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Simmer's blog: "Simmer-isms"

created on 02/04/2007  |  http://fubar.com/simmer-isms/b51749


Hi Everyone Need help choosing a pic for a contest that I am entering for redheads..any feedback and help on which pic to enter would be greatly appreciated

eyes quiz

1139014837lightningeyes.jpg You scored as Passion. You are very passionate whether that passion is good or evil has yet to be determined. You have great power over others and they seem to flock to your service. You are very competative almost to a fault. Perhaps you should let someone else win for a change?



Diamond Eyes




Eyes full of Pain


What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)
created with QuizFarm.com
I am a Capricorn! Aries Aries LIVE for head massages. ANY part of their head: Lips, Eyelids, Eyes, Tongue, you name it! Aries also like to fuck in public places during business hours. You need to be open minded with an Aries. If you don't feel like being duct taped to a wall and beaten with live ferrets: Tell Them. Be warned! IF you don't want to be kinky, don't be with an Aries. If you say no too often to them you may lose them as a lover forever. Aries idea of Heaven is participating in live sex shows for money. Having their favorite human toy win first place in a pony boy/girl race. Fucking as an art form on display in a gallery. They secretly crave to be strippers or Annie Sprinkle. Aries LIVE to be jealous...they also like to coordinate other people fucking. Secretly desire to be fluffers. Aries owned a violet wand before it was popular. They are also sadists. The best gift to give an Aries is designer colored nylon rope in their favorite color. They live to tease and torture. Hey, somebody's gotta do it, right? They like hair pulling. Beware of their 'toy' collections. Don't tease them...they will rape you. They love pony boys and girls...I cannot emphasize this enough! They like it doggie style especially if they are steering. Give an Aries 100 feet of rope and a 250 dollar flogger and they will follow. As long as they get to be the one holding the handle. Taurus Don't tease them. It will only piss them off. Taureans are realists. If you say that you are horny prepare to be fucked. Taureans are heavy indulgers, though. All forms of indulgence: sex-drugs-wine-food...whatever their vice may be they simply cannot get enough. They do not believe in moderation. They will fuck until they are sore. Taurus likes to have sex just for the sake of having sex. What they lack in originality, they make up for in stamina and endurance. Okay...so they may not be into bondage, okay? But they WILL lick you until you have at least three orgasms or until you pass out...whichever comes first. Taurus uses their tongue for EVERYthing and I mean that. They love to lick people in whipped cream, alcohol, chocolate, flesh and candy. Bring it on! Caution: They are looking for a relationship so be kind to them. They also have a BIG wet thing for scent. Sometimes they don't want a lover to bathe before sex. Or you may find them shaggin in a garden or a greenhouse...to smell the dirt. After all, they are Earth signs. Gemini Ever heard the saying "Been there. Done that?" Chances are it came from a Gemini. They are always changing...they are the eternal Chameleon. You never who you are fucking that day. They have had sex. A lot of sex. Probably because they are in a constant state of flux...always looking for the new high. The biggest turn on for a Gemini is: LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION. Here is just a smattering of places that I know Geminis have fucked: In the elevator of the mausoleum of Forest Lawn Cemetaryduring a funeral. Wine cellars in nightclubs. VIP areas of theatres. Public Parks. The 18th hole of a private golf course. In the center of a race track just as the flag was going up. On various gym equipment at numerous health spas. A football stadium during the SuperBowl. A Balcony railing at Mardis Gras in the French Quarter...just to name a few. If it's shiny...they will want it. They are big on drama so be prepared for them to set the mood for sex no matter where you might end up. They WILL take the initiative. They live off their charm. If they are male and gay they will still be the greatest fuck your female friend has ever had. Go figure. They are also voyeurs, but always willing to lend a hand...or any other part of anatomy. If they are depressed, suck on their fingersthat always seems to cheer them up. Their goal is to fuck in the front row of the Oscars when the cameras pans on them so that they can wave. Cancer This is the sign that needs to be cuddled. They may believe that they were born in the wrong period or century. They dwell in the past...Victorian...Roman...Medieval...you name it. They usually will only fuck at night. Come to think of it they fuck better at night anyway. Maybe its because they are ruled by the Moon. This is a sign that is looking for true love...I mean real true deep love. That Romancing The Stone, Wuthering Heights kind of love. They probably cry at the end of any Jane Austen flick. They want to be swept off of their feet. They really do deserve it, too. They are constantly dumped on by previous past fucktard ex lovers that think they own them. Sometimes Cancers pick the wrong guy/girl and get beat up or emotionally hurt. Why? They think its what they deserve. Which is bullshit. They are wonderful people. They love water sports (Jacuzzis, pools, showers, saunas, bathouses...) They want to be comfortable while fucking. Oh sure the foreplay may have had you bent over a barstool, but when you get home they want comfy couches, beds, fluffy