56 Year Old
Joined on September 12, 2012
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on July 16th
I have a crush on someone!
I don't understand much of anything anymore. The harder I try the harder I fall. I ve lived my life trying to help people. I never think of myself first.But it always seems that bad things always happen to me. I don't talk to a lot of people but the people I do I cherish with all my Heart. I m loosing faith in myself in life and in the Future. I care deeply about all these things but its getting harder to keep faith about them. Im loosing people in my life more and more each day. In one way or another. Some from my stupidity other from death itself. Im sorry to all I have ever hurt in my life and I wish everyday that I could help the ones close to me more then I do. Those people know who they or. Im not a smart man but I know what love is. I LOVE YOU. (H)
56 Year Old
Joined on September 12, 2012
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Born on July 16th
I have a crush on someone!
LOve fishing camping and just being with people giving is a wonderful thing
I like country/easy lessioning/ oldies/80 , 90 2000
LOve Drama and action movies
Anyone who sticks up for other. We have to many bullies in the world time for them to go down.
Latest Status
Streak This is my last post. For long time. I wish you all alot of love and happiness. Im just not in right State to be on here anymore.