: this is a state holiday commemorating the "shot heard round the world" in 17 something....it is also the day of the running of the Bahston Marathawn. We have simplified things and taken away all the rrrrrrrr's. The way we figure it, we have NO accent - you do!!!! BOSTONIANS!!! . . . . love us or leave us!


here are some truths about redheads (along w/ some myths) 1) redheads require more anesthesia. (it's tough to knock us out and hard to keep us down) 2)redheads are more likely to bleed during surgery 3)redheads are more sensitive to thermal pain (maybe why we tend to burn more easily?) 4)redheads are less sensitive to pain from multiple modalities (except for the above mentioned thermal pain) 5)women with naturally red hair require less of the painkiller pentazocine than do either women of other hair colors or men of any hair color. 6)Red hair is the rarest type of natural hair color in humans. now for the myths: 1)redhair is a sign of a fiery temper 2)redheads are untrustworthy 3)redheads turn into vampires when they die 4)redheads are bad luck 5)redheads are witches That's all i have for now. let me know of any facts or myths you may have regarding us redheads. Redheads rule!!!!!
ok here it is the secret all have been searching for.... i lost 90 pounds in one year. How? you may ask. it was so simple. Are you ready? Here's the answer: i changed my mind. That was it. Here's how: 1) no more regular soda. i would go through a 12 pack in 3 days. i now drink diet wild cherry pepsi or diet coke, and make a 12 pack last at least 5 days at most a week. i also drink water and lemonade. 2) no more snacking on what ever i can find. i no longer buy king size m&m's, or worse yet the pound bags. i do not keep candy in the house. i do not deny myself, but i only have chocolate once in a great while. 3) take a walk, dance, get moving physically. Don't just sit on the couch. i no longer have cable so i can't watch tv (yes, i do rent movies from time to time). it's liberating not having the foolish thing on to sit mindlessly watching. 4) most important-----do not eat after 8pm (or two hours before bedtime). 5) Do eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. 6) Do take vitamins 7) find some supplement that works for you to help curb your appetite should you need it. 8) weigh yourself only once a week. 9) if you are a chocolate lover try using a vanilla scent to stave off the chocolate craving. i use vanilla scented detergent, room fragrance and body spray. 10) focus on the positive. So it's cold outside, walk for 10 minutes then get back into the warm house. If it's too hot go walk around the mall. Checking out the clothes you will soon be buying.... i hope that helps, it did me anyways. i wish all those w/ weight issues good luck if you want to lose it. Have a happy! jen

Submissive VS Slave

SUBMISSIVE vs SLAVE This distinction appears muddled, misunderstood and generalized by a great number of the people that I converse with. First I would like to make a point. Language at it's best shifts from area to area. Within this one continent we have many variations or dialects of usage. This can be seen in terms like sweeper meaning vacuum cleaner etc. So, many words used within a community can mean different things to different people based on the 'age' of the person, their background and the common usage of the area they live in. The submissive is a volunteer. The slave is not a volunteer. This is the core and substantial difference between the two terms. Within the BDSM community this can be interpreted in this way. The submissive individual may be lightly, moderately or heavily submissive. The submissive has a desire to submit to the direction of another person which in this community we call the Dominant or Top. Their submission may be quite limited in range, for example, they may only want and desire to release their submission in a limited fashion, for short amounts of time and within tightly confined arena's. This type of submissive will generally carry a long list of rules, boundaries, limits, requirements etc. which they require the Dominant to agree to prior to engaging their submissive aspect within the relationship. Other submissives will have a more moderate (this is the largest group) approach, a stronger desire to submit for longer periods of time with fewer restrictions, limitations and requirements. A small percentage of submissives will be heavily submissive. They desire and look for a full time partner to live with on a full time basis. Their nature is to seek to express their submission as often as possible with the fewest restrictions upon their chosen Dominant as possible. Generally their list of limitations, rules and requirements may be verbal, short and flexible. Additionally there is the person that calls themselves submissive who prefers to seek out only casual contacts. This person is willing to submit only so far as to address their personal needs. Their orientation toward 'serving' the other person is almost nonexistent. They will have a list of personal needs and requirements and in large part do not care who fills them. These persons tend to be called the "DO ME" subs. In my opinion they are not submissives at all, not having the basic criteria of a 'desire to serve for the pleasure of another' that is the fundamental trait I identify as submissive and Dominant. For me