pillows, anything soft and fuzzy that is not a pet. Cancerians also have a horrible tendency to misplace their clothing. Highly exhibitionistic. They live for oral as long as it tastes good. Karma Sutra honey dust is a good start. Mints...ice creamanything with sugar...fruit. Don't rush them they smolder. But when you get started, be ready for a long night. They like to play with ice cubes, too. Also nipples are a big thing for Crabs...they all secretly wish to get their nipples pierced. Can be highly submissive. Masturbation is where they get their bonus points at. Be warned: They like 'em young...so you better be ready to dress up like an animation school boy/girl with a whip to keep 'em. Leo If we could put our pussy cat naked and jeweled in rubies on a dais in a museum, this would be their idea of heaven. Everyone admiring them: Hell, yeah! Worship me is their motto. If you fuck up just once with a Leo that's IT. Don't be expecting them to take you back. They are not willing victims, after all. They chose you and you screwed up? They can UN-choose you just the same. They live for ménage a trois...or qua.or cinco. Anything in a group is okay as long as they are in the middle. Leos also like bubble baths. Once you start with a Leo do not think you can just turn their emotions on or off like a switch.. They demand satisfaction NOW. All the stress in the world ends up in the Leo neck. They need neckrubs. They feel like they have the entire weight of the world on their head. If its kinky, a Leo has probably done it. You know Madonna's a Leo, right? She masters the Madonna/Whore/Goddess thing pretty well, huh? I wonder why? Could it be cause shes a Leo? Yep. Valmont was probably a Leo. They probably have the movie at home. Get out your furry gloves and faux mink whips for this kitten,.they love soft floggers and there is a specific spot on their back right above their tailbone that is heaven to them where, if touched right, will actually make them purr. You think I'm bullshitting you? Try it, I dare ya. Leo likes to be on top...that's a given. They need control. Their underwear is always interesting to say the least. They live for boudoir photography. They love to be photographed. If they can afford a nude or semi nude photo of them they do it now. Leos are born and bred to be porn stars...even if they act prude about it they have thought about it. They usually end up in vocations where they can be served like a king or queen (i.e. 24/7 domina, mistresses, gigolos, bar owners, promoters, runway models...). May have a fetish about decorating their genitalia...not piercings, per se, but other jeweled adornments definitely. Rubies usually are their love. I knew one Leo with a solid silver cock ring embedded with rubies. Love to have their hair brushed and played with. You had better be vocal in bed with them...they want to hear how well they are doing. If a Leo has chosen you as a mate just accept it and enjoy the ride. Be prepared for anything. They have no problem tying you down. They are the naughty school teacher, the pirate captain, the gypsy king and Cleopatra all rolled into one. Virgo This is the most confused sign on the planet. This sign is pretty realistic: no frills. They love to fuck in showers not because it's kinky, but because of hygenic reasons. They are big into sanitary issues. Every Virgo I have ever met has issues...always going back to hygiene. They have to arrange time in their busy schedules to have sex. But when a reservation is made you had better be there on time, if not a little early. With flowers. And clean. Virgos want to make their partner happy. That's it. USUALLY. You will always get a freaky Virgo, but not often. Even so, they will try to get you to cum. And if they can't make you cum, they will buy someone or something that will. Yes you read that right. The sign of the virgin believes in prostitution. Missionary is their big thing. I wish I could give Virgos more kink, but, that's about it. Except maybe try spanking them sometime and see what will happen. They live to masturbate...whether its you rubbing them, them rubbing you, them rubbing against your fox fur coat...whatever! Some Virgos want to be punished. They will do naughty things to be caught so they can be punished. They are perfect for Aries who want to punish somebody. Pretend rape scenes also turn on Virgos. As long as they know they are secretly safe. If you have ever seen the carnival rape scene in Henry & June, this is a Virgo wet dream. Also all Virgos like to see camel toes...what's up with that? Sherlock Holmes was probably a Virgo...or a repressed Gemini. Libra Let the games begin! Libra will try anything once. Twice to make sure they liked it. Three times to be absolutely sure. Do not touch a Libra's head during oral sex...that may work with an Aries, but not here. Libras love giving oral. They love getting it, too. But don't feel like they get enough...too bad, because they sure as hell are getting enough of everything else. They will buy toys to make you use it on them. Libras are mental creatures that believe in living and fulfilling fantasies that they haven't done in real life...which is rare because they have done almost everything. They have no problem sploshing. To them, sitting in a pie could be fun. Porn? Bring it on! Sex, video and food? Alright! They are heavily exhibitionistic by accident. They are accident prone; they lose bras, underwear, condoms. They also accidentally end up in bed with people. Amazing how that works! They like to cross dress. Both sexes do this quite well, actually. Male Librans are mistaken for women all the time, and female Libras are mistaken for men every now and again too. Its because they