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Death Letter Part 2

This can’t be happening You can’t be gone I need you so I can live You took your life And I’m broken Emptiness fills my soul Feeling like I can’t go on Oh please just take my life Take me away Take me to where you are Why did you have to go this far? Why did you have to resort to this? You’ve left my heart shattered In pieces on the floor Now I feel a part of me has gone I feel like you’ve taken my soul You say not to cry But my tears fall like the rain Thoughts of you fill my head I can’t stop thinking about you Finding out how much I miss you The one I loved, the one I couldn’t be without If only I could turn back time Turn it back so you were here with me But I all I see is the faint vision The sound of your footsteps next to me I only want to hear your voice again But you’re gone, never to return (Chorus) Throwing your life away Throwing everything you had away Not thinking about how I would feel I will never see you again Hear your voice again Someone please just strike me down Take my life away So I don’t have to cry anymore Set me free, free from this pain I’m living in

Death Letter Part 1

Please don’t cry Listen to my words What I’m about to say This is my death letter This is where I’ve gone Please don’t mourn for me You’ll be all right without me Standing, looking over the edge Thinking of the jump I’m going to take Looking into the sky Thinking is there a place for me Nothing went right for me Nothing was simple for me Taking the abuse that was thrown at me Thinking of how my life was Has brought me to this point As I stare death in the face Thinking, as I stare at the ground below Of the time when things turned bad You said to me “I was a waste of time” I couldn’t take it I smashed my fist into the wall Blood trickled down from the knuckles The pain I felt that day I still feel in the back of my mind You couldn’t care less about me So here I stand Soon I’ll be gone You’ll never see me again (Chorus) I just couldn’t take this anymore There was too much pressure on my shoulders It caved in on me Suicide was the only option To take away my pain To set me free From the hell that I was living in Staring, at the sky above me The memories keep flushing back Sick and tired of being the one who got hurt I lost the will to live As the scars on my wrists show The feelings I felt The feelings bottled up inside of me But you never cared You just ignored me Left me in the dark Pretending I wasn’t there I was nothing to you Remembering, the way you treated me Like I was no one You treated me so bad It made me feel so low Crying alone You never felt sympathy That still burns me up inside The anger I fell for you Still burns up inside But don’t worry about me now It’s too late for that (Chorus) I just couldn’t take this anymore There was too much pressure on my shoulders It caved in on me Suicide was the only option To take away my pain To set me free From the hell that I was living in I take a step closer to the edge The thoughts of you draw me closer You drove me to this I’m dying because of you I’ve made up my mind There’s no more breath inside My heart beats no longer These are my final words This is goodbye…

The Eternal Fire

The path of fire, ever endless Winds on and on through the embers The intense heat, sweltering hot Fills the very air that I breathe The walls of fire surrounding The flames of fury jumping The screams of the hallowed souls Fill my thoughts with nothing but fear I journey through the fiery caverns Forever trapped in this eternal hell Why must I go through this? What have I done to deserve this? I try to find the answers But all I get are questions The fires elude me to this mystery The dancing flames stop me from running I can’t turn back There is no way back This inferno will be the end of me The fire burns The path twists and turns The flames eating me alive Nowhere to run Not a place to hide Onwards I go Towards the eternal flame (Chorus) Resting in the eternal fire Embers licking my skin Flames shooting through my veins Fury engulfing my every waking hour These are my final days There is no way back for me The walls of fire Burning red, yellow and orange Stand before me Watching my every move Flaring up above me Keeping me trapped The eternal flame it waits The end it is at That will be my final destination The eternal fire Burning brighter then everything else Beckons me towards it Engulfing me in its glow Consuming my very soul The fire fills my veins I feel it flowing through me This is surely the end Nothing survives the eternal flame I am at my end This is all for me My life has flashed before my eyes The eternal flame has me And it won’t let go I am now it’s servant The fire is inside me (Chorus) Resting in the eternal fire Embers licking my skin Flames shooting through my veins Fury engulfing my every waking hour These are my final days There is no way back for me

