hello everyone i just recently learned how to make skins and im loving it , it can really be addicting. and since i love all my cherry friends so much i have been trying to make a variety so that hopefully all of my friends can find something. my skins are available to rip all i ask is that you leave me a comment letting me know what you think of them so i know if im doin any good or not. also would love to have some ideas of what you would like to see me do as well. and of course anything you want to do for me in return would be greatly appreciated.
below are the headers of ones i have made as of now ,and are available for use. but you really need to browse my skins go to to bottom and preview them to get the full effect.
*****pls repost this so that everyone can see it pls
and if you make it a sticky let me know and i will make you a custom skin of something you like with your name on it.******
love n bites
embyr ~Lioness of The Flesh ~Co Founder of LDC Family~*~Founder of WNC Society~*~
@ CherryTAP

Devil girl

Fairies ( as requested )



Vamp Guy

Vamp girl

The Dr

Dragon flesh