Well I'm a couple of quarters away from having a Master of Arts Degree in Religion so I would like to think that I am a reasonably intelligent guy. I'm definitely a conversationalist so don't be afraid to find me online and chat. I love chatting about theology. I also love to sing some karaoke. If you know of a cool place to do it in the Canton, Ohio area, let me know and I'll come down and sing with ya.
Well, considering that I am the singingbaldguy, you better believe I love music. I listen to a lot of Christian Rock and am looking for a group to do lead vocals with here in the Canton, Ohio area. My voice has been compared to Scott Stapp, but my range has got higher since I've been singing. Some of my fav bands are: Haste The Day, Kutless, Creed, Anberlin, FM Static, Relient K, Thousand Foot Crutch, Demon Hunter, Third Day, Jeremy Camp, Skillet, Gin Blossoms, Nirvana, Poison, Bon Jovi...and the list could go on.
Video Games
Geez...I like 'em all. I do like the sports games and the GTA series. My latest game that I am actually playing on my brother-in-law's system is Need For Speed: Underground 2.