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Stormy's blog: "Stories"

created on 03/14/2007  |  http://fubar.com/stories/b64567

This is Beautiful

This is beautiful! Try not to cry. She jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room. She said: "How is my little boy ? Is he going to be all right ? When can I see him ?" The surgeon said, "I'm sorry. We did all we could, but your boy didn't make it." Sally said, "Why do little children get cancer ? Doesn't God care any more ? Where were you, God, when my son needed you ?" The surgeon asked, "Would you like some time alone with your son ? One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes, before he's transported to the university." Sally asked the nurse to stay with her while she said good bye to son. She ran her fingers lovingly through his thick red curly hair. "Would you like a lock of his hair ?" the nurse asked. Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of the boy's hair, put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally. The mother said, "It was Jimmy's idea to donate his body to the University for Study. He said it might help somebody else. "I said no at first, but Jimmy said, 'Mom, I won't be using it after I die. Maybe it will help some other little boy spend one more day with his Mom." She went on, "My Jimmy had a heart of gold. Always thinking of someone else. Always wanting to help others if he could." Sally walked out of Children's Mercy Hospital for the last time, after spending most of the last six months there. She put the bag with Jimmy's belongings on the seat beside her in the car. The drive home was difficult. It was even harder to enter the empty house. She carried Jimmy's belongings, and the plastic bag with the lock of his hair to her son's room. She started placing the model cars and other personal things back in his roo m exactly where he had always kept them. She laid down across his bed and, hugging his pillow, cried herself to sleep. It was around midnight when Sally awoke. Laying beside her on the bed was a folded letter. The letter said : "Dear Mom, I know you're going to miss me; but don't think that I will ever forget you, or stop loving you, just 'cause I'm not around to say "I Love You". I will always love you, Mom, even more with each day. Someday we will see each other again. Until then, if you want to adopt a little boy so you won't be so lonely, that's okay with me. He can have my room and old stuff to play with. But, if you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn't like the same things us boys do. You'll have to buy her dolls and stuff girls like, you know. Don't be sad thinking about me. This really is a neat place. Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything. The angels are so cool. I love to watch them fly. And, you know what? Jesus doesn't look like any of his pictures. Yet, when I saw Him, I knew it was Him. Jesus himself took me to see GOD ! And guess what, Mom ? I got to sit on God's knee and talk to Him, like I was somebody important. That's when I told Him that I wanted to write you a letter, to tell you good bye and everything. But I already knew that wasn't allowed. Well, you know what Mom ? ;God handed me some paper and His own personal pen to write you this letter. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel who is going to drop this letter off to you. God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked Him 'Where was He when I needed him ?' "God said He was in the same place with me, as when His son Jesus was on the cross. He was right there, as He always is with all His children. Oh, by the way, Mom, no one else can see what I've written except you. To everyone else this is just a blank piece of paper. Isn't that cool ? I have to give God His pen back now. He needs it to write some more names in the Book of Life. Tonight I get to sit at the table with Jesus for supper. I'm sure the food will be great. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I don't hurt anymore. The cancer is all gone. I'm glad because I couldn't stand that pain anymore and God couldn't stand to see me hurt so much, either. That's when He sent The Angel of Mercy to come get me. The Angel said I was a Special Delivery ! How about that ? Signed with Love from God, Jesus & Me.


Riddle You are driving in a car at a constant speed. On your left side is a 'drop off', (The ground is 18-20 inches below the level you are traveling on), and on your right side is a fire engine traveling at the same speed as you. In front of you is a galloping horse, which is the same size as your car and you cannot overtake it. Behind you is a galloping zebra. Both the horse and zebra are also traveling at the same speed as you. What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation? Get your drunk ass of the street.

Made my day

Mom always told me that we could never measure our wealth by money but by our friends. She would surely be glad to meet you and know how rich I turned out to be! God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day...and I just caught one that's so nice and true...It's you! I may have forgotten to say that I care. I may have failed to open up and share, but though no words have been spoken, my promise of friendship won't be broken Time and distance are important between friends. When a friend is in your heart, they remain there forever. I may be busy, but I assure you, you are always in my heart! Friends are like the walls of a house. Sometimes they hold you up, sometimes you lean on them. But sometimes, it's enough to know they're just standing by. If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them; I'd be at the bottom to catch them. One tree can start a forest, one smile can start a friendship. One touch can show you care, one friend can make life worth living for. A smile makes us look younger… while prayers make us feel stronger… and friends…? They make us enjoy life


