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When All Seems Lost

When all seems lost and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel....stop a moment and take a breath. Look back and see what you may have chosen not to see before. There is a reason for the sense of loss...can you see what it is? You may see yourself in the same situation as many years before, although it may be differant now and you have brought with you the lessons of the past, have you really learned the lesson? Days seem to run together, and everything may seem hopeless, but even in feeling hopelessness can you still find the many gifts and blessings of each day. So stop and take a look.....choose to move forward and to let go of the past.....to heal from it and move forward. Your path is chosen long before even you are aware....and there will be many paths that you branch out on.....but always come back to the "trunk", it is the foundation and core of who you are....find it, keep it, and you will always learn the lessons you are here to learn...If You Choose To. Blessed Be

What do you see....?

One day, a while back, a man, his heart heavy with grief, was walking in the woods. As he thought about his life this day, he knew many things were not right. He thought about those who had lied about him back when he had a job. His thoughts turned to those who had stolen his things and cheated him. He remembered family that had passed on. His mind turned to the illnesses he had, that no one could cure. His very soul was filled with anger, resentment and frustration. Standing there this day, searching for answers he could not find, knowing all else had failed him, he knelt at the base of an old oak tree, to see the One he know would always be there. With tears in his eyes, he cried aloud: "Lord, You have done wonderful things for me in this life. You have told me to do many things for You, and I gladly obeyed. Today, You have told me to forgive. I am sad, Lord, because I can not. I don't know how. It is not fair Lord, I didn't deserve these wrongs that were done unto me and I should not have to forgive. My anger is so deep Lord, I fear I may not hear You, but I pray that You teach me to do this one thing I can not do- Teach me to Forgive." As he knelt there in the quiet shade of that old oak tree, he felt something fall onto his shoulder. He opened his eyes. Out of the corner of one eye, he saw something red on his shirt. He could not turn to see what it was, because where the oak tree had been, was a large square piece of wood in the ground. He raised his head ans saw two feet held to the wood with a large spike through them. He raised his head more, and tears came to his eyes, as he saw Jesus hanging on a cross. He saw spikes in His hands, a gash in His side, a torn and battered body, deep thorns sunk into His head. Finally, he saw the suffering and pain on His precious face. As thier eyes met, the man's tears turned to sobbing, and Jesus began to speak: "Have you ever told a lie?, He asked" the man answered - Yes Lord "Have you ever been given too much change and kept it?" the man answered -Yes Lord ( and the man sobbed more and more) "Have you ever taken something from work that wasn't yours?" the man answered - Yes Lord "Have you ever sworn, using My Father's name in vain?" the man now crying answered - Yes Lord As Jesus asked many more times, "Have you ever..."?, the man's crying became uncontrollable, for he could only answer, Yes Lord. Then Jesus turned His head from one side, and then to the other side, and the man felt something fall on his other shoulder. He looked and saw that it was the blood of Jesus. When he looked back up, his eyes met those of Jesus, and there was a look of love in His eyes that he had never seen or known before. Then Jesus said, "I didn't deserve this either, but I forgive you."

