..finally i am back online...
..its good to be back, have missed chattin to everyone, hope you all doin good...and i hope you kinda remember me lol...
I have used my time wisely while i couldnt get online tho, lots of stuff has happened in the last 3 months, some good, some bad...some productive, some inspirational,some silly,some downright rediculous hehe..but all memorable...
some keywords...illness...children...art...cakes..ideas...DIY..TRUCKFEST :-)...COURT....teaching...freedom...joy...
hmmm..that about covers it lol
sooo, hi to all and hope you have all had a great few months, hope to chatatchya all soon
Beci xox Hi there everyone...
I havnt been in touch with anyone the past couple of weeks coz my infernal machine has chosen a different problem to throw at me now....
My USB's stopped working, been trying all sorts to rectify the problem, but we have narrowed it down to either a problem with the power or the motherboard....GRRRRRRRRRRR
Hope its a good one for everyone....i'm not ignoring people, i have had a lot going on here and havnt been on here much cept to check in from time to time!!
So have a great week and i'll get back to ya'll real soon!!!
heres my link..
Beci xoxox
The White Buffalo Legend
The White Buffalo are sacred to many Native Americans. The Lakota (Sioux) Nation has passed down the The Legend of the White Buffalo--a story now approximately 2,000 years old--at many council meetings, sacred ceremonies, and through the tribe's storytellers. There are several variations, but all are meaningful, and tell of the same outcome. Have communication with the Creator through prayer with clear intent for Peace, Harmony and Balance for all life living in the Earth Mother.
Spirituality among Natives Americans and non-Native Americans has been a strong force for those who believe in the power of the Great Spirit or God. It matters not what you call the Creator. What matters is that you pray to give thanks for your blessings and trust the guidance given to you from the world of Spirit. Many truths about Spirit are told and handed down from one generation to the next.
The legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman tells how the People had lost the ability to communicate with the Creator. The Creator sent the sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman to teach the People how to pray with the Pipe. With that Pipe, seven sacred ceremonies were given for the people to abide in order to ensure a future with harmony, peace, and balance.
Legend says that long ago, two young men were out hunting when from out of nowhere came a beautiful maiden dressed in white buckskin. One of the hunters looked upon her and recognizing her as a wakan, or sacred being, lowered his eyes. The second hunter approached her with lust in his eyes, desiring her for his woman. White Buffalo Calf Woman beckoned the lustful warrior to her, and as he approached a cloud of dust arose around them causing them to be hidden from view. When the dust settled, nothing but a pile of bones lay next to her. As she walked toward the respectful young hunter, White Buffalo Calf Woman instructed the young man to go back to the People and tell them to prepare for her arrival to teach them of the way to pray. The young hunter obeyed. When White Buffalo Calf woman arrived with the sacred bundle (the prayer pipe) she taught the People of the seven sacred ways to pray. These prayers are through ceremonies that include the Sweat Lodge for purification; the Naming Ceremony for child naming; the Healing Ceremony to restore health to the body, mind and spirit; the Adoption ceremony for making of relatives; the Marriage Ceremony for uniting male and female; the Vision Quest for communing with the Creator for direction and answers to one's life; and the Sundance Ceremony to pray for the well-being of all the People.
When the teaching of the sacred ways was complete, White Buffalo Calf Woman told the people she would again return for the sacred bundle that she left with them. Before leaving, she told them that within her were the four ages, and that she would look back upon the People in each age, returning at the end of the fourth age, to restore harmony and spirituality to a troubled land. She walked a short distance, she looked back towards the people and sat down. When she arose they were amazed to see she had become a black buffalo. Walking a little further, the buffalo laid down, this time arising as a yellow buffalo. The third time the buffalo walked a little further and this time arose as a red buffalo. Walking a little further she rolled on the ground and rose one last time as a white buffalo calf.
The changing of the four colors of the White Buffalo Calf Woman represents the four colors of man--white, yellow, red and black. These colors also represent the four directions, north, east, south and west. The sacred bundle that was left to the Lakota people is still with the People in a sacred place on the Cheyenne River Indian reservation in South Dakota. It is kept by a man known as the Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, Arvol Looking Horse.
The legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman remains ever promising in this age of spiritual enlightenment and conscious awareness. In today's world of confusion and war many of us are looking for signs of peace. "With the return of the White Buffalo it is a sign that prayers are being heard, that the sacred pipe is being honored, and that the promises of prophecy are being fulfilled. White Buffalo signals a time of abundance and plenty."
Though our world may be harsh, throughout recorded history there have been spiritual leaders teaching peace, hope and balance among all life. This was taught by great teachers such as Jesus, Buddha, the Dali Lama's, and Native American elders. Chief Crazy Horse, Chief Seattle, and Chief Red Cloud are a few of the visionary leaders who committed their lives to bring peace, and internal happiness to all who they touched. They were tangible signs of goodwill toward all men, women and children.