are under the goddess Aphrodite. They are never just ONE sex. They can always feel what the opposite sex feels. Which is why they are rarely clingy, except in rare circumstances when they have been led on. Then watch the manipulative side of the scales swing. They love to roleplay and play dress up. They like to dress like hookers or Queen Elizabeth (this is the men, too). Who are they really? It depends on what day of the week it is. They believe that life is too short to date ugly people in more ways than one. So if you are being shagged by a Libra, there is a good reason. Whether you are attractive physically, emotionally, mentally or have a fantastic sense of humor, there is always a reason for a Libra to be fucking you. But they hate vulgarity. They despise feeling like they are on a waiting list to get your attention. Worse yet, feeling like they are your groupie. That won't last long, then. They have already figured out how to destroy you...now they are biding their time to see how long until they throw you away. But, if you get past all that, expect long luxurious nights talking and playing Strip Tarot or Naked Chess. They are the Graceful Slut...but not slutty and yet accident prone. If you are going to fuck a Libra get mirrors. Lots of them. They have more vanity issues than a Gemini. Nothing is too kinky for them. They are the eternal Courtesan or Concubine. They are sex therapists, porn writers who knows? Scorpio Here comes the masters and mistresses of FUCK! Sorry Leo, but Scorps ARE the leaders in the Kink O Rama factor (Hey lions, you are the kings and queens of everything ELSE so let it go...). Scorpios know how to seduce. They know what is kinky. They are highly manipulative. They know how to get you to do what they want. They know how to fuck. And they are making room for modifications. All they have to do is walk into a room and look at you and you will be on your back assuming the position. One Scorpio I knew used to shackle her lover to her dining room table and serve food around his naked body for dinner parties. She would put the dip right between his legs and tell everyone to try some. This is just an idea of Scorpio kink. She would punish him later if things went awry. Anne Rice (during her Beauty phase) wants to be a Scorpio. Leos and Scorpios make for a fabulous tryst...but the emotions are staggering. Don't dare try to make a Scorpio jealous. They will duct tape you to a chair and make you watch them fuck your boss or your sister/brother or Mother. Hell, that's their idea of a typical normal Thursday night. They love to use gag balls. They always have carpet burns on their knees and back from their constant rutting like a wild weasel in heat. They are also very cunning and secretive. They love pony girls and have a fetish for riding crops and bridles. Most Scorpios have mastered the Binaca Blowjob for heightened and elongated pleasure. I hope you can go the distance and can make them come...otherwise gods help ya. Favorite Song: Master and Servant. Most female Scorpios have a horrible tendency of being Alcohol Lesbians. Get them drunk enough they will kiss a girl...or two....or three...or five. One Scorpio girl I knew got so toasty at a party once she kissed everyone in the entire house. There were at least sixty people there! All their clothes are easy access and they can definately get their foot over their head. One Scorpio man I knew could blow himself. A definite good time, but beware their sting. Sagittarius Right out the chute I am going to tell you they love to be shaved. True love is being shaved. Sagittarius love is being shaved by someone they love. And they love to travel. They are constantly moving. They keep milk carton and cardboard box companies in business. They are always packing and going somewhere. They are the outdoorsy type. Why fuck in a tent when you can be surrounded by Sequoias under a moonlit night and have sex? Most Sags flash body parts and are closet nudists. They will be the first to register for nude volleyball at the nudist resort. Don't get me wrong, they have a ton of provocative clothing at home, but they like to be nakedeverywhere.. They don't know why its against the law to drive naked in a convertible especially. It just doesn't seem right. Downright Anti-American to them. They are also bleeding heart cause fighters. They believe that sex is a biological function amongst friends. Why are so many people against it? A perfect night for them is to: Talk. Fuck. Talk. Fuck. Go out and look at sea otters Pick some flowers. Talk. Fuck. Laugh. Have a drink. Talk. Fuck. Dinner. Fuck. Sleep. If Gemini and Sag could be wired for electricity by how much they talk we would have all of Vegas lit up until 2098. They usually can be found together, too. Male Sags have more fetishes than a female Sag. Foot fetishes...lingerie...cross dressing. Female Sags are more nature lovers: do it in the bushes. Kinky? Who has time for kinky? Okay, they dress kinky, and will play a game or two, but sex is sex...a biological function for need in times of emotional release. They believe in doing it and getting it done before the movie starts. Better yet, fuck at the theatre so you don't miss the previews. They need leg rubs and Jacuzzis. This is because their thighs and legs are always acting up. Hey, you weren't complaining when they were holding you up fucking in the closet at your friends housewarming party at two in the morning, right? They are sturdy. Capricorn Just as I was writing this one, my Capricorn friend proceeds to call me. Capricorns are psychic by accident. They have no idea the fates smile on them from time to time. They just accept it and move on. You can turn on a Cappie just