Two traveling angels Keep reading to the bottom of the page -- don't stop at the feet (You'll see). Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guest room. Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, 'Things aren't always what they seem.' The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night's rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field. The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen? The first man had everything, yet you helped him, she accused. The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you let the cow die. 'Things aren't always what they seem,' the older angel replied. 'When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn't find it.' 'Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things aren't always what they seem.' Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don't turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every out come is always to your advantage. You just might not know it until some time later... Oooo Some people ( ) come into our lives ) / and quickly go.. (_ / oooO ( ) Some people ( become friends _ ) and stay awhile.... leaving beautiful Oooo footprints on our ( ) hearts... ) / ( _/ oooO ( ) and we are ( never _ ) quite the same because we have made a good friend!! Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present! I think this is special...live and savor every moment... This is not a dress rehearsal! ( /) ( __ / ) ( ()/ ) ( / ) TAKE THIS LITTLE ANGEL ( / / ) AND KEEP HER CLOSE TO YOU / SHE IS YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL ( ) SENT TO WATCH OVER YOU ____ THIS IS A SPECIAL GUARDIAN ANGEL.... YOU MUST PASS THIS ON TO 5 PEOPLE WITHIN THE HOUR OF RECEIVING HER, AFTER YOU DO MAKE A WISH.... IF YOU HAVE PASSED HER ON, YOUR WISH WILL BE GRANTED AND SHE WILL WATCH OVER YOU FOREVER.... IF NOT, HER TEARS WILL FLOW AND NO WISHES WILL BE GRANTED.... Now don't delete this message, because it comes from a very special angel. Right Now - -somebody is thinking of you. -somebody is caring about you. -somebody misses you -somebody wants to talk to you. -somebody wants to be with you. -somebody hopes you aren't in trouble. -somebody is thankful for the support you have provided. -somebody wants to hold your hand. -somebody hopes everything turns out all right. -somebody wants you to be happy. -somebody wants you to find him/her. -somebody is celebrating your successes. -somebody wants to give you a gift. -somebody thinks that you ARE a gift. -somebody loves you. -somebody admires your strength. -somebody is thinking of you and smiling. -somebody wants to be your shoulder to cry on. SOMEBODY NEEDS YOU TO SEND THIS TO THEM Never take away anyone's hope. That may be all they have

So Sweet

Did you know that those who appear to be very strong in heart, are real weak and most susceptible? Did you know that those who spend their time protecting others are the ones that really need someone to protect them? Did you know that the three most difficult things to say are: I love you, Sorry, and Help me. Did you know that those who dress in red are more confident in themselves? Did you know that those who dress in yellow are those that enjoy their beauty? Did you know that those who dress in black, are those who want to be unnoticed and need your help and understanding? Did you know that when you help someone, the help is returned in two-fold? Did you know that it's easier to say what you feel in writing than saying it to someone in the face? But did you know that it has more value when you say it to their face? Did you know that if you ask for something in faith, your wishes are granted? Did you know that you can make your dreams come true, like falling in love, becoming rich, staying healthy, if you ask for it by faith, and if you really knew, you'd be surprised by what you could do. But, don't believe everything I tell you, until you try it for yourself, if you know someone that is in need of something that I mentioned, and you know that you can help, you'll see that it will be returned in two-fold. Today, the ball of FRIENDSHIP is in your court, send this to those who truly are your friends (including me if I am one). Also, do not feel bad if no one sends this back to you in the end, you'll find out that you'll get to keep the ball for other people want more ..

Fathers day

To my husband, on this day of great importants... you have worked hard your whole life and now you have four beautiful kids to prove you are the best father around, may you always remeber how much they love you and need you even in bad times or good times.


My Dear Online Friend.....Got this from someone...It is so true.......Online friends are people we may never meet.... We see pictures, we see cams...It isn't the same.... We grow close...We care and love one another.... One day we may not hear from one another.... Our hearts will break... All we see is a name on messenger but the person we don't see anymore..... We pray....."Please come back".... All I ask is you remember me in the good times we had..... Keep me close to your heart....Friends forever... Pass this on to all your friends....If I get it back.... I know you care