White Buffalo at Spirit Mountain Ranch
Included with the tangible signs for world peace and harmony are seven sacred White Buffalo located at Spirit Mountain Ranch in Flagstaff, Arizona. The birth of a white buffalo is a rare occurance indeed. Only one in 10 million buffalo is born white. The Creator has blessed the world and all its inhabitants with a family of White Buffalo. At Spirit Mountain Ranch these White Buffalo include Miracle Moon, Rainbow Spirit, Arizona Spirit, Mandela Peace Pilgrim, Sunrise Spirit, Spirit Thunder, and Chief Hiawatha.
Miracle Moon--our first White Buffalo and now a mother--was born on April 30, 1997. Miracle Moon gave birth to Rainbow Spirit (female) on June 8, 2000, to Mandela Peace Pilgrim (female) on July 18, 2001, and to Arizona Spirit (male) on July 1, 2002. All these babies were fathered by Willy Wonka--a brown North American Bison. And now the babies are having their own white babies.
On May 22, 2004, Mandela Peace Pilgrim gave birth to Sunrise Spirit (female). Five days later on May 27, 2004, Rainbow Spirit gave birth to Spirit Thunder (male). Both these white buffalo babies were fathered by BlackJack--a brown Canadian Bison. On May 16th, 2005, Miracle Moon gave birth to the seventh white buffalo. He has been named Chief Hiawatha, after the great Onondaga chief who founded the Iriquois League of Five Nations and brought peace to the tribes of the Northeast.
These beautiful, divine energies touch all who come see them. People come to the ranch to pray and leave gifts for the sacred White Buffalo. Some weep, some marvel, and others are led to the ranch not knowing about the White Buffalo and their promise of peace and abundance. We believe the spirit of the White Buffalo calls out to the hearts of these people and directs them to the White Buffalo family.
Now, more than ever recent events that are taking place worldwide are a wake-up call to seek connection to the divine Great Spirit or God that resides within us. The return of the White Buffalo is another physical sign from the world of Spirit, ready and waiting to help us walk in our world with wisdom, knowledge, peace and love. Regardless of our race, color or form, we are all brothers and sisters who live on the same Earth mother. It is time to respect and honor each individual as we ourselves would like to be respected.
I am poor and naked, but I am the chief of a nation. We do not want riches, but we do want to train our children right. Riches would do us no good. We could not take them with us to the other world. We do not want riches. We want peace and love. -- Red Cloud (MAKHIPIYA-LUTA) Sioux Chief
From Wakan-Tanka, the Great Mystery, comes all power. It is from Wakan-Takan that the holy man has wisdom and the power to heal and make holy charms. Man knows that all healing plants are given by Wakan-Tanka, therefore they are holy. So too is the buffalo holy, because it is the gift of Wakan-Tanka. - Flat Iron (MAZA BLASKA) Oglala Sioux
"Upon suffering beyond suffering: the Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again. In that day, there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole Universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am that place within me, we shall be one." - Chief Crazy Horse, Oglala Sioux (This statement was taken from Crazy Horse as he sat smoking the Sacred Pipe with Sitting Bull for the last time, four days before he was assassinated.)
Rare white buffalo born at local zoo
By Josh Krysak , Herald-Standard
A new white baby bull calf stands in a pen with other buffalo at the Woodlands Zoo in Farmington. (Ed Cope/Herald-Standard)
Sonny and Jill Herring, owners of Woodlands Zoo in Farmington, know their wide array of animals draw patrons to their zoo but the couple never had considered "spirituality" as a tourist draw.
But now, thanks to one very unique birth, the Herrings can boast that, too.
On Nov. 12, a perfectly normal brown buffalo at the zoo gave birth to a white baby bull calf - an occurrence that zoo owner Jill Herring said is about 1 in 10 million.
The Herrings said they received an immediate response to the birth from American Indians across the region and have been reeling ever since.
According to American Indian legend of the White Buffalo Woman, the prophetess was sent to her people by the Creator to teach them how to communicate with the deity through the prayer pipe.
Now, the remarkable birth has thrust the zoo into a new limelight, with American Indians flocking to the park to view the sacred animal and interpret the meaning of the calf's birth.
"We have a tribe that is coming for a dedication and naming ceremony," Jill Herring said with a sheepish smile. "They have given us three names to choose from, so we are thinking about it."
Lenape Indians, indigenous to the Fayette County area, from the Standing Stone Village, have offered the three names to the zoo for the sacred animal.
