79 Year Old
From Burbank, CA·
Joined on April 15, 2010
Relationship status: Married
Born on October 29th
I have a crush on someone!
I like my wife, sex, dogs, cats, scotch, cigars and cigarettes, women in general and good food.
79 Year Old
From Burbank, CA·
Joined on April 15, 2010
Relationship status: Married
Born on October 29th
I have a crush on someone!
golf, television, beautiful women, mystery novel, BMW cars
Latest Status
Stevereno Hope everyone got their "liberty" on and can "stand up" for freedom; no after yesterday, you are able to standup without holding on to the wall. lol Reno
thank you for the rate as a 7..rude BUT its ok I always rated a 10 to 11 never under a 10 BUT hey thats k rude if you ask me & others..for me I dont do that..
I could really use your help, if you have not already, could you please vote on my mumm and share it? http://fubar.com/mum.php?id=595722 Thanks bunches!