personally, the 'do me sub' in my eyes is a vanilla person with a kink fetish desire. There is one other category that needs to be mentioned here. This is the terminology of bottom and masochist. In general terms a bottom is not necessarily submissive but a person who enjoys scening from the bottom position. This bottom may or may not consider themselves to be a submissive, many consider themselves to be neither submissive nor Dominant but more accurately a switch. You will note that I do not consider a bottom to be a 'do me sub', their attitude, orientation and motivation are distinctly different. In my opinion they are usually very open and honest about the submissive aspect and by virtue of that fall into their own category. I have scened with many bottoms and found them to be excellent for demo's, workshops and to help out or assist where multiple persons are useful for the fulfillment of a scene. The masochist also plays in here, a masochist is a person that enjoys pain being inflicted upon them. They do not need to be submissive at all, (similar to a bottom). However, many submissives are strongly masochistic. The masochist also is sometimes called a 'pain slut', they generally are most similar to a bottom in clarifying their distinctions from the label or identification of submissive. This form of honesty is what in my opinion makes both of these choices valid. The SLAVE ~ The slave is beyond the last level of the submissive. The slave vacates limits. To be a slave is to offer of self fully and without reservation. From my perspective very few individuals fall into this category. Those that do, that I know personally are generally with their Dominant for a very long period of time. Trust has been long ago established, limits and range discovered and a relationship of personal strength has emerged which allows the submissive to transcend to this level. This is a level without safewords, without limits. The slave lives with their Dominant on a full time basis and may or may not have a life external of serving their mate. The slave generally selects a Dominant with parallel limits. By this I mean that the final action of trust is the vacating of set limits. In order to do this the individual must fundamentally know that their partner shares the same 'natural' or 'inviolate' limits as they do. A Dominant has limits just like a submissive. That which falls within their natural range and desire is their arena. Many people use the term 'slave' interchangeably with submissive. I myself enjoy calling my sub's 'slaves' because it thrills them. However, I know in truth that they are not slaves, they fall within the field of the submissive. A submissive without choice (limit's - safewords) becomes a slave. They have passed that final threshold of personal trust. One final thing to really confuse things. I have a category which I call the 'Authentic Submissive', I also call these persons 'full out or true Submissives'. This is the submissive who is auto responsive. When in top space they can and may appear to be at any level of the submissive listed above. Upon entering sub-space they lose the ability to do anything but obey. This is an automatic response. They are unable to control the response. It has been my lifelong opinion that these submissives are the 'natural slaves', they have a capacity and range far exceeding the non-auto-responsive submissive. By the way, when I find one of these quite rare authentic submissives, I am instinctively very protective of them. They are the most vulnerable members of this community. Ok, to address a few more misconceptions. There is sometimes rampant discussion on the who is real question. Any person who states that they are submissive, switch or Dominant should be taken at their word until through action, word or deed they demonstrate otherwise. Respect is not given by virtue of having any aspect but is earned or inspired by consistent action, word or deed. The amount, number, placement, design of brandings, piercings, tattoo's etc. can but do not necessarily identify any individual by virtue of in community status. These ornamentation's are used across the entirety of the community and can be seen upon any individual regardless of Dominant or submissive status. The easiest way to discover a person's placement within the community, be it through gender, sexual orientation, top, bottom, sideways etc... is to politely ask them. You can simply say, "What way would you prefer to be addressed?" This offers the individual the choice to tell you what they prefer so that you will not appear discourteous. By the way...courtesy is the key. You are not required to respect any unknown person. You are required to use common courtesy. Additionally, there is no right or wrong to being or believing yourself to be anything. It is not better to be one thing or the other and people should not be discriminated against for those choices they make. I offer common respect to all persons until and unless they take an action that I find disrespectful. At that point I generally elect to have no further converse with them. One final note. There is what is loosely called a 'submissive network'. This network is a system which has existed probably since the origination of the SSC credo (safe, sane and consensual), wherein submissives within a community share information. This becomes important