by breathing on them. They are strong and responsible and have dignity. But they are too easy to turn on sometimes. And watch out when they are horny...whoever is in the room better have protection. They are natural screamers and leave bite marks. They like sex a lot as a favorite past time. Usually during commercial breaks is perfect. Its nothing for a Cappie to fuck seven or eight times during commercial breaks in an hour long T.V. Show. They like to do it in the shower...on the furniture...on other peoples furniture...on other peoples beds...cars...tents...boats. If they are in the mood, it could be at the Presidents Inauguration...get ready for some nookie! They love to bite. They love whips, floggers and paddles. And know how to use them. They might seem at first sight of them rather cold and insensitive. But when they warm up? There is no stopping them. They like to have the back of their knees licked. They live for tongue massages. They think porno is just silly...who thought that up? But they will watch it to see if they are missing anything. Give them dim lighting, a roaring fireplace and a nice bottle of wine...you might as well reconcile yourself to the fact that you better leave the phones off for the entire weekend and order food in. They like to play games...as long as they are in charge. This is a misunderstood sign...they can be very kinky. As long as it is with people they love. Aquarius My favorite sluts are Aquarius. Why? Because if you don't expect anything in return, you won't be disappointed. Sounds easy, huh? They will get under your skin though, so beware. It's easy to be hurt by an Aquarius because they don't want you to know what they are thinking. If they are silent, but you are in the room with them, chances are they are in heavy thought. But don't worry, chances are they are thinking about you and fifteen other things. Water bearers look at sex like it is a form of recess. They can turn you on by simply walking in the room. They are the Rain Man of the Zodiac. They give too much of themselves to others that don't give a shit, then get shy to those that care about them. Go figure. They like kinky. They are easy going. To them, it's a learning experience. Male Aquarians like to tease and live life in a fantasy world. Female Aquarians can't masturbate enough. Males never get the chance to masturbate because everybody wants a piece of them. They like their ankles nibbled. They love back massages. Their ultimate adventure is the "but we might get caught" game. They will fuck wherever they run the risk of being seen or found by another lover. Don't expect faithfulness from these creatures...it's just not in their DNA. They are open minded to the point that anything shiny will derail their train of thought. Fucking while standing or leaning is a plus here. Fuck with their mind and they will follow you anywhere. They enjoy being fucked in groups of three. Think being Jack Nicholson in bed with the three Witches of Eastwick. This is a Aquarian dream. They need you to make the first move. Not to be dominated, but to bring them back to earth now and again for a little physical fun time. They get lost in the clouds a lot. Don't derail from your personal pleasure course, however, otherwise you will be just talking to them all night which can be stimulating just as well too. Beware! They are the flirts and teases from Hell! Never take one on a trip to a Home Depot when you are both horny. This can lead to nasty things. Pisces Get out the boots, Stiletto heels, foot creams and panty hose...here come da fishies! They are the leaders in foot fetish. Masturbation in shoes? Okay. Toe masturbation...bring it on! They love using their feet. Suck on a Pisceans toes and SEE what happens! Fuck in the water and see them squirm. Pisces have probably done it in a sex swing. Or at least considered how strong the ceiling beams are on their house to put one in. Pisces men break furniture when they fuck...things get flung everywhere. Pisces can be turned on by the weirdest things. Trains...water fountains...jump rope...whatever. They are the sirens calling you to the beach where you will end up on your back on a towel with water all over you and not wanting it to stop. I have heard it said that its the Pisces that will cross the darker kinky side at least once just to say, "Yep. Did that. Not that great," or "What do you MEAN you never " Sam from Sex and the City should be a Pisces. These babes are perfectionists. You will have a perfect orgasm with them...so will they. In fact, they strive for perfection in everything they do. It's all in the details for them. There will not be one hair out of place with a Pisces. All of their fetish jewelry will match a specific whip or dress or shoes. Everything must match! I have one Pisces friend that has nipple tassels that match for every pair of underwear and whip that she owns! You might think they are shy! HA! They are just planning something. I had a Pisces friend (same Pisces friend with the matching tassels by the way) who was at a nudist beach in Brazil (you will always find a Pisces at a beach...its inbred in them). A middle aged man in his early 50's or so came up to her and immediately saw her body and banggot a hard on! Not feeling shocked in any way, shape or form, she walked right up to him and put her hand on his cock for a moment, then with her same hand took her sunglasses off, looked him right in the eye and said, "Dahling, your erection is SUPERB!" and she walked off never to see him again. You never can tell what the hell a Pisces will do, but I guarantee that it will be superb! SECRET: Pisces women fall for a man that can wear a high heel and garter and look good.


