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Elf's blog: "Slacking at work"

created on 09/22/2006  |  http://fubar.com/slacking-at-work/b5350

Note to self....

Ironing shirt before work = good. Ironing thumb in process = bad. Ouch.

Update before a break...

I know…I don’t log on here near as much as I used to. There are a dozen reasons for that, the top two being work and now school. In my goal to get my CJ degree I’ve managed to nab a 4.0 GPA for the first session. My next one starts tomorrow. Wish me luck! It’s gonna be hectic. On top of all that….my birthday is Saturday. Weird, neh? There are some events that I’m going to attend because I swear they were thinking of me when they planned them (who else in Nashville wants a Masquerade Ball more than me?). But all in all this should be a good birthday. I hope. High school reunion is next month. I’m still undecided about it. I’ll probably get the ticket and go anyway but still…..it’ll probably be filled with people I didn’t like then and won’t like now. Not to mention I swear that nearly everyone I knew then is now married with kids. I mean, great for them but I’m afraid I’ll feel out of place. I don’t even know if people will recognize me. I’ve gotten a tad bit taller, I don’t always hide my figure anymore and my hair is bright red instead of blonde. *shakes head* I’ll figure it out in a couple of days. I have till Friday to buy the tickets online. Thank goodness it’s noon. Time for a break!

Stupid little things

How low is this? Someone stole my coke from the fridge at work. *sniff* For over two years I’ve brought in a coke in the morning, put it on the same shelf in the same spot every day and then grabbed it at lunch time. Today I reached in there as my lunch was about to ding in the microwave and froze in shock. There was no coke! I looked around the fridge, then closed it for a second and the looked again to make sure I hadn’t just overlooked it. Nope. Someone swiped my soda. Swiped it even though there is a fully stocked soda machine right next to the fridge. It’s not really upsetting. It bums me out more than anything to think that someone was so petty as to just take my soda. If they really wanted it I would have given it to them or given them 65 cents for the machine. But come on, guys! That was my lunch soda! The one soda I drink during the daytime. What’s up with that petty act of theft? It’s still bumming me out.

Odd names...

One of the guys in production was putting the magnet on the back of a badge when the name on it jumped up and smacked him. He got such a kick out of it he had to share with everyone. And since I nearly fell out of my chair laughing I have to share it with everyone else. Gene Pool I'm not kidding. I promise.

