Hey there everyone!
Stinkeye Radio is currently looking to fill the following positions:
DJS - No Experience needed, will train.
Promotions - No Experience needed, will train.
Management - Prefer experience, but will train.
Administration - Prefer Experience, but will train.
Head Of Promotions - Prefer Experience, but will train.
Please we ask that if you are inquiring, that you are serious. Stinkeye Radio
is and equal opportunity Radio station.
Please note that this is not yet a paid position, but there are bonus's and
incentives to working/volunteering.
If you are intrested you can email us at our secondary email address which is
posted below, or via yahoo or msn messengers. We also ask that no one under
the age of 18 applys.
Yahoo - jays.bytch
Msn - jennml28@hotmail.com