Ghost I am a ghost wandering the halls at night restless and seeking seeking for something I may never find Ice runs through my heart sending shivers jabbing my mind echoes of lost loves whisper through my soul tonight I have noone to understand to take the coldness from me to kiss away the pain and heartbreak that lives deep down inside of me I am not worthy I am not big enough, not strong enough to fight away this fear that claws and tears through the insides I have been taken Used up. thrown away drained of all knowledge and good that was left of me I am broken, torn apart Not what I could have been for you for me for the ones who trusted me I am noone Noone at all I dont count I barely exist I am a ghost in all your existances So I wander these halls Opening doors staring through windows searching for something to make me feel whole again FULL again Fill me up Fill me up so I am not restless and LOST Fill me up so maybe I can truely love again


A poem I wrote a few years ago The Quest The rainbow's light falls softly upon this place. The misty sky, twinkles with untold delight. With our hands intertwined, We walk this neverland, Seeking for reasons in this search for answers. Our Quest make take us to the darkest night, A private hell of our own fears To wich we must fight to survive. NEVER GIVE UP, FOR LOVE MAY BE AROUND THE BEND We must be strong...so we are able to rise above to soar into the light To touch the stars to be at peace with life We must look in the places Noone else would dare to find the beauty, that's been waiting there. For then we would have the key to inspire magic to awaken desire and passion to watch the seed grow into the rose But most of all to choose love as our goal

