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stargate-cropcircle.jpg ********************************************************************************************* Star Gates (SG) ********************************************************************************************* (also called Signets) (See: Signet, Dimensional Lock System, Wormhole) Star Gates (with a Vertical Axis) permit passage between space-time locations in multiple universes and Density Levels. Time Portals (with a Horizontal and Diagonal Axis) permit passage between space-time locations in one universe and one Density level. (Voyagers II -Page 506) Openings that exists between dimensions in our Time Matrix that permit passage between space-time locations in multiple universes and Density Levels. Star Gates links (due to its Vertical Axis) link Planetary, Galactic and Universal Templar Complexes through 5 Harmonic Universes (HU) and their 5 Matter Density Levels. SG's enter planets at 12 Planetary Signet Star Gate Sites. The Star Gate and Time Portals consists of pairs of interconnected, counter-rotating electromagnetic field spirals that naturally exist within sun and planet bodies, forming a fixed point of space within the 5 Densities /Universes (HU) of the 15 dimensional Time Matrix where Time Cycle and Time Continua repeatedly pass through each other at fixed intervals. Star Gates and Time Portals exist as a Black and White Hole Pairs that are connected at the center point by a scalar-wave frequency Seed Crystal Seal. When the center Seed Crystal Seed releases the Star Gate activates and the pair of counter-rotating electromagnetic spirals merge to form an interconnected Merkaba Field, which allows the instantaneous passage between various space-time coordinates through shift of atomic Angular Rotation of Particle Spin (ARPS). (Voyagers II -Page 506) There are natural cycles when the Star Gates open. (Called a SAC – Stellar Activation Cycle) and the next SAC is between 2000 and 2017. – The previous was in 22,346 BC. There are 12 Primary Star Gates in the Universal Templar Complex, each corresponding to 1 to 12 dimensional fields. 12 “Signet Councils” serve as Primary Guardians of each one of the Primary Star Gates. Star Gates 12, 11 and 10 which serve as the entry points into the Pre-matter Density-4 “Liquid Light Christos Field,” are respectively located in D-12 Aramatena, D-11 Aveyon and D-10 Vega, all located within the Lyran Star Constellation. (Known as “The Cradle of Lyra”) (Voyagers I – Page 161) Star Gate-9: Mirach-Andromeda. Star Gate-8: Mintaka-Orion Star Gate-7: Arcturus Star Gates 1 through 6: in the densities 1 and 2 (dimension 1-6) (Voyagers I – Page 167 and 171) Density–1 Earth’s Star Gates, which connects to Density-2 Planet Tara and many other areas within the 4 Densities of our Time Matrix, is called the Halls of Amenti. One of Fallen Angelics intentions is take dominion and operational control over the 12 Primary Star Gates. (Voyagers I – Page 169) Because we are (2006) in a super accelerated time line called an Expedited Ta-KEy-on Cycle Reset, we are taking a fast path EVAC called Star Fire, which is an Inscension (in toward the Core), as opposed to an Ascension (through the Outer Domain Star Gates - See: God Worlds). (Cosmic Clock Module Handbook) ********************************************************************************************* Signet ********************************************************************************************* (Star Gates are also called Signets) Each Hova Body emanates outward from a set of 3 Kathara Centers and their corresponding Crystal Seals. The core template of the Hova Body is a triad of Crystalline Spheres that connect directly to the 3 Kathara Centers to which they correspond. This triad of Crystal Spheres or Kathara Grid Spheres is called a Signet. The Signets are the smaller, fixed, consolidated frequency points out of which the Seed Crystal Seals that form the Chakras manifest. The Signets and the smaller Crystal Seals formations that manifest through them, create a disk of spinning, horizontal wave spectra that direct the function of Hova Body merger, these scalar discs are the scalar templates upon which the Hova Bodies manifest, and are called Shields. The Shields and the Signets that direct them are considered to be the core of the Level-2 Crystal Seals Kathara Grid. Each Signet transmits a flash-line (Partiki Phasing Sequence) on different axis, one vertical, one horizontal and one diagonal, forming a 3-plane projection of flash-line that form the base of the 3-dimensional Holographic Projection. (The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System – Page 66) ********************************************************************************************* Dimensional Lock System ********************************************************************************************* The Dimensional Lock System consists of pairs of interconnected, counter-rotating electromagnetic field spirals of Star Gates and Time Portals, that naturally exist within sun and planet bodies, forming a fixed point of space within the 5 Densities /Universes (HU) of the 15 dimensional Time Matrix where Time Cycle and Time Continua repeatedly pass through each other at fixed intervals. Star Gates and Time Portals exist as a Black and White Hole Pairs that are connected at the center point by a scalar-wave frequency Seed Crystal Seal. When the center Seed Crystal Seed releases the Star Gate or Time Portal activates and the pair of counter-rotating electromagnetic spirals merge to form an interconnected Merkaba Field, which allows the instantaneous passage between various space-time coordinates through shift of atomic Angular Rotation of Particle Spin (ARPS). Passage occurs as contact with Portal or Star Gate frequencies activates the organic Merkaba Vehicle of the