I came accross a profile that I thought looked interesting, as you do,
So I rated it, Fanned it, commented it with this
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com
and added as a friend.
This is what I got in return in my shout box.
Imzadi : thanks, really don't like pics of sluts on my page though (Check out her profile pic) This is only said in jest after this comment!
Imzadi : you also didn't send a message with your friend request, not sure why you want to add me
Me ->Imzadi : sorry Hun no offense meant
Imzadi : it's a nice pic except for the chick
Imzadi : so why do you want to add me?
Me ->Imzadi : just trying to be friendly
Me ->Imzadi : isn't that what this place is about?
Imzadi : well I don't add people just for the hell of it
Me ->Imzadi (An...: well f**k off then
I'm sorry but, I'm here to have some fun and a few giggles. What is this womans problem? It's not like I'm asking to have my wicked way with her! If she gets so upset with the comments left by people, what is she doing on CT in the 1st place? Check out her profile and see some of the other comments left by well intentioned CT'ers. DOes she ask them the same questions.
rant over.