Mark Of The Dragon

A city plunged into darkness The winged beast destroying everything in its path There is only one hope Everyone looks to the weapon bearer To bring the end of the beast The monster chopped in two Sealed in the magical instruments Split in two so it can’t be free The two bearers separated To the opposite ends of the galaxy Then by a trick of fate One half of the monster breaks free Killing the bearer and vanishes in smoke The other bearer, trapped in his box Freed by the eternal dragon Once again roams this world The half of the monster still entrapped in his flute While the other causes total destruction Trying to find it’s other half So it can be the true evil being The fight starts, the destruction continues The monster is now complete Nothing compares to it Bodies are flattened People are beaten The monster seems unstoppable The power of evil has awakened The hero has yet to arise Hope is drifting away As the light fades away (Chorus) The source of evil surrounds the place The heroes struggle against it The power of light wanes against it Overpowering the defences There surely is no hope The call out for the true hero can be heard The gigantic beast Flaming mouth, crushing tail Continues his reign of terror Until the hero arises Golden light shines from him Repelling the evil that emits the area The true battle is about to begin One will die one will live True strength will be shown As the light meets the dark The battle rages on The light against the dark Blow for blow, Hit for hit Sends shockwaves through the air The weakness is the emotion The darkness begins to wane As the light starts to prevail The hero then summons his strength And pierces straight through the chest of the beast Putting an end to the evil This was the mark of the dragon The savoir of the planet once more (Chorus) The light beats the dark The hero has arisen The power of darkness eradicated Straight through the source The mark of the dragon shone through It’s power immense

The Calm Before The Storm

The stillness of your body As you stand there in the line Gun pressed up against your chest Eyes wandering from side to side You prepare yourself for the coming attack You get yourself ready for the rush The plunge into certain pain Your heart beats fast Your breathing becomes heavier You fear the worst that could happen As you cross the line Into the enemies lair You get in the stance As the order comes in Then with one sudden move You point your gun and go in for the kill You feel the adrenaline rush right though you You begin to press down the trigger as you run (Chorus) You stood there thinking of what could be Trying to get a view to see This isn’t what you expected it to be Now you fly on right through Of all the things that you could do You hold your gun up into the air The calm before the storm Now that the charge begins You run right to the front To get a better view of the battle Sounds of guns firing around you Screams of pain surrounding you As you see your allies Go down one by one You get a flutter of adrenaline rush You push right through the enemy line Then you point your gun and press the trigger Taking down the front line of the enemy The storm has finally crashed down The calm that was before has surely gone You watch the bullets fly through the air You jump over the bodies that litter the ground (Chorus) You stood there thinking of what could be Trying to get a view to see This isn’t what you expected it to be Now you fly on right through Of all the things that you could do You hold your gun up into the air The calm before the storm You carry on through the enemy lines Shooting down all in your way Nothing can stop you As you continue on your way Then from out of the blue a shot comes out You turn to see the bullet rip through your flesh You fall to your knees as the enemy surrounds you All the thoughts of before flash through your head All of the memories you’ve shared in your life Now that’s all gone And with your final breath You say goodbye (Chorus) You stood there thinking of what could be Trying to get a view to see This isn’t what you expected it to be Now you fly on right through Of all the things that you could do You hold your gun up into the air The calm before the storm

She Is Mine

The girl of my dreams Stands here next to me In my caring arms Protecting her from danger You can’t take her away from me She is mine to hold and to love You can’t stop me You can’t get in my way We are together And she brightens up my day The struggle continues You keep on pestering us You can’t keep away You can’t handle What we have It drives you on To hate, to kill The green mist let’s go from your eyes You can’t take the fact that She is mine (Chorus) She is mine What we have to real She is mine This is how it’s meant to be She is mine You can’t take her This is it I have her now The pain and anger shoots through you You punch the walls you kick the doors Inflicting pain on yourself You can’t handle the simple fact That she chose me over you And how she left you in the shadows You feel the hatred boiling inside It then spews out and you bash down the walls Now it’s time for the final call (Chorus) She is mine She chose me She is mine I have her in my arms She is mine This is true love She’s got me And this is how it stays Now that you got rejected You seek revenge You walk the streets with your weapon raised You pounce on the nearest victim The shining blade gets brought down You then realise That victim is you You went for revenge but got yourself instead Now there’s one more thing left to say She is mine and only mine