form. The activated Merkaba Vehicle shifts the Angular Rotation of Particle Spin and Particle Pulsation Rhythm (the vibration/oscillation rates of particles, atoms and units of consciousness) of the matter form to match that of the Portal or Star Gate, allowing the matter form to acquire electromagnetic co-resonance with the Star Gate/Portal frequencies for passage into the Form Constant Trans-time Bridge of the Star Gate or Portal. Star Gates (with a Vertical Axis) permit passage between space-time locations in multiple universes and Density Levels. Time Portals (with a Horizontal and Diagonal Axis) permit passage between space-time locations in one universe and one Density level. (Voyagers II -Page 506) ********************************************************************************************* Wormhole ********************************************************************************************* A structure of space-time tunnel connecting points that are separated in space and time. Anti-Christiac Gates to Black Hole, Phantom Matrix systems. "Holes or cracks in the Wall of Time" The Jehovian/Anunnaki Fallen Angelic/Intruder created, with an external energy technology, a series of Wormhole network systems (APIN) seeded in the planetary shields during earlier Atlantian period in an unsuccessful attempt to fulfill their One World Order Agenda (OWO) during the 22,326 BC Stellar Activation Cycle. These APIN Wormholes create an interface between Earth and the Phantom Matrix. ********************************************************************************************* Fall ********************************************************************************************* (Anti-Kristiac / Metatronic Coding) To digress from the original “Christos” Divine Blueprint. (See: Fallen Angelics, FALSE New Age Movement, Questions for Discernment) When the Precise Mathematical-Geometrical Instructions for Perpetual Motion of the Original Creation Program - the Krist Code - from God Source is altered or modified in any way (Anti-Christiac Expression), the self-regeneration abilities (perpetual life) of the manifest forms is interrupted leading to destruction of the corresponding matter-form via self-annihilation of the Partiki units. (See: Phantom, Phantom Matrix) Altering the precise Krist Code encryption configuration of perpetual motion and eternal life breaks the link with God-Source infinite energy supply. Since the modified coding can not receive any more energy directly from Source only a LIMITED SUPPLY of energy remains within its own shield template functioning as a black hole system that has to suck energy from other systems and progressively self consumes, therefore, has a Finite Life. This is the Metatronic (Anti-Christiac) Code Configuration. (See: Monadic Reversal, Demon Seed, Reverse Mutation) When this happens the manifest being is unable to fulfill the Primal Purpose and maintain the Primal Condition - this is the Fall. (See: Miasms, Sho-na) The Free Will Choice is allowed even if that choice leads to the CHOICE of OPPOSITE EXPRESSION (Anti-Christiac Expression) to the Original Divine Intention and Divine Will of God-Source. The FALL, due to Metatronic Code Configuration, is the result of excessive misuse of Free Will Choice of Opposite Expression of Divine Intention reaching a point at which it jeopardizes the Perpetual Motion, Eternal Life expression and continued existence of Cosmic Order. (See: Oblivion, Host Matrix) (Indigo Remote Planetary Shields Clinic Procedure for December 21, 2004) When manifest beings use their gift of Free Will Choice within the Original Divine Intention the state of AT-ONE-ment with God Source can be known and embodied while within the manifest experience. (See: Heroic Path) (The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation. Page 18) Fall: When an opposite-expression of Free Will Choice is made, resulting in reversals of flow and structure - due to alteration to the Krist Code - this will manifest in the individual's experience as a progressive increasing experience of Limitation, limited supply of energy and consciousness, and Separation from Source and other beings. These are natural expressions of the physical reality of diminished flow through the central point of one's being. Through these experiences, one can be led to explore the choosing of the Original Divine Intention, which leads to increasing joy, experience of Oneness and ever-lessening limitation. The Attitudes and Responsibilities of Mastery are crucial to understanding what kind of choices lead to what kind of outcomes, and provide guidelines regarding choices that leads towards Oneness and the freedom from limitation and separation associated with true mastery. (See: Ascended Masters) At the point of critical mass damage, the Merkaba spiral that brings energy from God Source “in” to manifestation will reverse spin, having slowed to the point at which it matches the “out”flowing Merkaba spiral spin. While both spirals can be affected, it is the loss of the “incoming” flow that creates the decisive disconnection, as this means that there can be no more opportunity for energy from Source to repair the damage that has been done: it is only a matter of time until the energy in the manifestation has been expended into form-creation, and entirely used up. This process is directly related to miasms and the expression of “karma” in one’s reality. If enough reverse-polarity apparthi are present in a shield, the flow of primal life force currents is actually repelled, as the flow of currents from one level to another depends on proper polarities. The repelling of primal life force currents causes the vertical axis, or staff, of the Merkaba to break Once the Merkaba staff is broken, the incoming electrical spiral can be reversed, as its rotation is overwhelmed by the stronger rotation of the