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42 Year Old · Female · From Canton, OH · Invited by: 1348916 · Joined on November 20, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on January 14th · 4 referrals joined!
42 Year Old · Female · From Canton, OH · Invited by: 1348916 · Joined on November 20, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on January 14th · 4 referrals joined!

~* "Lie to me", she whispered... "I love you", he said... *~

~* The only people you NEED in your life, are the ones that PROVE they need you in theirs.
~ Unknown Author *~

~* A wise girl kisses, but doesn't love ~ Listens, but doesn't believe ~ and leaves, before she is left.
~Marilyn Monroe *~

~* ♥ Never settle for less than you deserve. Find the one that makes you happy and never let go. ♥
~ Unknown Author *~

~* I'm the girl your mother TRIED to warn you about ;-) *~

~* Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working 24 hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.
~ Tom Blandi *~

Alright, so, let me tell you a little about myself. I am not on Fubar to get laid. I'm on Fubar to meet some new people and have fun. So, for all you little boys out there who think if I rate you and add you and you do the same back that I want to screw you, you're crazy. Get to know me. I'm a cool chick. If you want to know more about me, let me know!!

I do require a salute to do a lot of things... So, c'mon... Be real and have a salute.

Do not ask me to see private pics... I don't have any 'private' pics to show... Stop being a perv, grow up and move on. If I do not answer your shout right away... Relax... I must be busy with REAL LIFE... I don't sit here 24/7 just waiting for a message from you.

If you actually want to be my friend and get to know me... Talk to me!!! You might just find a true friend. Or your worst enemy... who knows!

Here's a bit more about me... If you want to know!

First name?:: Jacque

Middle name?:: Lynn

Like your name?:: Sometimes... lol

Named after anyone?:: I don't think so.

Any nicknames?:: Spizzy, Jack, Jaquay

Age?:: 25...26

Birthdate?:: January 14th

Birthplace?:: Ohio

Time you were born?:: 8:03am

Current location?:: Cleveland, Ohio

Height?:: 5' 6"

Like your height?:: Yes

Eye color?:: Brown... Sometimes hazel... Sometimes green

Contacts/glasses?:: Glasses

Hair color?:: Burgandy with a hint of blonde & brown

Natural hair color?:: Dark Brown

Dye your hair often?:: Every 2 months

Righty or lefty?:: Lefty baby!


Type of music?:: Pretty much what I feel like at the moment.

Band or singer?:: Oh geez... How can I choose?

TV show?:: Prison Break, 24, That 70's Show

Movie?:: Dirty Dancing, Interview with the Vampire... Umm.. There's more too!

TV channel?:: Ha! All of them?

Radio station?:: 91.9 Air One

Place to be?:: Hmm... A lot of places to choose.

Thing to do?:: Relax!!!

Food?:: Chinese - Sweet & Sour chicken please! With the sweet & sour sauce on the side!

Non alcoholic drink?:: Water

Alcoholic drink?:: Rum & Diet

Animal?:: Cat

Holiday?:: Thanksgiving & Christmas

Season?:: Fall/Winter

Sport?:: Kickball

Place to shop?:: Erm... Anywhere cheap

Clothing brand?:: Whatever I grab...

Scent?:: Men's cologne!!! Cool Water & Aspen are the best =)

Restaurant?:: Applebee's

Fruit?:: All of them!

Vegetable?:: All of them!

Fast food restaurant?:: Subway/Chipotle

Pizza topping?:: Bacon, black olives, banana peppers & green pepper!

Ice cream flavor?:: Chocolate

Magazine?:: Cosmopolitan

City?:: I'm a Cleveland chick... what do you think?

Color?:: Blue, green, yellow

Number?:: 14, 13, 28, 96

This or that...

Chocolate or vanilla?:: Both

Pepsi or coke?:: Pepsi

Hot or cold?:: Cold

Black or white?:: Black

Dog or cat?:: Cat

French toast or pancakes?:: Pancakes

French fries or onion rings?:: Depends on what I'm in the mood for!

Hamburger or hot dog?:: Hot dog

Pepperoni or sausage?:: Pepperoni please!

Britney or Christina?:: LMMFAO!

McDonalds or Burger King?:: Do I really have to pick?

50 Cent or Eminem?:: HAHAHAHA!

Canada or Mexico?:: Canada.

Hug or kiss?:: Both please!

Movies or TV?:: Depends!

Truth or dare?:: Truth

Do you...

Shower daily?:: Sometimes

Sing in the shower?:: YupperZ!!!

Like to sing?:: Love it!!!

Like to dance?:: Mhm! Even though I can't!

Smoke?:: Yeah...

Drink?:: Sometimes.

Cuss?:: Fuck yea!

Talk to yourself?:: Always!!!

Believe in yourself?:: Yep yep!

Play an instrument?:: Does my voice count?

Go to school?:: Nope

Go to college?:: Nope

Have a job?:: Mhm.

Like your job?:: Yes I do!

Want to get married?:: Someday

Want to have kids?:: Eh... I don't know!

Get along with your parents?:: Yes.

Get along with your siblings?:: Mhm. They ♥ me!

Drive?:: Yeah... want me to come get you?


Do you think you're trustworthy?:: Yes

Think your funny?:: Hell yeah I am!

Ever toilet papered someones house?:: LOL! Nope.

Gone garbage can tipping?:: Uh uh...

What are your parents names?:: Deborah and Orville

Siblings names?:: Jennifer and Jessica

Do you wash your hands frequently?:: All the friggin' time!

How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: Two or three times.

Collect anything?:: Pens

Ever been in love?:: Yes...

In love right now?:: Getting there...

What color pants are you wearing right now?:: Light blue jeans.

How does your hair look?:: It's a mess!!!

Ever had your heartbroken?:: Uh huh =(

Ever broken the law?:: Nope. I'm a good girl!

Been arrested?:: Uh uh...

Been out of the country?:: Nope

Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: LMMFAO!!! No!!!

When was the last time you got drunk?:: Hmm... About a month ago.

Do you do drugs?:: Nope

When was the last time you were high on anything?:: Uh.... 6 years ago???

Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: Off please!! We can light a candle though!

Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: Hell no! I'm perfect the way I am!

Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: Boxers

Do you like to laugh?:: Love to!!

Ever had a bloody nose?:: Mhm

Have you ever caught a fish?:: Nope

What was the last thing you ate?:: Some chex mix... mmmm... yummy!

What time do you go to bed?:: Why? Do I have a bedtime now?

What's your favorite color?:: Umm... Hello???

Do you like to give or recieve?:: Both please!

Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: Obsessed? No...

Do you live alone?:: Not anymore =)

Do you own a blender?:: Nope

Do you like the snow?:: Eh... I could do without it...

Ever been up a mountain?:: Umm.. no...

Ever been rootin'?:: What the hell is rootin'???

Do you like surprises?:: Yes! Now give me one!!!

This is from my lovely Mysti-Poo!! Luv ya babe!!!

valentines_bear.gif":D theres you a bear with a heart cause i wuv you!"

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Your Personality is Very Rare (ESTP)


Your personality type is dominant, driven, poised, and self-aware.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 3% of all women and 6% of all men

You are Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving.

42 Year Old · Female · From Canton, OH · Invited by: 1348916 · Joined on November 20, 2007 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on January 14th · 4 referrals joined!
Hmm... How do you list all your interests in a little box? I don't even think I know all of my interests... Only because... If I haven't tried it... How do I know it doesn't interest me?
I love all music. I don't stick to just one genre. But, I do however listen to mostly rock. But it's all good. If I feel like station surfing, I do. Whatever strikes my mood is what I listen too.

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