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howl's blog: "strange things...."

created on 10/21/2007  |  http://fubar.com/strange-things/b144195
Whoever follows my news through my blogs and mumms knows I have these super loud downstairs neighbors who love to blast their music out loud and ignored my knocking. Till I complained to the manager that is,even though they still get pretty loud occasionally.But let's cut to the point: another neighbor of mine who's only 15 was running around the house and making a mess...I was getting back at him for something pretty bad he'd done and all of a sudden SURRPPPRRRIIISSSEEEEE I get a knock knock on the door. It was a tall, cute , dark guy and I wouldn't have even opened the door since I do get scared when I don't know the person,except , the little crazy visitor's father and sister were over too,so I got some courage and cried :" YYYEEESSS" ,and he went " are your parents home?" ,so I finally opened the door and told him that there are no parents I live in my apt alone and those were my neighbors he he he. BUT HERE COMES THE FUN PART ,TADAAAAAAAAAA he starts talking about how he's studying and our stomping around needs to be kept down and it's too noisy for him and there I go and say :" ooohh I'm sorry,it wasn't really me and my neighbors are leaving HOWEEEVVEEEERRR you guys have ignored my knocking when the music was loud enough to feel like it comes from my own apt,so I have already notified managent. What's more,your dog needs to be leashed since I got chased by it and your girlfriend was just there laughing and doing nothing,and I have told that to management as well. LAST BUT NOT LEAST even though I don't have a car , I do have friends giving me rides and you guys need to leave MYYYY parking lot free since you're parking in it and it's not yours. Oh well...they got 3 scoldings for the price of one,it's a shame they're so dumb cause the guy is fairly cute .