From deep within the Netherworld of shadow walkers comes yet another exhibit of the Dark Carnival. He is the master of the art of using magic without magic. He is a Necromaster... the craft of using magic through the dead. Dead meaning both physically and mentally. This spectacle shall be witnessed only by those who are meant to see it. Look deep inside of your soul and ask yourself... Do you hold a ticket to witness the show? The answer lies within yourself. He is the fourth to rise. He feeds upon one's own greed. He is powered by one's own jealousy, lust, and temptation. To envision yourself with something that rightfully does not belong to you... that is the illusion cast by him. To act upon this vision and seek it out at the expense of another... that is the magic cast by him. Continuous dreamers of profit at the cost of another are pledged and haunted by his wizardry. Others are content and satisfied with what they can achieve by themselves and have not the urge to tamper with another's well being for quick gain. They see him only as a hoax and see no illusions or magic by he. It is simple... He is you. His illusions are your evil thoughts. Your evil acts are his magic - yesterday, now and forever. You and he are the fourth to rise... You and he are the master of Necromancy... You the dead and him the magic. Together, you and he are The Great Milenko. His evil influence flows from the city streets like red molten ooze, filling every alley and gutter. There are those who are burnt by it, like the charred remains of a napalm strike. He moves in silence, yet with his heat comes ear-shattering screams as the masses are scorched in his choking smoke of corruption. His fire consumes like a lethal injection flowing through the veins of a dying convict. Hosts of small red ants crawl in the wake of his presence, biting and stinging flesh. His holocaust fills the woods of hope and prosperity like a wave of hungry piranhas on a newborn lamb. He goes by many names, but for now let it be spoken like the force of a fireball bursting into a crowd. He's Jack, pure and simple... Jack Jeckel. His glow of compassion kindles the heart, like a campfire on a cold winter's eve. His embers burn eternally, spreading the flame of mercy like a warm blanket over the shoulders of a vagabond. His kindness is fueled by sympathy for human suffering, but his inferno of righteous cause, incinerates creatures of sin to ash. The torch of his salvation guides wanderers in the dark abyss to freedom. Its flaring sparks float on the winds of change, like soaring birds recently freed from a dreary cage. Laughter explodes forth from the essence of his being, radiating the land with childish joy. He has many names, but for now let it be spoken like melodic music drifting through the air. He's Jake, true indeed... Jake Jeckel. Emerging from the Dark Carnival like phantom smoke drifting into the minds of men, they are the Amazing Jeckel Brothers. A chaotic duo of juggling masters, Jack "the sinister" and Jake "the just" juggle the sins of mortal men. The price of admission to their show is a mere human soul. When death creeps around and life decays, the departed spirit will begin its journey. A vision of a candle will begin to form like a distant dream with billowing smoke rising from its eternal flame. In this thick haze the deceased will begin to see an image of Jake and Jack Jeckel juggling red balls between themselves. Each ball soaked in fresh blood and pulsating like an erratic living heart. For every sin committed in a mortal's life another ball is added to their unearthly performance and the harder it becomes. The deceased will witness sinister Jack throwing Jake curves in a vile attempt to see a ball drop. For if they should fumble in their act, a pit of infinite evil shall open beneath the feet of the viewer and cast the soul into an eternity of pain and suffering. Success on the other hand, opens the gates of Shangri-La and grants one ascension into pure enlightenment and peace. Jack and Jake Jeckel rest in all of us for they are the very fabric of our being conscience and soul. There is no escape from their Juggling act because there is no way to escape from ourselves. Only in death will we realize this as we twist and spin to the other side? A pressence can be felt by those who have followed thy epic saga as told by thy Insane Clown Posse. It is a presence that is synonymous with thy crumbling of time itself. Thus emerges a being so powerful that he can exist between both the land of thy living, and that of the dead. He goes by many names but is known to thy living only as Thy Wraith. He walks upon worlds forgotten, and descends from Heavens; fade into gray to witness thy death of all mortal things, so that he may guide thy departed upon thy path that they have chosen. Only now will we truly understand thy meaning of thy saga, for this saga all along, each Jokers Card, is actually none other than... thy echo of our lives.


