If you take the time to walk the path of my soul, swim the raging ocean of my heart, and climb the looming walls of my mind, you may get a glimpse of me. Standing way out there in the distance with a puzzled look on my face, wondering how you managed to get so far, when so few have even bothered trying. Long, slow, agonizing strides will bring you to me.
Look into my eyes. See what I have seen. Life...Love...Death. Listen to my voice and note that it's not just me you hear, but everyone who has touched me in my life. Don't judge me, just listen. Hear the sorrow, but don't dismiss the love. Touch my flesh, and feel how warm, soft and giving I can be, despite the cold gust you may have experienced when you first approached me. Look into my eyes again. Do you see me now?
If you so choose, you may turn around, and take those long, slow, agonizing steps back down the path you previously traveled. You will have touched me, as I will have touched you.