Slowly I rise from the rubble of my shattered heart
And survey the damage from being blown apart
With tears in my eyes and no smile on my face
what was once full of life now seems a desolate place
When asked I say “just ducky” or even “I’m ok”
But I’m really not since my love went away!
I try my best to carry on and be the usual “me”
But the smiling, happy, jokester you’re never going to see
My hearts completely shattered! It’s never going to heal!
I’m sure you have felt similar, but you don’t know how I feel!
I have issues from childhood, scars no one can see
Trusting people not to hurt me has never been easy for me.
It made me unemotional, scared to show joy or pain
So it couldn’t be used to hurt me, over and over again.
By adulthood I was a hermit, never letting anyone in.
Until the day I met her and she became my friend
We both had similar childhoods and alike in many ways
She showed me how to feel again and ended my hermit days
To her I was some1special, something I had never been.
I loved her with all my heart and that will never end
For 3 years I stuffed my pain, as she slowly pushed me away
I changed my look, worked out, and prayed with me she would stay.
The bright eyes and smile that greeted me whenever I came by
Was replaced with a frown and a panicked look of “why”
Just giving me hugs now I could feel her grow tense.
Being bothered by my mere touch made my pain too intense
It wasn’t an easy choice, but her happiness meant more to me
I told her that I loved her and if she wanted that she was free
I gave her time to think about things, to figure and decide
Deep inside I knew the answer and since then my heart has cried
3 months short of a year. My heart is still in pain :-(
I’m really trying my best, but I can’t believe in “love” again
So now I just exist, doing the only thing I know to do.
Just a single poet trapped in a world built for two
written by Some1special2k