As most of you know, I saw a super hottie at a cell phone stand at the mall,but truth is,that's not the only thing that happened there. Ok,lets start from the beginning,president's day and my 15 and 11 yr old cute little neighbors and I decide to take a walk at the mall. None of the 3 of us drive so we get a ride on the way there and plan to call a cab on the way back. It was fun over all, but as I was outside looking for the cab we had booked, and the 2 yahoos ( hehe ) were still in the mall checking over the last windows before reaching me,when my breath caught!!!!!!!! :O:O:O:O I saw two guys driving by,right in front of the mall's main entrance and...well...the one in the passengers seat was holding a gun pointing upwards. I was soooooo terrorized that could not even run away,stupid me,...but stupidity and luck often go together since the two kept on driving north. I ran into the mall again,heck with the cab...and mobilitated security . Not an easy thing as it sounds since the only person I knew was my 15yr old messy messy friend,like all boys he just took it as a joke and said " yeah right! " I had to shake him and shout " IT'S TRUUUUEEEE I SAW THE GUUUNNNNN" before he even looked at me for real... oh well, crazy life became normal for me since J left me,or didn't it? I love you all my fubar friends!!!! hope you know that.
ooookkkkkkkkk aside from the fact that a few days ago a lady and her husband,both deaf,got locked out of their apt,in the same apt complex I live in, with a baby and a toddler locked inside ,and I had to call 911 and RELUCTANTLY give them my name and tell them what was going on....naturally,after the last 2 accidents where I dialed 911 by mistake, I couldn't be happy about this right? but heck,I was the only one with a cell phone on the place of the accident,and both parents could not talk if not with great difficulty,due to their hearing problem. Aside from the fact that I called them up and we were 20 minutes on the phone for them NEVER TO SHOW UP,they did nothing but tell me to calm down and wait on the phone with me on the line till SOMEBODY ELSE ( wasn't it their job???? ) aka,the new apt manager,was called even though off duty and opened the door. Aside from the fact that they told me to get into the apt once unlocked and check on the infants making sure they're fine ( again wasn't this their job to send some paramedics quick to the place? ) guess ,guess!!!! today they show up at my door while I'm on the phone with a friend of mine and they claim,GET THIS:that there was a 911 hang up from my phone. I just wanted to pull my hair in desperation,whattaaaaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I had been on the phone forever! now HOW??? in the freaking world would I call them and hang up? top of the bluff? they just smile and go: "ok,we just had to check, but if there is a real emergency , don't hesitate to call! all right there! I don't know,I'll decide wheter I should laugh or cry and write again later.
Well I was trying to call my (soon to be ) ex husband the other day,just to talk about a few things to settle , nothing in particular and I happened to dial 47 instead of 74. The rest of the whole number was correct but that didn't really matter in the end , now did it? On top of the whole problem, the guy who answered my phone, happened to sound a looootttt like my (soon to be) ex brother in law. So you can only imagine the mess that happened there!!!!!!!!!!!!! We began going back and forth,and the dialog went pretty much like this:" Can I please talk to J and by the way, how come you have his phone?" and he'd say things like :" there's no j here and by the way what is your name?" . It's funny I can laugh about it right now, but back then I was pretty peeved about it because I figured things were going waayyyy off limits so I just snapped:" look, I know we're splitting, I know we're not on the best of grounds but do you REALLY think this behavior is acceptable???????" .When he kept on insisting on me having the wrong number,I even asked him to kindly hold the line a moment so I could take a look at my cordless display and...GET THIS: still did not notice the two digits having been transposed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can only imagine what came next ( lmao ) I put the phone back in my ear and TALKED EVEN MORE FIERCLY THAN BEFORE,telling the guy to stop the phony balloney and pass me to j. ( oh my gosh, LMAO ) I finally couldn't take it anymore so I yelled " ok, whatever" and hang up .However, the more I thought about it , the more I got mad about being played around with so I decided to call J ( lol ) back, the only difference was, this time I DID dial the right number :O:O:O and....J sounded as if he REALLY couldn't have a clue. My first thought was "fine, this is your game? you just know nothing? than neither do I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" . Thing was the more we talked, the more I realized he really did not.We did have a (relatively) normal conversation, and we hung up.My horrible suspicions were confirmed when I went into the calls phone data and compared the numbers:O:O:O I HAD JUST YELLED AT A TOTAL STRANGER AND CALLED HIM WITH MY HUSBAND'S NAME. Not too long after me finding this out and being totally ashamed, he called me back,I just say :" Hello ?" and hear a cheering ,laughing voice on the other side :" so...did you finally get a hold of J?" oooookkkkkkkkk feel free to laugh,I was so,really ashamed I could only say a pitiful yes,to which he obviously replied " so , now you do realize I'm not him right?". We ended up chitty -chatting on the phone a couple of times till he wanted to meet me, being my same faith and age.I agreed provided it was at my neighbor's house,and TOP SURPRISE: THEY KNEW EACH OTHEEEERRRRRRRRR . ok , that's it for weirdo's news today, it's all folks. P.S now he likes me but I don't like him, so hope I don't hurt him...sucks.

So cute!!!

As I was sitting in church waiting for Sacrament to begin today,a Lady with her 2 children passed by. She has a boy in primary and a toddler girl who is soooooooo adorable!!!! It was funny , all I had to do was jokingly say : "wanna sit with me?" and she did, lol . She left her mom and quietly sat on my legs. You'd think she'd get restless after a while, since Church is not exactly fun at that age, but she did not.She didn't even show any sign of being bored at all . Her brother came to bring us a book for her to color just in case, and I gladly accepted it, even though she really did not seem to need it. It was so cool to have her there the whole time. Funny thing is , her mom came to thank me for having her , and I was like : " thanks for what??? she's the cutiest thing!" ,that's when she told me , that cute little stinker actually cries when she's in church with mommy,aaawwwwww. was almost tempted to keep her and pretend she's mine,even though nobody would have believed I could possibly , somehow, have an African-american baby hehehe. Oh well,if I do decide to steal her, I won't care.:D

oh my gosh...

