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59 Year Old · Female · From Jacksonville, FL · Joined on July 23, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 13th
59 Year Old · Female · From Jacksonville, FL · Joined on July 23, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 13th

I am 42, kind of the average girl next door kind of girl. (Which could be a good or bad thing depending upon your neighbors I suppose).

I am looking for a man that can be honest and true. (wow that sounds corny but really why do I always find the ones that not only lie to me but to themselves as well? What am I some kind of weird guy magnet?)

I am confident and I like confident and strong personality men. (Confident not conceited)

What do I want in a man? I guess I am still looking to see what that is, but I do know that:
He must be ok with public displays of affection, (NOT sex in the mall though, well not usually)
tolerent of goofy behavior, (really tolerent)
not adverse to the more than occassional smart assed wisecrack, (there are a lot of them)
he must be able to laugh at himself and at me (I tend to do things that cause people to laugh sometimes, we'll just say its because I am so humorous...adorable and cute)

I am not jealous and I don't like jealous, possessive is fine, but not jealous.

We all have baggage, our baggage does not need to dictate our future, our baggage is there to remind us of the mistakes WE made. Not what someone did to us...

Most people say they don't like games. Personally I hate board games, card games are ok.. I once played strip poker, thats a game right??? I lost.. but if you know me, then you won't be surprised that everytime I lost a hand I talked someone ELSE into taking off clothes.

And while good sex is a good thing, (very good thing) and important (extremely important) in a realationship so are other things. You have to want to know the person and want to spend time with them because you LIKE them.

And if you know Monty Python and the Holy Grail.. you are my kind of people

I love romance, simple romance, the candle lit dinners and rose petals on the bed and in the bath are great, but I have candles going all the time and roses aren't my favorite flower... ( big big points to you if you remember my favorite flower should I ever tell you lol..)

Simple romance is the biggie for me.
Lots of evening cuddling on the couch, hitting the beach at night in the rain... or when its not raining is ok, just go find an empty life guard chair somewhere in the dark and sit and listen to the waves and each others breathing... cool stuff, even if you do get sand in your clothes and shoes...(walks on the beach are grand, but when its raining its amazing...) Companionship... Trust... Laughter... lots and lots of laughter...

If you made it this far, wow, now thats stamina.. send me a message, I answer all my email pretty quickly.

My favorite quote? A kiss is a lovely trick designed by God for when words become superfluous.

59 Year Old · Female · From Jacksonville, FL · Joined on July 23, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on March 13th
Judas Priest - Touch of Evil

SuperTramp - Even in the Quietest Moments

Rammstien - Mien Herz Brennt

Rammstien - Auche zu Auche

Savatage - All that I bleed

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