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What to me is BULLSHIT......and finding out that you have been lied too !

I just recently as of tonight found out that my son has a half brother and half sister.And the daddy who is also my son's biological fatherĀ  lied and said that he didnt see children in his future,who in reality he had a son bout a year before my son was born which would make him 3yrs and my son 2 yrs old .I seen pictures tonight of the two children he is layin claim to,and to see my son's smile and some of the same facial features was the hardest thing i think i have had to deal with.knowing that there will come a day when my son is going to ask who his father is and yes i get to say that he was someone who fought for this country at one point in time,but also that he is a piece of shit who was still married at the time he and i got together,and that he just didnt father him.that he couldnt be man enough to take time to be apart of my son's life after messages i left.and i get well if you want me to be there and help,i will the minute i said yeah i want you to there as his father,bc you are,the door that was open got shut quickly because he was leading a double life....Man enough to put a uniform on for the ARmy and go over seas to fight in Afghastian,and take glory for that and being married to someone while spending time with me and lying to me about it.Doesnt make me feel to good to know that i was used,But the best thing that came from that piece of shit that calls himself a man and a father to the 2 children he is claiming,is my son,the son that he is forgetting about.Well News Flash Muther Fucker,karma is a bitch and a sweet bitch she is.Thanks for nothing asshole,but the goregous boy i have.I will never deny my child,to save face for someone else.Sicking how someone can about their daily life knowing that they have another child besides the 2 and to know that my son was his 2nd born.People like him give men a bad name when they dont know they have a child bc of the woman not tellin them,but in this case he knows about him and still denies him of a father,THANKS ASSHOLE CAUSE THERE WILL BE A MAN WHO IS MAN ENOUGH TO TAKE THE PLACE HE COULD HAVE TAKEN.ANYONE CAN BE CALLED A FATHER BUT TAKES A REAL MAN TO BE A DAD!

I dont know.......

you know its funny how when you get to looking back on things that were said,you sometimes dont realize that its actually been a long time.But I have come to the realization that sometimes I am better off to myself.bc people lie anymore and it gets old.Only good thing that I have in my life is my son.Tired of promises of shit that never happens,tired of hearing the same old shit but just a different day.Tired of having the feeling of being used or blamed for something that you have no control over.What happened to a handshake meaning more then someone's word or when a promise was kept and not broke.What happened to those days when things seemed a little better then they are now?Maybe thats asking to much anymore.Whether people read my blogs or not is fine by me,bc I dont care about someone's opinion,like the old sayin goes opinions are like assholes everyone has one,like it or not.Just some know how to take someone's else's words and let it notĀ bother them.Funny how life can throw you a curve ball and expect you try and catch it with the greatest of ease.Not so easy.Specially with things you know.Sucks that people can't be who or what they say they are.My opinion,my blog.Dont like it dont waste your time reading it if you feel that its about you,don't flatter yourself.Thats when people's feeling get in the way and get hurt.

what to think?

Its funny how sometimes we all wonder where things got fucked up at,how,why..simplier questions we do not comprehend when tryin to process that moment's thought,buried deep.hidden tightly in our brains.Nestled away,way past the relam of pain,where we all become numb to the changing world upon us in these times we are not sure as human beings what to call it.We all become oblivious to our wonderin eye,not knowing what we may see next,and if we can even deal with the pain of knowin this could be the end as we all may know,but never realizin' what more we could do as people to better our lives that we extend upon this earthly body we call home.Simpler things,we can not see,due to us not wanting to see the change that is right upon us.Almost like good and evil,where do you turn?These are the questions we are left to ponder upon for eternity,asking the same questions,that never have an answer..............
I have hiden my heart,from the tidings of the world.I have closed my eyes to shield them from evilness,that surrounds me.I have closed my self to all that good and evil,and away from love as well.Love me for who I am,and not for who you try to make me out to be.You'll only be hurting in the end.I'll shed my tears of remorse,and of hate,but I can never cry over you.
Ok,kind of funny when people look at someone's pictures or profile...all of sudden,makes them post stupid ass mumms...what for is it away for people to say shit with out really coming out and sayin,just having others comment on it,so it gets a point across about something so fucked or minor?who knows and who really gives a flyin fuck..do half of everyone who reads them mumms about something so stupid think it makes them feel better to think that maybe they are not the only ones who feels that way.i dont give a shit really.thats why i dont post mumms.my personal feelings dont like dont read my fuckin blog.


Sometimes,i wonder what is to keep a good friendship going.But turns out I guess that somethings are better left alone,and tucked away from a world of prying eyes.There is always something that happens or some how or another gets fucked from hell and back.But,there are somethings that can't be taken back.Things get said,and maybe a feeling gets hurt.But,to truely know how one feels,some may never want to know.Sometimes its for the best that people keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves.Or how they really feel about something or the person saying it.or the person listening on the other end of a conversation.To keep out thoughts hidden from the cruel world,and our minds closed tight.Maybe the best thing for ourselves.

Women are Evil..

Women are evil.I say this myself,because I am one.And I like other people I have talked to and have gotten on the subject of it.They agree with me.See the reason I say this,is because alot of you know.That reguardless anyone who can bleed and not die from it.I think something is up.you can't let men bleed for 3 to 7 days and still be walkin around acting like nothing is wrong.They would probably die from the first day of bleedin.Kind of strange when you think about this.Why is that women can bleed so much during this once a month thing and nothing happens to us?Do you not think that something is alittle odd about that.What in the world was God thinking when he created us women in the image of what he thought we should look like.But really who here is too blame for why women in my eyes can be evil....I don't think that we intend to be evil.Just have to think about this for a moment.Women are the Creator's of Life,a woman's body determines whether or not to bare children.Why is that a woman can do this with the body.It's funny how though,all to often,we do not think of things like this and go through our daily lives.Most who will read this probably will not agree with me.But who cares cause this is my opinion.But is something to think about.....

Things I want.......

There are things in this world that I'm sure we all want.Most of us want to have someone to come home to at night and lay next to...Some just want a really good friend to hang out with from time to time,and know that they can just sit and bullshit with and know that they will not judge them for something they said or do.or become an asshole because they don't like what was said.Tonight I am learning my lesson about tryin to become friends who people who really don't give a shit,but say they do.Just aggravates me.The one thing I want in life,at this point I can not have.Thats a friend,a lover,and someone who will care for me reguardless what is said or done.Just knowing you have someone like that makes life alot easier,and a little more bareable.But,this is not happening at this point in my life.Sometimes think I am better off to myself,and leaving people alone.If they want a friendship or more with me then,so be it.I'm tired of chasing people who don't want nothing to do with me.But say they do.Its one or the other,not both.This is how I feel...Sorry,If anyone who reads this doesn't agree or like it.But,these are a few of my feelings.
Anymore it seems I have fucked up everything that maybe somewhat good in my life.Like tonight,talkin to a friend,I said something and apparently they didn't like it and hung up on me.and wouldn't answer when i called back.But it is something that I should be used to,by now.People tell you they want to hang out,and when you ask them to hang out,you get I dont know when.or they ignore you completely.I just wish for once that when I think I have something good in my life.I just wished it would stay like that.I am starting to wonderin what the fuck is wrong with me.Maybe it's just me.Hell I dont know I wish I knew.
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