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Soul_Group_Matrix.gif ********************************************************************************************* "Listen ye, O man, and hear a mystery..... stranger than all that lies 'neath the Sun. Know ye, O man, that all space is filled by worlds within worlds; aye, one within the other yet separate by Law." --The Emerald Tablets of Thoth ********************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************* Soul Matrix or Dora ********************************************************************************************* The extended energetic identity gestalt (Soul), that is the foundation upon which all matter and identity is built. A part of the Higher Self. The Soul Matrix, Soul Identity or HU-2 Identity is the identity levels stationed in dimensions 4, 5 and 6 and composed of the frequency bands of those dimensions. (Voyager I – Page 134) Triadic Identity – the Dora (Soul Matrix) of Harmonic Universe 2 (HU-2) that includes: 1) The Astral Mind – D4 2) The Archetypal Mind – D5 3) The Angelic (or Celestial) Mind. –D6 Collectively called the Superconscious Mind. Represents the Race Mind Matrix. (or “Collective Logos”) (See: Soul Integration) (Voyager I – Page 137) The Soul identity is the portion of the multi-dimensional identity that corresponds to the Alphi Hova Body of Harmonic Universe-2 (HU-2) and exist in a Carbon-Silica based Semi-etheric state of matter density. The Soul Identity represents the 6-dimensional state of cognitive expansion one experiences with full activation of DNA strands 1-6, can access the Race/Species Memory Record and is capable of entering Hallah Phase Merkaba Vehicle. Souls are created by the Oversoul in sets of 12, forming Soul Matrices. The Soul Matrix projects portions of itself into Harmonic Universe-1 (HU-1) to create set of 12 manifest, gross matter physical incarnations, forming Incarnational Matrices. (The Tangible Structure of the Soul - Page 37) Usually a, a soul (Soul Matrix), HU-2 identity, manifest into 12 simultaneous incarnations, two in each of the six time cycles in one Harmonic Universe (HU). In each pair of incarnates, one is male, the other female; this relationship is referred to as "twin flames", but does not necessarily imply a romantic "soul mate" involvement. (Voyagers II – Page 148) Your Soul is a plural with 12 faces and is part of a larger identity called the Oversoul that is composed of 12 souls – each with their 12 incarnate identities, so you are dealing with 144 incarnates in your immediate Oversoul family. (The Amenti Series 1 Classes) References Voyagers I ********************************************************************************************* Incarnate Matrix ********************************************************************************************* The Incarnate Matrix or Incarnate Identity or HU-1 Identity is the identity levels stationed in dimensions 1, 2 and 3 and composed of the frequency bands of those dimensions. (see: Reincarnational Identity) Triadic Identity – the Tauren (Incarnate Matrix) of Harmonic Universe 1 (HU-1) that includes: 1) The Subconscious Mind – D1 - Atomic Body 2) The Emotional or Instinctual Mind – D2 - Elemental/Emotional Body 3) The Reasoning Mind. –D3 - Mental Body Represents the Individual Mind Matrix. (or “Personal Logos”) Mind The crystalline latticework blueprint for the body and consciousness that is composed of ultra-micro particle units called Partiki. (Voyager I – Page 134) The “Mind” is an attribute of Consciousness. The mind does not produce consciousness, consciousness is not a product of the mind, but rather the mind is a structure of energy that consciousness creates and uses in order to participate within realities that have their basis in differentiate perception. Perception itself is an attribute of consciousness and mind, it is the product of consciousness using the facilities and structures of mind. The Mind is the portion of your identity that allows you to experience individuality. The mind exists as a large conglomerate of organized grouping of electromagnetic energy units called Partiki, which spans multiple dimensional fields. Consciousness uses form constructions such as the mind to create the experience of differentiated perception. The form construction of the mind has multiple levels that correspond directly to the form construction of the 15-dimensional Universal Matrix and interwoven with the greater structures of the Cosmic Unified Field. Each individual mind has a level of Triadic Identity (or 3 dimensional identity) station within the frequency bands of the 5 Harmonic Universes (HU). (Voyager I – Page 135) The Four Components of Mind are: 1) The Subconscious Mind – D-1 - Body Consciousness and Cellular Memory Facility. 2) The Instinctual Mind – D-2 - Emotional/Intuitive Facility. 3) The Reasoning Mind – D-3 - Logical/Rational Facility. 4) The Superconscious Mind – D-5, D-6 and D-7 - The group Soul Matrix (Voyagers I – Page 138) If we can understand that the Human Mind is an energy force that continually generates patterns of scalar waves form through the process of thought, it is not difficult to understand how appropriately directed thought can directly influence the functions of the personal Manifestation Template scalar blue print. Undirected thought creates chaotic patterns (See: Miasms) within the Manifestation Template, while thought directed through clear intention creates ordered patterns within the Manifestation Template. The patterns of scalar energy frequency that thought projects into the personal Manifestation Template serve as Electromagnetic Operational Instructions within the Template. directly effecting the conditions that will be met in manifest holographic experience. (The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course - Page 1) Color, Light and Symbols are the Language that the human Mind utilizes to direct specific applications of frequency into specific mathematical and geometrical relationships through which the function of Earth's Planetary Shields, Planetary Merkaba Fields and Templar complex grid systems, vortices, portals and Star Gates can be consciously influenced, operated and directed. The human MIND is the director of frequency, the human body is the conduit through which directed frequency flows. (Planetary Shields Clinic Field Guide – Second Page) ********************************************************************************************* ANOTHER VIEW OF SOUL MATRIXES ********************************************************************************************* The