I was just on another members blog, and she commented that she wished guys would just say a girl i beautiful instead of using a charged word like sexy. I responded that, in my opinion, they are two totally separate entities. I person (woman or man) can be exceptionally physicallyattractive (beautiful) without evoking emotion, such as looking at the sunsetover a crystal blue lake, passing behind mountains in the distance, or a country drive in the autumn with the multicolored leaves, or the first snowfall-the pure blanket of white----those are beautiful---but they do not evoke a physiucally passionate response--yes, they can make you melt inside or feel warmth-but no stirring----sexy, on the other hand, really has nothing to do with physical beauty. The inner soul is what really determines sexy-an actual phsical response is felt-a stirring, (not necessarily like you are thinking--get your mind out of the gutter) but there is something different. If a person is "beautiful" inside---rather than outside---THAT is what makes thenm sexy---
yes, guys a lot of times use sexy as a way of describing a beautiful woman--but---they also call "average" women sexy---which, in my opinion, is much greater a compliment than beautiful, or pretty
OK, I will get off the soapbox now :)