if you are a new person. A Dominant is only as good as the reputation they maintain within their local community. There are persons within this community who use the label Dominant, Top and even Sadist to cover their activities of non-consensual abuse. If you encounter someone who is abusive or breaks the SSC credo. Identify them in their local community. This is in real life. If you are a Dominant and you encounter a submissive who is unbalanced (mentally), by this I mean erratic, violent, abusive...share this information as neutrally as possible with the other Dominant's in your locale who may encounter this submissive. There are some persons who call themselves submissive who will turn after a scene and accuse the Dominant of abuse. Generally they have not dealt with prior, long term or life long experiences with abuse. You are not required to medically diagnose, just be open and honest. Submissives also live by their local reputation. When encountering or beginning a new relationship be honest about any occurrences which may reflect poorly on your reputation. Establishment of trust requires this. A Dominant may be accused of abuse and a submissive accused of being cracked or insane without substantiation. Imput the information and take the time to get to know the individual before making a judgment! This webpage is owned by F.R.R. Mallory - also known as Mistress Steel, including all content and logos. This webpage has been redesigned to be easy to read. The information on this page is designed to inform and entertain, it is not meant to offer professional or legal advice. The content of this webpage may be excerpted from Extreme Space, The Domination and Submission Handbook, Safe, Sane and Consensual, Dangerous Choices or other books by F.R.R. Mallory, all the content is copyright protected under United States and International Copyright Law. Please click on the book title for information on how you can order a copy of these books and others by F.R.R. Mallory. For limited release, re-posting, web-sharing information regarding any of the articles on this website, or to sign up for the Steel-Door Newsletter direct mailing, please email SteelBfl@sonic.net. this information was taken from http://www.steel-door.com/Submissive_vs_Slave.html (Thank You Dungeon Master)
Dominant vs Master Dominatrix vs Mistress Those just entering the BDSM world will find the abundant usage of both of these words by members of the online community. This is primarily due to the rapid growth of access and the restrained attainability of quality texts to correctly interpret what these words mean within the community itself. Up to a few years ago the BDSM world was a tightly closed and almost secret society. Membership in this society was kept totally private and hidden with significant effort. Entree into the community was by referral and accompaniment only. Protocols or rules of conduct were strict and strongly enforced, not from some control standpoint but because those rules emerged from bitterly hard lessons in survival. A Dominant is a person with a dominant aspect in their personality. A Master is a Dominant with significant real life BDSM experience. They are not the same. It can be fairly said that all Master/Mistress's are Dominant. It cannot be said that all Dominant's have earned the title of Master/Mistress. The Dominant person will range from lightly, moderately and heavily dominant. They may desire to engage in a relationship which is infrequent and strictly limited by rules, boundaries and limitations. These light Dominant's will generally have a very limited desire to have a significant D/s relationship, this is sometimes due to conflicting life events and other times due to being 'barely dominant'. There is a second group of light Dominant's or persons with a desire to control without the adequate understanding or tools to do so. I sometimes call these person's low level Dominant's. Their range or sphere (their world) is small, they can be poorly educated, relatively low paying jobs, somewhat narrow minded and may be subject to 'dominant bursts', or short term barely or uncontrolled violent outbursts. These low level Dominant's are often abusive and were generally bully's or victims of abuse as children. They may be full of justifications for their 'actions' often assigning 'blame' or directing by means of fear, intimidation or threat of pain. They are often without honor, courage and veracity as individual's and when encountered in the BDSM world should be avoided or not sought out to be in a relationship with. The moderate Dominant is the most common Dominant and will characteristically be interested in a 'relationship', though often they may not desire a full time relationship when they are fairly new to the community. They tend to have a broader range and more committed style than the light Dominant and the submissive will find them to be more stable. They will tend to be decently educated, interested in their outer world, midrange job. They may tend to control through a blending of thought and the accentuating of traditional type disciplines. They are most likely to have 'sides', wishing and desiring their submissive to 'share' in decision making choices. The heavy Dominant can be distinguished primarily by a clear, strong and compelling desire to live in a 24/7 relationship with one submissive. This