The choices include Kenahkihinen, which means, "watch over us, Luwan Alankw, which means, "winter star" and Wulileu, which means, "good news."
"We talked to them about it and if we chose the first one we can call him Kenny and if we chose the third we can call him Willy, but we are still deciding," Jill Herring said.
Herring said both parents had to carry a white gene to be able to produce the rare calf.
The birth also was unique, according to the Herrings, because buffalo are rarely born in the fall. Most calves are born in the spring.
Sonny Herring said he went out to do his morning feed at the zoo and saw something white in the buffalo pen.
At first the longtime animal handler thought a goat had gotten out, something not uncommon at the zoo, but on closer inspection, discovered the buffalo baby.
"It was a surprise," Sonny Herring said.
In the past, the Herrings said they have pulled the buffalo babies from the mother and bottle-fed them, but decided to allow the animals to raise the rare baby, something that the American Indians also encouraged the zoo owners to do.
Wynne Brown the Cherokee Indian Tribe stopped at the zoo Thursday afternoon after learning of the calf's birth.
"The prophecy is that when the White Buffalo Woman came to our ancestors, she performed a ceremony and taught them how to use the sacred pipe for the people to remember who they are," Brown said. "This birth is important because it means that her spirit is now available to us to communicate so that her teachings can be disseminated."
Brown, an alternative medicine physician who moved to Fayette County nearly three decades ago from North Carolina, greeted the new bull with what she called a "traditional way to move into communication with soul and spirit" a ritual that had the woman turning in all directions with her eyes closed as if in a trance.
She said each movement is a salute to the four directions, east, west, north and south as well as "Father Sky" and "Mother Earth."
While Brown said the casual observer might call her actions "American Indian spirituality" but she said it is simply knowing her place in the world.
"It is a way of life and understanding the connectedness of all things," Brown said. 'This white buffalo means that a time of understanding that connectedness is here for all to receive."
The zoo is open daily from 10 a.m. to dusk. KNOW THIS GUY...??
this is him age about 5
and again about 11..
he would now be 38,birthday on the 24th july, and the last place i knew he was living was Englewood, Colorado..
he used to live over the road from me when i was living in Aurora,Colorado, and went to kindergarten with me,my mom used to look after him a lot of the time, he was like part of the family!
His parents are Tom, and Candy Still, he had a dog called Mushy..a St.Bernard...but i believe he had to be put to sleep!
I lost touch with him when he was about 12, ans have been trying to find him ever since..
I would appreciate any help i can get..
My younget son is named after him..Matthew Justin...
..Hope everyone either had, or is having a SPOOKTACULAR time..
i wanted to leave individual comments but its been one hellova busy day for me,..
into town this morning rushing about with last minute buys..
home for quick coffee, picked karen up from school, then in 3 and a half hours i cooked a nice big pumkin pie, 3 dozen witches finger cookies, 2 dozen spooky cupcakes, 2 dozen pizza snakes, and 16 hotdogs...decorated the house, got candy ready for trick-or-treaters and got my outfit on..
had loads of kids come round, till about 9.00pm..then finally satdown to unwind with a cup of chocolate
so...hope u enjoyin yours!!

PLEASE add this profile HELP FIND TRENTON DUCKETT and spread the word.
This page was done to help try & find 2-year-old Trenton Duckett...if you have any information about him, please don't hesitate to call 1-800-CALL-FBI. Trenton is 2 years old & has been missing from his house in Leesburg, FL for about 2 weeks now. If you happen to see him ANYWHERE in the United States (whether it's Florida, New York, California, etc.) PLEASE call 1-800-CALL-FBI. I'm sure you'll see his story on the news & in newspapers, his dad has been putting flyers up everywhere trying to find him & it's not working. Look for the flyers to see more information on Trenton & another picture. Trenton was last seen wearing jean shorts, no shoes, & no shirt. PLEASE HELP US FIND HIM!
Please repost this.
If you can repost stupid and pointless bulletins about what flavor skittle you are and how you'll find $20
you can repost this and possibly save a little boy's life
new report
Why do children Cry??
They cry when they can't go outside to play,
or when they want they're best friend to stay,
they cry when they're tired,
they cry when they're hurt,
they cry when their teddy falls down in the dirt,
They cry when they don't want to go to bed,
Or when their brother hits them on the head,
They cry when they can't get their own way,
and when Mommy says " your not being nice today!",
They cry when they have to clean up their room,
they cry when the party ends too soon,
They cry at the loss of a much loved pet,
And when they see they're Mommy's upset,
This child cries coz the Daddy she loves,
isnt there any more to give her a hug,
or to say, "well done,
Good try!"
or just simply to say,
"Hey shush,
Don't cry!"
Rebecca Mai Duncan "96
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