magnetic spiral. The reversal of the incoming, electrical Merkaba spiral causes the ManU window at the center to close permanently. As energy from Source comes through the inside, and manifests through you, once the entry point is closed, it cannot be re-opened. The being is left with a limited time of continued existence in manifest from, as all of the energy that remains within it is expended. At that point, there is a reversal of polarity and all of the expended energy is drawn back inwards toward the center via the magnetic spirals. Since this energy has ‘nowhere to go’, being disconnected from Source, it progressively grows denser and denser, creating the condition of molecular compaction. There is a point of critical mass compaction, at which point the seed atom implodes under the pressure of its own weight. The particles and antiparticles at the core of the seed atom undergo internal fusion and annihilate each other. The final stage consists of internal fission, causing the template to shatter (space dust) and the Merkaba field to totally collapse. At this point the manifestation has completely ceased to exist in its original form, and the units of consciousness of which it was composed have no memory of that manifestation. Source retains a memory imprint of that aspect of creation up to the point of monadic reversal, and that memory will be eternally retained. The units of consciousness of which the original manifestation was made will continue to exist (as individual Partiki) in the same level of creation (e.g., harmonic universe 1, for example), and will be assembled by other beings into new forms that do have the potential for ascension. (See: Oblivion) (Introduction to the Monad - Class Module) ********************************************************************************************* Black Hole ********************************************************************************************* All within the Time Matrix is interconnected, and when a planet or galaxy is blown off the grid a hole is left within the grid “fabric” – Called a Black Hole. This Black Hole affects everything within the area of activity surrounding the hole, as energy flowing around the broken grid lines hits “blank spots” of breaks in the pattern. When energy approaches the Black Hole in the fabric of the Time Matrix it is magnetically pulled into the black hole and is no longer able to reenter the Time Matrix from the position in which it first entered the hole. This “energy” can take the form of an individual in biological form, a personal “Soul Matrix” or a Soul, a planet or galaxy or the entire galactic Soul Matrix. When one element enters the Black Hole its own sequential program will serve as a “beacon” for all other energies possessing that particular coding and systematically pulls in more and more energy from its home system creating an exponentially expansive quantity of depleted energy in the system. The Black Hole will not stop from pulling energy unless it is sealed off. (See: Monadic Reversal, Metatronic Coding) ********************************************************************************************* Phantom Matrix ********************************************************************************************* (See: Phantom, Phantom Earth, Phantom Matrix) The Phantom Matrix is an unnatural Black Hole System that continually accretes energy and consciousness from the living "host" Time Matrix to which it is attached. (See: Fall) In 22,326 BC, the Founders recognized that the Phantom Matrix, created during the Lyran-Elohim Founders Wars 250 billion years ago (Earth time translation), had almost reached. The Black Hole system had pulled into itself nearly as much energy mass and consciousness than the organically held within our natural Time Matrix. If the Phantom Matrix reaches critical mass accretion, its draw upon the living Time Matrix will progressively accelerate and our living Time Matrix will be permanently "pulled off the grids" of the Density-5 Primal Light Fields and into the chaotically organized, finite Phantom matrix. It the Christos Realignment Mission is not successful during the current SAC, this entire Time Matrix, not only the Earth, will be pulled into the Phantom Matrix Black Hole via the Halls of Amenti Star Gates. Many innocent inter-galactic civilizations would be trapped in Phantom Time, denied their right of organic Ascension Mastery and Eternal life. (See: Fall) Since the issue of severing the ties between the Living and Phantom Matrices came to head in 22,326 BC (when "time was up" and the "host" Time Matrix was due to collapse), the Fallen Angelics have planned to achieve forced dominion of this Time Matrix, with intention of drawing it into the Phantom Matrix as an energetic "food supply." They continue to make this unfortunate choice, rather than accepting the Founders continually loving invitation into peaceful Emerald Covenant Co-evolution Freedom Treaties. (Voyagers II - Page 551) (See: Host Matrix) ********************************************************************************************* STARGATES ********************************************************************************************* Stargates = SG = Sacred Geometry Alchemy Wheel - Wheel of Karma - Wheels Within Wheels 12 Around 1 to form a grid program in the physical realm. Stargate - 12 Pyramids above the Great Pyramid. 12=3=third dimension Cones - horns - tones - harmonics of creation. Crop Circle 1997 Major Points - Flower of Life The 12 becomes 36 in third dimension. Crop formation portrays the 36 linked together by strings Superstring theory - 36 creational forces. All is connected through the patterns of the web. Stargate link to Egypt and 36 = 3+6=9=Closures PLEAS E VIEW THIS LINK FOR COMPLETE BLOG + EXPANDED DETAILS ON STARGATES ! *
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