Interviews and zombies

((posted for today's Zombie Blog)) I can hear them outside. Funny how they’ll mill around the building but not step foot inside. That might have to do with the fact that a few of my coworkers and I keep blowing their heads off when they get too close. But I think I’m getting ahead of myself. I didn’t think anything was out of the ordinary this morning. Sure the morning commute was much lighter than normal but that does happen on occasion. Made it to work early and set up a job interview at my lunch time. We normally only take a half hour lunch but this time I planned to be a little late getting back. As soon as that clock hit 1:30 I was out the door in hopes of going to the interview, having it go well and then coming back to either demand more money or threatening to leave. (ha! Leave! That’s funny now.) It did strike me as odd that the streets were a little deserted for lunchtime but as I was nervous about the coming interview I put it out of mind. I finally made it to the building and pulled into an empty spot. That wasn’t hard since there were quite a few of them. I double checked the address I had written down and sure enough this was the place. I made my way to the front door and tugged on the handle. It didn’t budge. Now I was truly perplexed. I pulled out my cell and called the office number. I could hear the phone inside ringing through the door but there was no answer and it seemed rather dark inside. I put the phone back in my bag and decided to knock this time. Just as I had my first raised to knock there was a loud thump of something hitting the door. I actually yelped in fear and surprise and leapt backward. Through the smokey glass I could make out a person’s form, their face pressed against the glass and mouth moving with words I couldn’t hear. I whipped my phone back out to call 911 and froze when I saw a bloody hand grab the top of this person’s head. The second person came into view and now I was the one who was mouthing silent words. The head of the second person looked as though bites had been taken out of it. He was bloody and missing much of his skin. Then I saw his eyes. They were dull and sightless, much like my coworkers. What snapped me back into motion was when he pulled the first man’s head back and proceeded to take a bite out of his scalp. That did it. No matter how miserable I was at work I wasn’t about to set foot in that place. I ran back to my car and got in while dialing 911. I flew back down the road to work and listened to the endless ringing. Then the line picked up. “We’re sorry for the wait. All operators are busy at the moment....” I swore and dialed Jacob’s number. No answer but I got his voicemail. Quickly, as I made the turn onto my office’s street, I gave him the news. “Jacob, listen. I need to you get over to my work right now. There’s something really weird happening out here. I think I just saw a zombie at my job interview. If you can load up on some weapons that would be great. I’ll explain when you get here.” As soon as I hung up I caught the familiar sight of my office building. That’s when I noticed other things out of place. The parking lot was mainly empty except for our end of the building. I could hear the dogs that were kept by the pet store barking like mad. I jumped out of my car and ran inside. Nickey looked up from her desk as though I were insane. “What’s gotten into you?” she asked, giving me a strange look. I peered outside and turned back to her. “Has it been a slow day on the phones and fax?” “Well, yeah. At least no one’s called for the past hour.” “Damn,” I said. “It’s not just here.” She continued to look at me askance. “What the hell are you talking about?” I moved closer and spoke in a low tone. “I just saw a dead man take a bite out of another man’s head at a job interview.” “You had a job interview?” she said, excited. Shaking my head, I tried to get her to hear the other part. “I was going to but the door was locked. I saw someone inside do that.” “Do what?” I sighed and spoke loudly. “I think we have zombies.” There was dead silence in the front office. Even the satellite radio had quit playing. Then Diane laughed. “Zombies? What gives you that idea?” I walked over till I was closer. “I just saw one. And think about it. Traffic was too light today. The phones have been dead silent for over an hour. How many orders have come in? Does that seem normal for a regular day?” Diane opened her mouth to say something when there was a loud thump and a scream from the office next door. I grabbed the phone off Josh’s desk and hit the buttons to make an announcement. “Alright everyone, we’ve got a Day of the Dead situation at the moment, I shit you not. If you own weapons and have them in your car please go out and grab them now. As soon as everyone’s inside, lock and bar the doors. Let’s get everyone in the warehouse near a roof access.” I heard laughter from inside the warehouse. I hung up the phone and stalked into the back. “I’m not kidding guys. I just saw one and I think we’ve got them as neighbors.” They stared at me the same way Nickey had. “Come on, weapons guys. And let’s get all the food we can up on the roof as well as all the water we can carry. We need to get to high ground.” “Why?” asked Andrew, obviously thinking I was nuts. “Something I read once,” I muttered wishing that I had my Zombie Handbook with me. That’s when we heard the scream from the front office. I turned and ran back toward the sound and ended up colliding with Diane, Nickey, Jan, Josh and Jennifer. The ran behind me and pointed toward the door. I glanced through the small window and saw Marilyn shambling toward us. “What?” I asked. “She looks normal.” Jennifer shook her head. “You didn’t hear the way she said ‘Brainsssss’.” I nodded. “Ah, that would be a good way to tell.” I motioned them back and looked around for something that would work as a weapon of sorts. Darhonda ran over and handed me a long length of heavy pipe. I hefted it with both hands and swung it carefully. “Thanks. This ought to work.” I glance behind me. “You guys ought to get everything up to the roof. I’ll be there in a minute.” “Nope,” Nickey said. “Why?” I asked, keeping my eye on Marilyn as she got closer to the door. It was Jan who answered. “Because this is something we’ve wanted to see for a long time.” I heard murmurs of agreement behind me. “Fine, just stay back so I don’t hit one of you by accident. And remember, if she bites me or anyone else, shot them or beat the head in. Just remember to destroy their brains. Otherwise they’ll turn too.” I saw the doorknob rattle and then slowly start to turn. I got a good grip on the pipe in preparation. Marilyn pushed open the door and I saw her look at me in the same way she had every day. There wasn’t much difference. Then she spoke with the same rattle I’d always heard in the movies I’d hated. That was enough for me. Without a word or second thought I swung the pipe at her head. The crack as it connected was louder than I expected and she staggered sideways into a metal shelf. Boxes fell all around us but I saw her turn her head back toward me, now sporting a large dent in her skull. “Brainsssssss…” she croaked and took a step through the mess of samples. I swung again, quickly and felt the pipe connect solidly once more. This time she went down but didn’t stop moving. I lifted the pipe above my head and brought it down on her skull again and again until there was nothing left above her neck besides splattered bits of brain matter and strands of hair. I stood there for a moment, panting and leaning on the pipe for support. Then I head the cheers break out behind me. I turned in confusion. “Why all the excitement?” I asked still not comprehending. Jan walked over to pat me on the back, managing to kick Marilyn’s body as she did so. “You did what we’d all been thinking about.” “What? Kill a zombie?” “Nope. Beat some sense into her skull.” I laughed. I couldn’t help it. It’s about an hour after all that happened. Some people left for home. Jacob is on his way and then we’ll make our way for supplies and such afterwards. Luckily we found some shotguns and pistols in the trunks of some cars parked out back. Those of us who are holding down the fort until we can fight our way out are rather relaxed. No one has seen Greg at all. I privately think that Marilyn got to him first. Funny how none of us noticed. The zombies below are starting to move toward the road. Must be Jacob coming. Time to pack it up and get through this mess.