Dominant will generally have been in the community for a long time or be seasoned, will have explored the 'abundance' of many D/s events, meetings, scenes and partners. They can be more tolerant and more strict than any other Dominant. A high percentage of heavy Dominant's will have spent some portion of their BDSM life as a submissive, learning from the inside. These Dominant's often allow few limits and believe that their submissive must trust in them to direct them in a safe, sane manner. They are generally well rounded and quite stable. Holding to simple, firm rules with a strong desire to maintain the health and well-being of their chosen mate. One of the most significant traits which identifies or distinguishes a member of this community is the basic 'desire to serve for the pleasure of another'. This aspect trait is shared by both Dominant and submissive though manifested in entirely different ways. When 'in scene' the Dominant is 'serving' the needs of the submissive by giving and/or directing that submissive in a manner which is pleasurable to the core being of the submissive. In those terms the Dominant is the giver, the submissive the receiver. In a good or well rounded relationship this flows back and forth between both Dominant and submissive. The submissive is 'giving' obedience and consent to the Dominant, the Dominant is 'giving' direction and control to the submissive. Additionally you have those who go by the name of Top. This person is generally an individual who enjoys scening from the Top position. S/he may or may not have a strong dominant aspect. Many Top's will openly indicate that they do not consider themselves to be a Dominant, they generally have little desire to be in a controlling position of another person's life. Many see themselves in dual roles and may identify themselves as switches, or having the ability to switch from Top to bottom role. I also need to mention the Sadist here. A Sadist may or may not be a Dominant, in much the same way as a Top. Often a true Sadist will openly identify themselves as a Sadist. They scene because the inflicting of pain upon another being brings them pleasure. In many cases the Sadist has no desire to live in a controlling position over another person. Also the true Sadist is very attuned to 'scene limits', they can and may be a stickler for very precise identification of what is permissible and what is not. In general terms they are not oriented toward 'serving the pleasure' of the person they scene with though often they are very skilled, very intelligent and very careful. A Dominant may be sadistic and will often have a strong sadistic side which allows them the ability or range to interact with the submissive in an intense sensory stimulation way. A multiple partner Dominant can be any of those above mentioned. The individual's stability can best be judged by the duration of those poly-relationships. Also there are those that take on or desire to take on 'stables' of submissives. In most cases this is a fantasy wish fulfillment type of ego stroking. Functionally, the more people within a relationship the harder it is to manage. It is quite difficult to manage a single relationship well, every division of time, energy and focus reduces the overall quality to everyone. THE MASTER ~ MISTRESS The Master/Mistress is beyond the last level of the Dominant. They are generally well experienced, often having lived as a full time slave for up to several years as part of their training. This title used to be given within the local communities in a ceremonial way when the individual had earned this title by the estimation of a majority consensus agreement of the Dominant's within that local community. It was considered to be a high honor and carried with it a measure of instant respect by all those so encountering it. In addition there is a further title of Grand Master/Mistress. This title is awarded even more rarely and should you encounter any individual with this title, you should offer extreme respect and understand that this title was awarded for demonstrable and long term consistent actions. One final thing to really confuse you. There is a category that I call the Alpha Dominant. (aka High-Level Dominant) (aka Natural Dominant). This individual appears to have been born Dominant. They often 'emerge' at a young age, (sometimes at puberty), they have natural skills, are highly imaginative and creative, flexible, energetic and intense. They have no need to 'prove' themselves to any other standards or measures. They may have no abuse whatsoever in their background. They are generally highly motivated, precise, detail oriented, aggressive, charming and capable of literally anything. The vast majority of Dominants 'emerge' in their mid-thirties. A full emergence often takes as long as seven years as they work through and integrate all the conflicting information inside of themselves (this is identical for the submissives also - though many female sub's emerge in their late 20's). During this 'emergence' process they can be somewhat unstable, moving from person to person and sometimes from orientation to orientation as they seek to understand what is happening to them and who they really are. A few other misconceptions to address. The term 'Lady' is often seen. Lady can be an indicator of both Dominant or submissive. Many Alpha or