I went skydiving last June. It was the most amazing thing i have ever done. To ride in the plane waiting to step out of it from over 14 thousand 7 Hundred feet above the planet. I could see all the way to chattanooga and beyond. I could see the atlanta skyline and i was in Rome Ga. I was a bit scared to take the first step. I tilted my head back and jumped doing a back flip out of the plane falling at 180 ft per second it was so amazing i was in awe. I thought for sure i would feel like i was falling. What i actually felt was floating the wind in my face and the free movement through the sky is a sensation unlike anything i have experienced. I could do nothing but look around at the earth below seeing the towns, highways that looked like a pencil marks across the land. the different shades of green, brown and the ocassional blue of water. There was golf courses smaller than my thumb as i held it in front of me to measure the earth below. Then with a sudden jerk on my shoulders and a very deep inhale my parachute opened i was gliding to the earth. I for the first time understood what it was like to be a bird gliding through the sky and clouds. I watched the earth grow beneith me getting bigger and bigger. I saw the landing zone and sailed into a big field hearing the wind whistle throught my chute as my feet touched the ground as a feather falls to the earth. I slid to a abrupt stop and was once again planted firmly on the ground. I laid on my back inhaling the air and saw life different. To skydive for me was unlike anything i have experienced and plan to do it again soon. I hope you have enjoyed the first ever description of my adventure in sky diving. I recommend everyone do it once in life for it is truely a beautiful experience. Dan