The Insane Clown Posse claim that they were visited by the spirit of the Dark Carnival and were shown six revelations in the form of Jokers Cards; the first Jokers Card being unleashed on the world in 1991. Each Jokers Card is more than an album... each has a specific message telling the world to change their evil ways before "the end consumes us all". Will this be the end of the Jokers Cards, of ICP, or "the crumbling of time itself"? No one can be sure. 2004 marked the unveiling of the last of the Jokers Cards, the culmination of the Six. A Calm has settled on Humanity, but they have little time to prepare for what is next in store for them from the Insane Clown Posse! Welcome to the show, the traveling ghetto. No longer will the ghetto just be that slum that you keep your kids away from, that slum that you drive through pointing and gawking at. No longer will the ghetto just be a slum that you hear about on the news. If someone from this hell hole wanders into your neighborhood he is quickly noticed and harrassed and shunned back into the home you've given him. As you watch the kids play in the park on your street you never even think about the kids in the ghetto. If you don't care, who does? Years of breathing the souls of rotted minds has created a bad case of 'Ghetto Insanity'. You walk their streets and are stared at as a freak show, less than human, an ogre walking the streets paved with gold. If those of the ghetto are nothing more than carnival exhibits to the upper class, then let's give them the show they deserve to see. No more hearing of this show because you can witness it in your own front yard! A traveling mass of carnage, the same carnage witnessed daily in the ghetto, can be yours to witness, feel and suffer. No longer killing one another, but killing the ones who have ignored our cries for help. Like a hurricane leaving a trail of destruction, the Carnival of Carnage! The day has come, the time of reckoning. Who will perish in dreaded hell and who's soul will be content within the pleasures of heaven? Looking past the words spoken with a wicked tongue and looking past the evil deeds done in one's life, but instead looking into the conscious of man. What is the real evil that seems to plague mankind? Who are the real demons that walk this earth? Is it those whose minds have become devious because of a lifetime spent inside of a caged hell, or is it those who invented this caged hell years ago and done nothing to help destroy it yet? Who's guilty, Frankenstein or the doctor that created him? The sword, or the man who has slain with it? Which is the real evil, the man who kills another for food or the man who does not share his food to avoid the killing? While you sit in judgement of a criminal, you may very well be the one who's guilty. Guilty of greed, deception and hate. Those who are rejected at the gates of heaven, shall be dragged off into the pits of hell. Viciously torn from this life by the non-living, the phantoms of the dead. These beasts take the form of a demented carnival, that of a wicked, dark, circus, led by one. One who was created by your own evil ways. One who will judge your very fate. The one known only as... The Ringmaster. Time flows like a dark horde, consuming all in its path. Man lives his life in the blink of an eye. Just as day becomes night, all life fades into death. In death each person will be judged for his deeds performed while alive. There are the few who walk a life of purpose, and there are those who trod the path of greed, their souls host to demons. Time slows near each person's end. Those whose deeds were evil grasp onto life as long as they can because, though they don't know what awaits them in the afterlife, they feel for them it is a horror beyond words. Time stops in this world, as the heart becomes still and the soul leaves the body. In the afterlife time is eternal, and even death is but a new beginning. For you see, when you step into death your soul steps upon the floor of a dark chamber and you look to see it empty, except for a strange looking box on an old wooden table. On the front of the box, you will see a painted question mark faded with time and a twisted crank handle on its side. Turning the handle, a sharp melodic tune will fill the air. For the evil ones this sound will be a deafening noise reverberating off the walls and building into a climatic terror. But the surprise is when the music stops as you slowly turn the handle... and then the top of the box pops. For the few, they will see a vision of God with a golden light warming their souls as they step forth into eternal peace. For most they will see a fog seeping from the box, stripping their sanity, as they witness an image of hell, spawned and formed fromtheir own evil; a hideous reflection of their demented souls. The floor of the room begins falling away as they plummet into a bottomless pit full of shadowy creatures, forever to be lost in a sinister void. What will be in store for you is the mystery, but if you take a look within yourself you will find the answer. For now, you still have time to change the outcome of... the mighty Riddle Box.