number one submissives are called 'Ladies'. Usage of this term as it applies to a Dominant Female is somewhat unclear though it 'may' indicate that the Dominant is or has been a switch. I should note that many of the Dominant's are former submissives who carry forth their education and training quite proudly. The term Lord is also commonly seen here and is often used as in 'Lord and Master'. Being called a 'Lord' does not mean that the individual is a Master but appears to be a term of endearment given by the submissive to that Dominant. Sir and Ma'am also fall into the category of endearment honorific title terms. Many Dominant's have no desire to assume the identity of a Master and require their submissives to call them Sir to be used as the reverent title of choice. This also holds true for Ma'am though I should note here that 'Madame' can be interpreted as a slur due to it's association with prostitution. Also, a submissive is not allowed to address an individual as Master or Mistress unless they are within the collaring process with that Dominant. When wearing the 'collar of consideration' the sub/slave moves within the relationship circle of that Dominant's realm and should then address that Dominant in the manner so indicated by that Dominant's rank or desire. This continues through the 'training collar' stage and becomes permanent in the 'slave collar' stage. Proper protocol and etiquette should be taught to the new submissive/slave to prevent accidental embarrassment of the Dominant in situations where the submissive/slave may encounter other Dominant's, Alpha subs and submissive/slaves. I was quite properly prompted to write a similar identifying article to the Submissive vs slave one. Also, I just received this safety tip from one of the Member Readers and decided it was important enough to pass along for those interested in this type of play -thank you Jewels!. I feel the need to make a comment about puppy training. You mentioned that in puppy training the sub may be required to eat dog food. One safety issue here that comes to mind is that most dog food is not suitable for human consumption as much of the meat used comes from rendering plants which do not ask why the animal was brought in (i.e. a large variety of diseased meat may be included with the meat from relatively healthy animals). The only dog food that does not do this as much is Hills Science Diet. The Hills plant actually voluntarily meets standards for human food production. My background in this knowledge comes from my current veterinary school training and a tour of the Hills research plant. Note: if you are a pet owner, there isn't a worry that your pet may get sick from the food, it is heated prior to final packaging to greatly reduce if not eliminate that problem, but I wouldn't want to risk it in a human. This webpage is owned by F.R.R. Mallory - also known as Mistress Steel, including all content and logos. This webpage has been redesigned to be easy to read. The information on this page is designed to inform and entertain, it is not meant to offer professional or legal advice. The content of this webpage may be excerpted from Extreme Space, The Domination and Submission Handbook, Safe, Sane and Consensual, Dangerous Choices or other books by F.R.R. Mallory, all the content is copyright protected under United States and International Copyright Law. Please click on the book title for information on how you can order a copy of these books and others by F.R.R. Mallory. For limited release, re-posting, web-sharing information regarding any of the articles on this website, or to sign up for the Steel-Door Newsletter direct mailing, please email SteelBfl@sonic.net. This information was taken from the following: http://www.steel-door.com/Dominant_vs_Master.html (Thank You Dungeon Master)


Yes, there are guidelines: i am a collared whore. my Master, Pure, does not share what belongs to Him. That being said please read the following: For all those to whom this may apply: Yes, i am a real submissive and i have a Master. Pure owns me. He has collared me and has made me the happiest whore. i love to please my Master. He is not cruel to me. He knows how to control me and the marks/bruises He leaves on my body are so nice. i am so happy to be His. my Master rocks my world. Guidlines: my only family is my Master. i can post pictures on my site. i will never put up "kitty" pictures. i can chat with anyone. Please, if You want to be friends, send an email, a shout, or catch me in a chatroom. i will not accept a blank friend request. Please do not ask me to send pictures, i have loaded all i am going to share onto this site. i do change them from time to time so as to keep things fresh. Please do not ask for me to play / meet with you. i am a collared whore and belong to Pure. i will not play / meet with you. Please do not ask to webcam with me and don't tell me that what my Master doesn't know won't hurt me. An ommission is still a lie and a lie like that is still cheating. i am a loyal and honest whore. i love my Master and am proud to serve Him. That may be hard for some of you to understand, but that's the way it is. If you have a problem with me, please feel free to notify my Master Pure. He will handle me. Thank you for taking the time to read the rules. Have a Happy! jen
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