Open the Doors

There are many times in which one door closes and another door opens. Most of the time it is closing a chapter of your life, and beginning the next one, taking the lessons, blessings and sometimes friends with you along the journey. If there is one thing that I have learned that is: Never expect an answer in a specific way, because when you do, you miss out on the answer that you seek. There is growth in us all. Still for some there are more lessons. It is hard for me to sit back and watch some of those dearest to me, stumble and fall, and I can't interfere with the lessons that they must learn on thier own. This does not mean that I have in any way abandoned them. I will always be there for them to lean on me, and they will lean on me. Find the place of peace within your own heart, the one that you can go to at any time for answers. But you must be willing to listen, and to hear. It may take you a few days before everything comes to you, but it will come to you. I made a conscious choise never to compromise what I hear any more. For when I do, my site is blinded, and I begin to feed the chaos. Sometimes we are peekers behind the door, sometimes we jump in and break the door down to see what is behind it, even if we fear the unknown. Sometimes we open the door only half way and then close it because it does not seem as if it is what we are seeking. Yet when you close that door or leave it closed and do not open it, you could be missing out of one of the most precious gifts that you could ever recieve. So how will you know unless you take that "chance". Is it really chance? Or is it fear of the unknown? Only you can answer these questions and then perhaps you will have the answers that you seek if you do not expect them in a specific way. All things happen for a reason. And it is not for us to go back and think "What if", "maybe things would be differant if I could have", these thoughts are thoughts of regret. Never regret anything in your life. As it was told to me by a dear friend and teacher, take the bull by the horns and take the ride of you life!!!! Much love and grace to you all.....
Have you ever felt that all was lost? No place to go, no chance to move forward, held by a memory that lingers on within your heart and soul.....Questions of: Where do I go from here, what do I do now, Feeling like no one understands or that it is time to be in complete solitude....to run from all that you know and find the peace in your soul.... If you find quiet and sit down a moment, relax and breathe the breath of life forces through you, letting it move and calm the soul....perhaps you may hear what is going on. When it is our time, we are never alone. They come for us and wait. Sometimes they weep that we choose to hang on as our suffering continues and our bodies break down. They make thier presence known to us. And for those that believe in the Father or the Higher Power, He shall take only so much before He brings you home where you belong. We are not here to suffer in any way. We punish ourselves more then any person or He could imagine. We are self destructive and in many ways harmful to make ammends, thus bringing forth illnesses and demise to our self through throught. How can we live in a world that is not at peace? The angels! They walk among us. They keep watch over us. They lead us. They whisper in our ears if we choose to hear. They wipe the tears, holds us when we can take no more, shine the light upon the path when we do not see our way...they are with us always........
A most beloved and blessed woman passed on this day. She was very much a mother figure in my life and she will be sadly missed. She was a friend, a mom, a wife, a grandmother, a great grandmother and someone who would lift you up when you were down. Her laughter was the most beautiful noise you could hear. A belly laugh with a huge smile to go along with it. Through my life, she inspired me to use my voice in a way that touched the hearts and souls of many. Through the gift of song, we would sing and add a bit of happiness to someone who once felt alone. We inspired those in jails, in hospitals, nursing homes and those forgotten on the streets. She had a huge heart that will never be forgotten. I ask for all those whom read this please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers, as this is one of the hardest times they shall ever have to endure. Thank you for your compassion and love's care.

Who am I.....

Have you ever sat down and asked that question; Who am I and what is my purpose? I have from time to time. I am not sure that I can explain who I see myself as, but it is more as how others see me to be. Many have come to me over the years, some without reason, some are drawn and do not know why, others just like the name....but each has a purpose in crossing my path. I may not know from the beginning and it may not be known for a while, but I never turn away. I believe there is a reason and I do not have to understand it and nor do you. It is just going with the flow and easing. Many times I have questioned things that perhaps should not have been questioned. But it is a need for understanding so that I can continue the path that I am on or lead to. Yes my path, as others paths,have many branches along the way, but all is a learning. Yes, sometimes I stray and hope I do not so far that I can not find my way back. I do not have all the answers nor should I. But I do listen and hear so that I can make the best possible choice that is for the greater good. I hope that the light that shines from me and around me will never dull. That it be a beacon to those lost and to bring them home. I hope that it will always draw those that are in need, and that no matter what is needed that it be provided. If I can not give I will find the way for them to recieve. Kindness goes a long way....and compassion, love and understanding go further...... Blessed Be

What you do....

If there is one thing that I know as fact is this....you can do what you want unto me, however, the truth of who or what I am will always prevail. So in my saying this, what you do unto me does not matter, for it will not only come back to you 100 fold, but I will prevail by the Grace of My Father. I have so learned that we are spirit beings trapped in human form. And in being this way, do we learn many differant things. We have lessons to learn and things to experience, but not without understanding and growth. I may not always understand why someone chooses as they do, but does not mean that my love suddenly changes. For the love I hold is truly unconditional. Hence the phrase, it does not matter what you do unto me..... I do learn what is done unto me with or without my knowing. And the agenda or intentions behind the acts will always be at a cost. Not by me, for vengence is never mine. Compassion, love, understanding and hope with a greater amount of Faith will always be ....it is who I am and more. No matter what those who see, see me truely for who I am and all that I stand for through my love and faith, and beliefs. Never will I impose them upon another. The greatest gift we are given is "Free Will Choosing". So it is not me you answer to, but One greater then I. Peace and Love be with you all.
Perhap children are the happiest people on the planet because they have not learned what they cannot do. They have not been taught to fear and judge and hate, and they have no concept that they must justify thier existence by hard work. Lord, please keep me ignorant, so I may remember my innocence and see the world as You created it.

