50 Year Old
From Meridianville, AL·
Invited by: 573113·
Joined on July 18, 2007
Born on November 3rd
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
50 Year Old
From Meridianville, AL·
Invited by: 573113·
Joined on July 18, 2007
Born on November 3rd
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
~~I am a SiNgLe MoMMy of *3* Children~~
Shea, Madison, and the reason i color my hair.....
my only son Gabe!
They KEEP me outta LOTS of [TROUBLE]
by keepin me buzy!
My //TRUE FRIENDS..( and if u hav 2 ask {UR NOT} 1 )
..are VeRy DeAr to me they keep me
from going[[CrAzY..]]:p~*
50 Year Old
From Meridianville, AL·
Invited by: 573113·
Joined on July 18, 2007
Born on November 3rd
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
""A lucky star dropped on earth 1 night, and it asked me"what do you want? a million dollars or a true friend?". I chose a million dollars .....because i already got YOU.*Send this to 10 of your true friends of fubar , If you get this back youre a true friend*000000000000000_00000000000000000000000000000___000000000000000000000000000_____0000000000000000000000000_______00000000000000000000000_________0000000000000___________________________00000______*TRUE FRIEND*______000000000 _________________00000000000000_________________0000000000000_________0_________00000000000_______0000000_______000000000_____0000000000000_____0000000___0000000000000000000___00000__00000000000000000000000__000000000000000000000000000000000 LOVE YA!
TAG???YOU'RE IT!! YOU HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED ONE OF MY SWEETEST FRIENDS ON MY LIST ONCE YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED YOU HAVE TO TAG 5 OF YOUR SWEETEST FRIENDS AND LET THEM KNOW THEY ARE SWEET X.X.X""FAKE FRIENDS: Will ignore thisSend this 2 at least 5 ppl including me if u care 4 me!!!....oooO....................(....)......................)../....Oooo..........(_/.....(...)......................(_/..........................................oooO....................(....)......................)../....Oooo..........(_/.....(....)......................)../......................(_/..........................................oooO....................(....)......................)../....Oooo..........(_/.....(....)......................)../......................(_/....................................... I WAS ....................... HERE ........Leaving my .......Footprints in your..............SAND"If you wake up in a red room with no windows and doors, DON'T panic.. you're just in my heart!!! Send this to all the friends you want to keep forever...Send this to all of your friends, and me if I am one. If you get 7 back you are LOVED!!! Here are the numbers of what kind of friend you are based on how many you get back..1-3 ~ you're a bad friend4-6 ~ you're an okay friend7-9 ~ you're a good friend10+ ~ you're great friend much LOVE