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45 Year Old · Female · From Mabank, TX · Joined on April 21, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 10th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
45 Year Old · Female · From Mabank, TX · Joined on April 21, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 10th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

I can be complicated at times. I know what I want. I go for what I want, and I usually get it. I’ve learned not to take crap from those who would love to see me fail. I care about what my family and friends think. If you’re not in that category, then you can be sure that your opinions and comments are a waste of breath.
Am I a bitch? Possibly, but I have been called worse by better. I am fiercely protective of those I care for. I would rather knock someone flat on their ass than listen to their excuses. Being needy and annoying is not a good way to try to get my attention. Unless you are one of my kids, I could care less. I have my bitchy moments which is obvious. But I am also one of the nicest people you could meet. Until you piss me off. I will go out of my way to help those who need it and deserve it. I am a student currently working on my associates degree in elementary education. I am a single…very single, mother of 3 beautiful little girls. So as you can guess I stay busy. I don’t date much by choice. I’ve found that men expect me to put them first. Well that isn’t going to happen. I don’t have the time, energy, or patience to put up with a grown mans petty bullshit. I don’t want to be analyzed. So you can spare me your psycho babble bullshit. I love music. All genre’s. I don’t have a particular type. As long as the beat moves me, and the lyrics touch me then I am happy. I love to meet people who share my interests, and hold my attention. I mean lets face it, no one wants to hang out with an idiot. Unless you’re a glutton for punishment.
I'm left-handed. I brush my teeth in the shower. I can't use a pen without a lid. I'm a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl. I always put my left shoe on first. I have 2 cats, Gizmo and Lucy. I drive the speed limit. I wanna be an egyptologist when I grow up. Fairies are beautiful. I cry during movies. I loved New Kids on the Block in 4th grade, Vanilla Ice in 5th, and Kris Kross in 6th. The Departed is my favorite movie. I'm the mommy of a girl scout. The Wizard of Oz makes me sad. Wicked is my favorite play. I wanna go to NYC...again. Badboys are hot. I make my stick figures too fat. Pink is precious. I'm agnostic, my best friend is highly religious. I want a love like Nicholas and Julia's. I'm easily amused. My eyes are my best feature. I wear a size 6.5 shoe. My toenails are ALWAYS painted.So I hope that I have given you a glimpse into the type of person I am.
Now let me give you a glimpse of who I would like to meet. I love intelligence. I don't care how big your penis is or how much you can bench press. If I decide to quote Shakespeare, (doesn't happen often) then please don't look at me like I'm speaking a foreign language. Its English people, come on! I enjoy discussing music with fellow music lovers. I don't listen to the radio, so don't try to talk to me about the new Britney Spears trash thats out. I hate overplayed music. To be quite honest most of the music on my MP3 player will never hit the airwaves. I like unsigned artists. I enjoy the rawness of their music, before the industry has a chance to shape them into the next "BIG" thing. So you may be pretty but if you cannot hold an intelligent conversation, then odds are I will get bored and move on. Hope to hear from you soon!! :)


45 Year Old · Female · From Mabank, TX · Joined on April 21, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on November 10th · 4 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!


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