The Parable of a Rose

A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully. Before it blossomed, he examined it. He saw a bud that would soon blossom. he also saw the thorns, and he thought, "How can any beautiful flower come from a plant, burdened with so many sharp thorns?" Saddened by this thought, he neglected to water the rose, and before it was ready to bloom, it died. So it is with many people. Within every soul, there is a rose. The "God-like" qualities planted in us at birth, growing amidst the thorns of our faults. Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorns, the defects. We despair, thinking nothing good can possible come from us. We neglect to water the good within us, and eventually it dies. We never realize potential. Some don't see the rose within themselves. It takes someone else to show it to them. One of the greatest gifts a person can possess is to be able to reach past the thorns and find the rose within others. This is the truest, most innocent, and gracious characteristics of love-to know another person, including thier faults, recognize the nobility in thier soul, and yet still help another to realize they can overcome thier faults. If we show them the rose, they will conquer the thorns. Only then will they blossom, and most likely, blooming thirty, sixty, a hundred-flod, as it is given to them. Our duty in this world is to help others, by showing them thier roses and not their thorns. It is then that we achieve the love we should feel for each other. Only then can we bloom in our own gardnen.

Modern Day Knight Vow...

As I sit here watching God's hand peel back the layers of darkness, to reveal the splendor of a brand new day. As the layers of haziness are lifted from my eyes, I mutter a silent prayer to all that is Holy and good, thankyou. For You God, in Your infinite wisdom, have given me this gift of life for yet another day. In Your infinite wisdom, You have given me a task to carry Your torch of love and kindness for yet another day. An honor I do not take lightly. Let my soul fan the flames of Your torch, so it may burn brighter today then it did yesterday. I will not rest until my duty is complete. You have wrapped Your loving arms around those around me, that I care about the most, and You have blessed them with your love in health, wisdom, and courage. You help them and me to take on the challenges of the day. Not in perfection, but with the knowledge that You are by my side, I will carry this torch, and though I may fall upon the way, I know it will be Your gentle hand that helps me up so I may continue Your quest. When I did not know You, I built walls to keep others from shattering my heart. Walls to contain the raging beast with my soul. Silently, I cursed You for my won selfsih benefit, blaming You for the emptiness that was my life. Blaming You for a life of quiet rage and despair. I am in awe that the giant walls I built around my heart were laid sundered not by the thundering hand of a vengeful God, but by an angel, who with feather's kiss brought down those walls and claimed the fires inside. My soul is free once more. To this angel, will I pledge my love, my life, my all. For not the lost of the self-righteous or the damned shall ever lay a hand on this angel, this I swear by the very soul You freed. Thru the fires of hell, I will carry her upon my breast and none will hold her nearer to thier heart than I. It is a duty I accept freely and without reservation. Her gentle smiles and soft wet kisses have awakened the knight within. Though my armor is tarnished and battered, none shall bring harm to her again. Her gentle gifts of love and self, have stregnthened this once dying heart, and made it whole again. And without her soft whispers of hope, I would surely fall. Lord, through Your gift, I champion Your cause and vow to embrace life no matter what hardships I must encounter along the way. With her love and guidence, I will not stray from the challenges or goals You have set before me. Until the day I must pass the torch unto another, and until that time, I will hold my head high with my angel beside me and none shall say that they ever saw that fire so bright or last so long. This I swear by the very soul You saved. These things I lay before Your feet Lord, as a tribute to Your greatness. For these wall I no longer need in my life: My tattered ego, my bruised arrogance, my tortured soul, now slain beast. For these things I no longer need, now that I have my angel and You by my side. I am complete. This I wear for all eternity,Lord.
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