~ The Story Behind the Mayhem ~ ICP has created somewhat of an epic with their albums. Over a decade ago, they released the first of 6 Joker’s Cards. Although they have several albums other than the Joker’s Cards, these 6 albums represent their main purpose. Each album preaching another one of the Dark Carnival's messages to the world. J and Shaggy say that they gave themselves the identity of clowns to better fit in while spreading the messages of the Dark Carnival, others say they're clowns because? well they're buffoons. However you perceive this strange rap group from Detroit, the fact is that they're here to stay. With their grease painted faces, fat, heavy carnival beats and demented, vulgar lyrics injected with positive messages and magic? You have the band you love to hate? the Insane Clown Posse. ICP recorded its first Jokers Card in 1991. After money problems and other hurdles, Carnival of Carnage was finally released in October 1992. It was followed by an EP entitled Beverly Kills 50187. Next up was the 2nd Jokers Card, named The Ringmaster in 1993. Sales of Ringmaster were stronger than expected right off the bat and the Detroit music scene began to lift its head. ICP quickly shot out another EP entitled Terror Wheel, which spawned a local Radio hit entitled "Dead Body Man." By now Insane Clown Posse had began to develop a rabid following in Detroit as well as hot spots around the Midwest. After Terror Wheel's release, it wasn't long until record labels began to try to cash in. ICP, looking to spread the message of the Dark Carnival, quickly signed for a small amount of money to a New York based record label, Jive Records. Jive Records promised to take ICP and the Carnival's message worldwide. But shortly after Jive released ICP's next album and 3rd Joker's Card, The Riddle Box, Jive's true plan were uncovered. They would release the new album only in Michigan, with no push, for all of ICP's already rabid fans to buy, and make all the money for themselves. An easy sell for the work ICP had already done. Insane Clown Posse, along with the core members of their new elite Psychopathic Records Team (Alex Abbiss their manager, Billy Bill, & Jump Steady) knew they couldn't wait around for the record to take off by itself. They developed a unique strategy never seen before in the music industry. They assembled street teams, samplers and Riddlebox Vans, and traveled throughout the country, TELLING PEOPLE about the album. They traveled coast to coast, from state to state and city to city. They would roll into a city, hit the night spots, the cruising strips, colleges and wherever people with an open mind would hang out. They informed people face to face about the Dark Carnival, ICP, and Psychopathic Records. They would not leave a city until everyone in town was informed of ICP. Once their work was finished and they left, each of those cities was designated as "Clown Towns." Meanwhile, Insane Clown Posse toured the country, bringing its insane live performance across the US. Already well known throughout the Midwest for the riotous live show, which involve full theatric stage sets, costumed monsters, and gallons of Faygo Soda (a soda manufactured in Detroit, and commonly found in poor urban areas of Detroit and around the country) being poured all over the audience. Thousands of newly found Juggalos would squeeze into venues filled to capacity, just to catch a glimpse of the pure insanity and chaos that would erupt at an Insane Clown Posse show. Record sales began to take off, and Insane Clown Posse began to look for another record label that would better promote their 4th Joker's Card message. And this label was without a doubt Hollywood Records. The people at Hollywood totally understood the message of the Dark Carnival. They knew how to market it, they knew how to promote it, and they knew that it was going to be crazy. But there was one catch? Hollywood Records was owned by The Walt Disney Corporation. However, key people at Hollywood reassured ICP that they were allowed full control of content, and that Disney was not involved with anything Hollywood released. Hollywood and Disney both approved the album, and a new era was born. The era of the 4th Joker's Card, The Great Milenko. The country's underground music scene was buzzing with anticipation. The world was ready to receive the 4th message. Whether it was really from a ghostly carnival or just from J and Shaggy's twisted heads, either way, they were ready. But unfortunately, 6 hours after the initial release of The Great Milenko, Disney forced Hollywood Records to recall the album. At the time, Disney was under boycott from the Southern Baptists. The Southern Baptists were upset about Disney's subsidiaries, like Miramax, releasing "anti-family" movies (such as Pulp Fiction), as well as Disney's refusal to get rid of it's "Gay Day" at Disneyland. Disney decided to drop the album 6 hours after release, as a token effort to placate the Southern Baptists and end the boycott. This did not stop Insane Clown Posse for a second. Seeing Hollywood and Disney drop the ball on such a hot album, record companies began a bidding war to see who would be able to sign Insane Clown Posse. Island Records offered Insane Clown Posse not only money, but also the marketing skill and respect for the music that Insane Clown Posse were looking for, and Insane Clown Posse quickly signed. However, there was one serious catch. Disney refused to release ICP from their contract unless ICP paid Disney two million dollars. ICP did not have two million dollars to spare, and it looked like ICP would not be able to leave Hollywood. But in a meeting with Disney president Michael Eisner, Alex Abbiss said that if ICP weren't released with its contract with Disney, he would "bring in the Juggalos to burn down Disneyland." Shortly after Alex's statement, there was a sudden breakthrough in negotiations, and Disney released ICP for a substantially lower sum (which was paid by Island Records). The Great Milenko was re-released on Island Records, with extra tracks that weren't included on the original, and despite the setbacks caused by Disney, it went on to be certified Platinum, and is currently the record holder for the longest running hip-hop/rap album in Billboard history. In June of 1999, the last year of the century, the 5th Jokers Card - The Amazing Jeckel Brothers arrived. The album was an instant success, debuting at #4 on the Billboard Charts (just behind the Backstreet Boys). It was considered a landmark event among many in the music industry, that a band with no radio play, no MTV play, loathed by the critics, despised by the media, and without any major advertising campaign or strategy, would be able to be so successful. It was a testament to the power of the Dark Carnival, and its dedicated followers, the Juggalos. The album was certified platinum shortly afterward. That summer, the music industry finally began to show some respect for the Insane Clown Posse. ICP were asked to perform at the legendary Woodstock Music Festival. And later that year ICP were the cover story for Alternative Press (that issue turned out to be the best selling issue of AP EVER!). In the year 2000, they prepared to release their next big project, the double album Bizzar Bizaar! Now that the The Wraith (the 6th Joker's Card) has finally dropped in 2002, it marks a perfect end to the saga they created. This isn't even close to being the end of ICP, just the beginning of something new. Whatever happens next is purely speculation.
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