I've recently made friends with a family in my church,and they have an 11 year old girl,whom I simply ADORE and a 14 year old guy who is a handful,just as adorable but in small doses lolololol. I've texted him tonight to ask him where his sister was , since we had to hang out, and he replied with two sms saying:" why you mad at me" "you no love me" . You guys can only imagine my face...I called him back to ask him what the heck was going on ( love? huhhhhhhhhhh with a 14 yrs old? I'm no pedofile thanks!!!!) and he wouldn't answer his cell... But get this!! his sister was over at my house,so the father came to pick her up and, the misterious texter happened to call him right then. THAT is when the real fun started ( Lmao ) . I just answered the cell phone as if it were mine and he froze on the other side. Initial awkwardness passed,he said he wanted to talk to his dad and I was laughing my belly off saying things like:" sorry , he was arrested for drugs smuggling,I saw him in handcuffs so I can testify " . The fun became even more fun when he went "shut up" lolololol I had a great time and it turned out he's not the one who wrote that stuff about love,his friend had taken over his cell phone and began a nice, crazy random texting to his contacts. He was just shocked when I told him what the sms said. Oh well, that's what you get for trusting your friends with your cell phone.I was almost tempted to say, " oh yeah I love you too,wanna marry me? " just to freak him out real good.
I even came to the point of having to block a friend,A FRIEND ON FUBAR for keeping on talking sex to me, after I repeatedly told him I did not appreciate it. Now,you guys and gals are all my friends or you probably wouldn't care to read this page of mine,and who ever of you knows me well enough also knows I am pretty religious, to say the least. That guy knew that as well, so whatever posessed him into talking to me like that,was totally insane!!!!!!!!!! gees,I wonder why it is so hard for some people to understand I only believe in sex within wedlock and conversing about it is certainly not a top priority of mine. All this is so ridiculous,sorry,had to let it out, somehow, you have a great night everyone! love ya all.


I went to a church dinner tonight and we had volunteer preteens as servers, it was pretty fun. Especially since I shocked the one at my table with my food requests, Lmao. Well it's not like it's my fault if I hate jam on pork and the only way I was gonna get plain pork was ask for a diabetic menu, rofl rofl. The poor little guy just looked at me with a face I'D HAVE LOVED TO HAVE A CAMERA FOR,too freaking funny!!! his eyes popped way out and he went " youuuu????" and then 10 minutes later,I told him I wanted water with no ice ( not to shock the little fellow, I don't really drink with ice all the time,depends on my mood and how cold I am on that day ) . I refused to eat any apple pie cause it had cinnamon in it,and as you all guys know,I can't even stand the smell of that thing.The other options were brownies ( YUUUCKK ) and mint jello dessert ( YUUUUCKK AGAIN ). But leaving my food geekiness aside, it WAS fun,I got to enjoy a christmas cool show,I helped in the kitchen and met a very cute guy,except he does make me nervous to have around,so wouldn't quite date him.I know it's strange,but I do get vibes about ppl I'd never be confortable around and 99% of the time I guess pretty good. I can either hope this case is within the 1% probability of being wrong,or look around. I'll tell you more guys later,night fubarians.

a friend of mine...

I was talking to that friend of mine today,the same one I called 911 instead of,lolololol and she's gonna help me look for some dates as soon as my papers are served. That's not the fun part,the fun part is when we got down to talking as for what type of guy I'll be looking for,so that she can have a good idea for set-ups. She almost puked when I told her I like very large guys and begged me to stop,I don't get it but it's ok , it was pretty weird for me but who cares,most importantly we won't be rivals now will we? This is especially good,since she as well is in the process of dating. Hope my papers are served soon at this point,he's gone and he won't come back,at least I can have my own time and find a good guy for myself.Let the rest of the world puke over him,I'll just find him super hot,day and night.
what a night,tonight! stress and surprises are always there to wait for us!!! I was trying to reach a friend of mine through her cell phone and instead of a girlie "hello" I get a man's voice going: " 911 what's your emergency?" For a split second I thought I could hang up just as you do , when you call one house instead of another.That little voice in my head,though, was nagging me about not to press that cordless button :" they can find you,you know?" it said :O I started explaining to the person what happened.Of course I was a little bit shocked,I expected to be making arrangements for a shopping session tomorrow,not be talking to the police!!!!!!!!!!!! I must have sounded really weird ,because the poor guy asked me if I could talk freely. I verified my name and address for them ( not many chances to hide,they could see it in their system anyways ) and , formalities and apologies done with,the call was closed. I THOUGHT IT WAS OVER,but when I got back on fubar,I told my friend "photoman" what happened. Pretty funny, I really did not wanna believe him telling me they'd knock on my door but they did! and here was me explaining the whole thing aaalllll over again,but this time,live :O oh my goodness.... but my final consideration is the same as the one I started with: what a night,tonight! P.S always dial carefully,lol
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