Dark Eden

When the sky turns dark They will make their mark As when the sun turns black They will come and attack The black clouds fill the air Leaving you to feel despair Everyone is in grave danger We have to look upon the stranger The one who will defy The one who will comply He is on his way He’ll keep them away The fight will start In the depths of a black heart We will stand ready And keep our hand steady For when the sky turns black We get ready for the oncoming attack (Chorus) He has been summoned He has heard our call He has the blackened heart He has the power to defeat He is the Dark Eden The horn has sounded The ground is pounded The dark forces are coming We stand there for the summon The dark knight arises Before the force he despises As he draws his blade The forces stop their raid The one who fights for us The one who is one of them The dark fighter gets ready to attack As the dark forces take a step back The fighter then begins And he is the only one that wins As he races towards the wall You hear the screams of the ones that fall (Chorus) He has been summoned He has heard our call He has the blackened heart He defeats all in his way He is the Dark Eden

Burning In Flames

As I walk along the fiery ground The embers flare as I walk by All I see is raging fire Engulfing me in its grasp The sky above is coloured red The horizon depicts a flaming wasteland This fire is uncontrollable It doesn’t seem to end This fire fills me with rage Burning anger awakens in me I raise my hands up to the sky Seeing the burning embers surround me They get closer and closer So close that they are touching me I feel the heat from their rays I’m staying here for the rest of my days (Chorus) Walking through the flames I see Dancing through the jumping embers Jumping through the wall of flames Crawling under the intense pressure Shielding myself from the sweltering heat Burning from the damaging rays I’m burning in flames Burning in flames to reach the end As I carry on through the inferno I see something in the distance The fire around me starts to subside Showing an incredible horror A vision so frightening I’m paralysed on my feet I can’t move I can’t speak The vision then calls to me Awoken, I find myself lost In this hell that I’m in The flames are back and burning I’m in a circle of fire I try and leave but the flames get higher I try and see but the flames get thicker There’s no way out I’m burning in flames (Chorus) Walking through the flames I see Dancing through the jumping embers Jumping through the wall of flames Crawling under the intense pressure Shielding myself from the sweltering heat Burning from the damaging rays I’m burning in flames Burning in flames to reach the end

100 Days

100 days it has been Away from my love This can’t be happening Why must I suffer all this? What have I done to deserve this? There must be an answer Why we must be separated When we should be together Alone in our little world Without fear, Without worry That’s how it should be We’re meant to be together No one can stop us But they try to get in the way To stop us being together This one hundred day wait has to end I can’t cope without you I have to be with you But this can’t be possible But I’ll find a way To be with my love (Chorus) 100 Days The wait where time stands still 100 Days We will get through this 100 Days Death may be our only option 100 Days They’ve forced us to go this far Why must I suffer? In this damned and desolate hell Away from the one I love Away from my true companion This isn’t how it’s supposed to be I want to be with you I want be by your side But I’m stuck in this trance This one hundred day curse That stops me from being there with you This curse it calls out to me It beckons me to other things But it can never break my mind I only have eyes for you No one else will do for me You’re the one and only I will never fall for anyone else I will always be yours This curse will end And will free me of all these thoughts Then we’ll be together Just you and I In our own little world Free from this one hundred day curse (Chorus) 100 Days The curse is controlling me 100 Days I can’t stop this 100 Days I would sacrifice myself to stop this pain 100 Days Death has taken me away

Hammer Of Justice

JUSTICE Fills every room JUSTICE Is what we desire JUSTICE Is it possible? JUSTICE Hangs on every door JUSTICE Never leaves you alone JUSTICE Follows your every move JUSTICE Listens to every word JUSTICE It crushes all Hammer of justice crushes all Hammer of justice smashes all Hammer of justice bashes all And if you get in the way It will destroy you JUSTICE Fills the sky JUSTICE Is in your brain JUSTICE Makes you insane JUSTICE Makes you feel the pain JUSTICE Makes you feel cold and bad JUSTICE Kinda makes you sad JUSTICE Really makes you mad Like you want to smash it's face in Hammer of justice devours all Hammer of justice rules ya all Hammer of justice breaks you all And if you get in its way It will defeat you JUSTICE Is the dominator JUSTICE Is the exterminator JUSTICE Rolls the dice JUSTICE Lives only twice JUSTICE Is coming to get you JUSTICE Is going to beat ya JUSTICE Is going to suck the life from you JUSTICE Heh down you go Hammer of justice squashes all Hammer of justice kills you all Hammer of justice takes your life And if you get in its way Heh you will die JUSTICE Another bites the dust JUSTICE Another one been sussed JUSTICE It knows your weakness JUSTICE Justice..Justice JUSTICE!!!!! Hammer of justice crushes all Hammer of justice smashes all Hammer of justice bashes all And if you get in the way It will destroy you Justice
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