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63 Year Old · Female · From Anchorage, AK · Joined on November 19, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 7th
63 Year Old · Female · From Anchorage, AK · Joined on November 19, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 7th


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Love My Words

As I write these words, clearly there is a message that needs to be written to help those now and in the future.

Dating, whether in your Hometown or on the Net doesn't always work, normally some of the men are just Players or Married men just looking for a good time and they go back home to their wives. Player's though they just like going through numerous women that fall for their careless whispers.

Some women are like this too, maybe not titled as a Player's but they do like playing Mind Games or they are stuck in a loveless Marriage and like screwing with the poor gullible men hoping their husbands would catch them and show some passionate jealousy. It flames the heart that once was at the beginning of their Marriage.

Internet dating is a joke! This Lady has never been a Mind Gamer or cheated when she was married 2 times. In chatrooms on yahoo when I see a married man just by the questions I would ask through I/M'ing. They would ask me out with them I just simply refused.

Another thing that is bothering me big time is how guys on MySpace (some are mostly from Africa) will write such beautiful words which seems like an Ad, they claim your profile and photos just caught their attention and from that moment they feel that both of you are meant to be and then they give you there yahoo ID's. Most of these guys I delete their messages immediately, especially mis-spelled writer's, also stating or not stating they are from Africa.

It's a shame the Internet has fallen so quickly in the last year and a half.

Has anyone truly and married someone off the Internet by finding their one and only?

Sure we can have many lovers, the ones and only I speak of is our Soul-Mates. The better half's of us that know everything about us and us knowing everything about them.

Me? No, I haven't found my Soul-Mate or someone I could truly love like I was supposed to in this life time and may not before I leave this Earth Plane.

I have learned all of my life lessons in this lifetime and have self-sacrifice myself for other's many times.

I will not be coming back to the Earth Plane for a couple of lifetimes.

I know in Heaven I will be an Angel again and hopefully I can watch over both of my Son's and hopefully be watching over my Grandchildren when my son's decide to have their children. I know my time isn't for very much longer here on the Earth Plane, too many things are going wrong with my health (I consider myself as a flower, if the caretaker doesn't water me or feed me I will wilt). I hope to meet one of my grandchildren before I go.

I say now, I love you, Farrin and Cord. May life give you what it didn't give me. I will always watch over the both of you and your children... And your children's, children...

As Above, So Shall Be Below...

So Mote It Be.

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Wild Fact About Me Ok, the wild facts about me: at one time I used to love partying but when you become a parent all that comes to a screeching halt. I have done some really wild things in my lifetime. To upset my parent's one time, I lived with this one guy, my parents hated him. Thru him I learned you can live on the streets of Anchorage, AK., he wasn't the perfect guy for me because of the things he made me do. But it got the point across to my parents they do not rule me, I am my own person free to do what I want and when I want. I believe love is the strongest emotion of all, when you love someone that completes you. You will walk that extra mile, lay down your life if it will save your love one or ones. I am only 5'2 and a half and believe me dynamite comes in small packages. I am a very shy and sweet person but if someone comes along to rain on my parade (so to speak)or attack my children, I myself will become unglued and that person has to watch out because they have a wild woman on their hands. I don't know if that comes from being part Cherokee, Irish or Welsh. LOL

I will fight for most causes, Women rights are one of them. I despise anyone raping or molesting women and children. I care about people as a whole and would stop the world to sit down, talk and listen to them.

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63 Year Old · Female · From Anchorage, AK · Joined on November 19, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 7th

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