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Check out all the cool sh*t in the bling shop.
Male · From Salt Lake City, UT · Joined on June 25, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 1st
Male · From Salt Lake City, UT · Joined on June 25, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 1st

Things about me- I'm from Salt Lake City and I actually love it here, we may have some crazy weird drinking laws and other things but that is more for the whole State, downtown is the best place to live out here and I tend to have no complaints. I enjoy some of the older styles of things in life like old school music with the Rock-a-billy and those along the same lines, love my local dive bars for shows, Burt's Tiki Lounge, here is a national top 20 for Dive bars in America. Greaser car shows are a must when you live this close to where some of the best put them on within a state or two. Right now I'm working on getting my ink done but have a friend starting his apprenticeship and have given him my right arm as a canvas for his "ship" and can't wait for him to finish it all up. I'm just getting started with this and we'll see where it goes I should be adding more at a later time.

Male · From Salt Lake City, UT · Joined on June 25, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 1st
I am a simple simple man, I like to work on old cars and drink some beer while doing it, I really enjoy my local pool hall and recently have been really getting into the more technical aspects of the game. You can say that I a greaser boy looking for the right ride and just haven't found it yet, I'm lucky enough to live close by to where Bo Huff has his personal museum of vehicles if you don't know who that is check him out amazing cars.

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  • Someone ⇒ spiffyslim
    Thank you for the friend request. Rated and Fanned. Come check out The Basement. Click the pic to enter.
    Dont forget out sister lounge Snake Eyes Radio
    xoxoxoxoxSuzie aka Kunty™

    15 years ago · Reply
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