My sis, Heather

For those of you who aren¡¦t aware I do have a sister. She¡¦s my older half-sister (there¡¦s three of us that my dad had¡K.that we know of) by seven years and we grew pretty close when our dad died. (I don¡¦t know my older half-brother James too well. He¡¦s 14 years older than me and an alcoholic.) Over the years since then we¡¦ve kept in minimal touch. We never felt the need to do anything else and I moved a lot. We¡¦re close, don¡¦t get me wrong. We just don¡¦t call each other too often. If we ever needed anything we¡¦d call and things would be taken care of. But that¡¦s the way we are. I was thinking about her yesterday and gave her a call on one of my breaks at work. I left a message for her telling her that I was missing her and that I live in Nashville now. Gave her my cell number and my email address. Got an email just a bit ago from her. I¡¦m an aunt! Again! She got married in 2005 and had a son not too long ago. There are pictures! They are so adorable! I¡¦ve threatened to drive the 9-10 hours right down there and sic my man-eating guinea pig on her for not telling me when it happened. But it¡¦s really good to hear from her. I¡¦m kinda hoping that email will help us stay in better touch. And I¡¦m gonna try to go see her in Sept if I have a chance. Family is hard to come by. ƒº Besides, she the only sibling I have that I actually talk to anymore. My lil bro still isn¡¦t talking to the family. I think I¡¦ll post the pictures of her and her husband on their wedding day, her husband holding their newborn and then a picture of Noah (my nephew).

I don't get it...