Spark of the Creator / Source resides in all of us as our individualized Soul. The Soul's only purpose is to expand in Heart awareness until inner Union is achieved and we are once again able to bathe in the Divine Love of the Source. Spirit is on a vast journey through all dimensions (classrooms) of experience, as it seeks to speed up it's vibration so as to transform matter back into Light. The Ascension!..... or as quantum physics has shown that matter and energy are interchangeable. Each time we achieve inner Balance/outer Harmony in the current "reality" our Hearts open further thereby accelerating our frequency. In this journey, Earth is like the "Ivy League" school of evolution, where the lessons take place on the deepest levels of physical density and polarity. Imagine choosing to do your regular physical workout underwater for the next 300 lives. But such intensity also gives a more profound and quicker learning of lessons that would take eons in other dimensions. For this reason only a small percentage of all Souls will choose such a "curriculum", but those that do get to move onto other adventures. Kind of gives you some idea of what we've gotten ourselves into ;O) One of the key concepts that we encounter in metaphysics is "Your belief creates your Reality". This essentially means that what you believe (how you view life) is eventually what you will draw to you. In other words, we are what we think. And, ultimately, there are only two fundamental ways of looking at life on Earth from a subjective level. We can choose to view life as random and mysterious where we often feel powerless and even victimized by events and others, as do many people at this time. Or, the only alternative outlook would be that we live in a benevolent, ordered universe where each of us has a purpose to fulfill, a "raison d'etre". All other choices start from here and in psychology this happens at the infant stage of trust vs. mistrust. Let's expand further on this second view that there is conscious purpose to the events of our lives, that we are in ultimate control of our destinies, and that we are not victims but rather explorers. The Soul chooses specific lessons which it then works on in stages (semesters) through a series of lives. We will develop a talent for several lives, bring it to a peak and then move on to the next field that we want to explore. My favorite example is Mozart composing music at the age of four, that being his peaking lifetime. Before birthing on Earth this time your Soul carefully chose the ideal experiences, circumstances, talents and relationships that would lead to successful learning of the current stage of the lesson. Just think of the preparations you would need to make before you went on a long journey to a new land. You would first plan your itinerary in detail. Then you would want to acquire the appropriate clothing (body) and equipment (abilities) necessary for each stage of the trip. Hopefully, you would carefully select companions to share your journey with. Ideally, you would arrange to meet up with the right people at various places that could guide you to the most fulfilling experiences. Once we are immersed in the density and intense drama of this world, though, we become tunnel-visioned and lose sight of the bigger picture. As we slow down our vibration to experience on Earth we lose touch with the higher frequency of Soul awareness. Through infinite compassion and wisdom the Creator has given us various gifts/tools to assist us remedy this amnesia. Of all these gifts that I've explored Astrology has provided the most far-reaching and intricate perspectives. In the example of our trip, it would be easy to get so immersed in the various new locales and experiences so as to forget the larger plan and timetable. All we would need to do is to refer back to the original itinerary and map to find our way again. This was the original, and still is, the true purpose of Astrology. Remember, though, that the real goal is to develop inner awareness and intuition to guide us rather than needing external crutches. The whole point of descending into matter was to master duality through achieving internal Harmony/Balance. "Neo, you've already made the choice. Now you are here to understand it" the Oracle in "the Matrix" At this point I'd like to bring up a question we all ponder, that of fate vs. free will. As with all opposites, the Truth lies somewhere in the middle and both exist simultaneously. A friend once said to me "when faced with either /or.....try to make it and". What comes to us (fate) is created by our past choices and how we choose (free will) to act now will then create our future. Every single experience that comes at us "out of the blue" is manifested by the Self for a purpose/learning. This is what is called Fate or Destiny, and it is already written, by none other than You before putting on the blinders. We truly do live in the matrix of the Soul! Our Souls teach us through the lesson of free-will and choices in the constant flow of Life. As long as we continue reacting from old ways of being (habit patterns) the same dilemmas keep reappearing. The players may change but the game remains the same. This is because our Souls will continue to present us with the same situation, hoping we'll make a different choice.............. based on the present moment rather than a past memory. Nonetheless, only our journey is written, not the destination (end result) which is determined by our free will and how quickly we comprehend and master any situation. Being true to our Self in the present moment automatically assures our success in our future or as Seth likes to say, "The point of Power is in the Now". Through becoming selfaware in each moment we shine the light of our Consciousness on the darkness of our old patterns and free ourselves. This ends the need for disruptive experiences to come at us through the external dramas of life. ********************************************************************************************* TEMET NOSCE :) ********************************************************************************************* Wo/Man, Know Thyself ! has always been the name of the game. To achieve this we need to energize/awaken the Witness/Observer which exists within each of us. This only requires a few seconds, several times each day, being completely present in the Now............ without getting stuck in a previous Now. This meditative process is the path to reclaiming our Destinies.
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