I don't get it. Our company has a warehouse/release program since we do name badges. It makes it easier for people who have a high turnover or who just need one badge at a time usually. To demonstrate how it works we set up a "dummy" program. We give people the login and password and they can log in and play around with the program to see all the features and even go through the process of releasing a badge without having to worry about actual badges being created. It's a great tool and I've sent many people there and walked many others through it. More often than not I've sold people on the idea after they've tried it out. So my boss comes over this morning and says it's about time to dump the program and restart it with fresh lines and so on. Not a problem. I can figure out how to do that. But he also seems to think that it needs to look more like a real program. With a dummy company that looks like a real company and dummy customer shipt to address. I'm not sure if he realizes that we have a lot of people who have no idea how to read beyond a certain point. I'm now entering into the fear that those people will either be utterly confused or think they are getting a sample badge in the mail. (esp if he changes the ship method from "test" to "mail" or puts in a fake tracking number. (I'd love to know if he accidentally puts in a real one) He doesn't seem to think this is an issue. Also, he wants more options on the dummy program for branches. Most of the people I send there don't even want branches. (there is an extra set-up fee) I've never had a single person ask me about them in the dummy program in the 2 years I've been here. But his wife fields one call today about it and suddenly he wants to change everything. It's not broken. In fact it works really well. Please don't try to fix it! I've seen what he does with my computer if he thinks it's not running well while I'm out for lunch or something. I end up being locked out of it for a few days. I mean, please! Just leave it alone. If more people complain or have an issue with it then we'll look at it. But don't take all that time and effort to make it more confusing when it works just fine right now. And that whole conversation with him leads me to something else that I hate. We have new chairs here at work. They are nice ones with a tall back. When I sit in it the back comes almost to the top of my head. Whenever the boss wants to come over and look at something on my computer while I'm working on it he'll rest his hand or arm on the back of my chair. Not only does that make me uncomfortable but every time he moves it makes my chair wiggle and move. Get your arm off my chair!
Okay. I guess over a week later it’s about time for my take on Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End. WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! I’d like to say that I do adore Hans Zimmer’s work and his scores to many movies are a delight. Finally I feel like he’s able to capture the mood that was set by Klaus Beldt (sp?) from the work on the first Pirates movie. I’m listening to the new soundtrack over and over and I’d love to see if I could interest friends in recording (on their own computers and then sending the final one back to me) a full version of “Hoist the Colours”. I knew that Tia Dalma had been the one that Davy Jones loved. The way she talked about him in the second movie hinted but there was one thing that made me really need to see it again. When Jack and the crew first visit Tia Dalma (in DMC) he steals a ring off of her table and puts it in his pocket. When he does there is a shot of the table, the jewelry, Jack’s hand and a locket. The locket was heart-shaped and had the impression of a face on it. I swore after watching the whole movie that it was identical to the musical one that we see Davy Jones with. I’m happy to say that the locket comes back into play in this new movie. Go me! I had no idea about the whole Calypso thing. But Tia Dalma was the only person who could have been her. I don’t like Kiera whatever-her-name-is. I haven’t liked her since the first movie. I wish there had been less emphasis on her and more on Jack, Davy Jones and Tia Dalma. I grew to actually hate Will for awhile in this movie. He seemed like a worse traitor than Norrington. Which says a lot because I grew to really like Norrington in the second movie. I was sad that he had such a small role in this one. The same for Elizabeth’s father. I loved the battles. I delighted in the final one at the whirlpool. That was amazing. I am letdown that there was no real ending or anything for Davy Jones and Calypso. I wanted the scene after the credits to be for them. I could care less about Will and Elizabeth. Plus it didn’t make much sense until I read about a scene that had been cut. The role of the captain of the Flying Dutchman is to ferry the souls of the dead for 10 years. After those 10 years if his love is still waiting for him he is freed from that duty. The only reason Davy Jones and his men were cursed was because he became enraged that Calypso wasn’t waiting for him (and so making him spend at least another 10 years as captain) and he refused to do the job that had been given him. So at the end of the credits Will is free again. Speaking of Calypso, the way she was freed was awesome. That lover’s whisper in her ear was perfect and her reaction truly sold it. Keith Richards’ role was downplayed. I’m grateful. Some people say he outdid Johnny Depp. You just keep on thinking that in your own little bubbles. Will is much sexier as captain of the Dutchman than he ever was at any other point. Many Jack Sparrow’s? Some half naked? Bring it on! I was still let wondering what “mark” Jack had left on Beckett (east India trading co. guy). Apparently that was explained in the video game. Jack free a bunch of slaves that he was transporting on Beckett’s order and became a true pirate. Even he has some morals. Calypso’s rage at being told that Davy Jones was the one who told the Bretheren Court how to bind and release her (and to bind her right then) was wonderful. That wasn’t just a woman scorned. That was a goddess scorned. I liked how Davy Jones reacted when the maelstrom started. He knew it was her. He turned his face to the rain. It was almost like he was tasting her tears…her grief and rage and love all at once. And I think he knew then that he would not live beyond that battle. Even his last word was “Calypso”. Overall, I was happy with it. I’d like to see it a couple more times in the theater and then I’ll nab it as soon as it comes out on DVD. Heck, I couldn’t even wait a full week before I ended up with the soundtrack.

The price of film

Oy. So I took waaaaaaaay too many rolls of film at faire last weekend. I have a digital camera but for the close ups that I wanted of certain shows I needed an SLR camera. Well, the only SLR I own is an APS film camera. Three rolls of film cost me 15 bucks! So I took a lot of pictures. I'm gonna be pissed if they don't turn out. Esp since it's gonna cost me about $66 to develop them when I pick them up at lunch. Once again I'm wishing that I had a digital SLR. Oy. I'll update with non-bitchy stuff later. :)

Good news

I would now like to announce to the world: I’m an official college student again! Woo hoo! Watch me chase that Criminal Justice degree down.
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