Sexual Astrology

ARIES WOMEN: Wildly sensual, passionate and adventurous. You'll have sex anywhere, you know what you want - intense and frequent sex, you have a need for complete control, but you're also in love with love. As a mate, you are ardent, loyal, sentimental, and earthly. Biggest thrill - the tickle of a man's facial fuzz. ARIES MEN: Sleeping with him is like playing croquet with live bombs - you never know what is going to happen! Never expect him to wait for you to be ready - he will rip your clothes off if he is ready to go. Don't tease him or you'd better be ready to deliver. Fond of slave master games and he likes it rough. Aries men are also explorers, so be ready to go where no woman has gone before. His favourite position: a woman on her knees leaning forward. TAURUS WOMEN: You expect your man to be kind and patient and make love to you by the book. Like to be pleased by sex, but don't look for unusual approaches. But you are a demanding lover and leave your partner breathless. You have a need for oral gratification, both giving and receiving. Best sex mates: Cancer, Sagittarius, Scorpio, and Leo. Most likely kink: sucking on your toes, one by one. You also like biting...hmmm! TAURUS MEN: He is the ideal lover - sensitive and understanding of his partner's feelings. He prefers it slow and easy; he won't be your guide to the exotic unknown, but what he does, he does beautifully. This is the guy to go for long and luxurious oral sex. Stamina? This man could wear down a glacier! His erogenous zone: gently and slowly kiss and bite the back of his neck. GEMINI WOMEN: Often the aggressor; you are never embarrassed by your behaviour because you never adhere to any standards except your own. Your main requirement: a lover who knows how to take his time. You are a one woman harem, but a partner should be aware that in a relationship, the gemini woman is looking for a combination of the spiritual and the physical, the romantic and the practical. You want to talk to the guy after you tumble with him! Best sex mates are Leo, Scorpio, Aquarians, Libra, and Aries. Favourite gadget: the vibrator. GEMINI MEN: He likes it with the lights on in front of a mirror. He can work any partner into the mood because he knows exactly how to evoke the right responses. Oral sex isn't his favourite pastime, but will take his time with the other preliminaries. Tends to be fast and furious, more concerned with satisfying himself than his partner, but he is more than adequate in areas of lovemaking that are often neglected by other men. He can tell a woman exactly what she wants to hear. His erogenous zone: move your lips and tongue lightly up his arm. CANCER WOMEN: Will never make the first move, but you can be a marvellous lover for you are capable of intense sensuality. You will reciprocate passion with a fervor that will stir his heart and stimulate him to his best performance. On your own time, you have a fondness for masturbation. Your favourite position: lying prone while your man enters you from behind. Best sex mates: Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces. You may become a slave to sexual pleasure! CANCER MEN: His most surprising technique: intercourse with no hands. He has a need for constant encouragement and if gotten, he will be a delightful swain. Both patient and aggressive, he will often begin somewhere other than bad: likes being in command, and is a master at manual clitoral manipulation! You'll like the trip as it as much travelling to a place as it is arriving. LEO WOMEN: Sleek, lascivious, enticing and lazy! Whatever Leo wants, Leo gets! Intensely responsive and there are bed partners who have scars to prove it. Your need to show off leads you to prefer the top where he can look up and admire the beauty of your body. Best sex mates: Libra, Scorpio, Saggitarius, Aries. Your sexual wardrobe: full of wispy cut-out bras and panties! LEO MEN: Simply brushes aside rules and conventions. One important rule to remember about him: NEVER tease. His endurance is remarkable and he has a great appetite for making love. He likes women in the submissive position and oral sex is okay when he is on the receiving end. He likes a woman to show how much she is enjoying it. His erogenous zone: his back is particularly vulnerable. VIRGO WOMEN: You have no illusions about sex and wish everyone would stop magnifying its importance. Prefer men who will wait for the relationship to develop to the point where sex is inevitable. You love mutual masturbation and enjoy a little punishment, and your grace and modesty is a great turn on. You become an artist at pleasing your lover. Favourite kink: can't truly enjoy it unless a third party is present. Best sex mates: Gemini, Cancer and Aquarians. VIRGO MEN: Too shy to make an overture, but when the moment arrives, you had better be prepared for him to bring his pajamas, shaving equipment, and toothbrush. He likes to talk about how you like it and having talked about it, he will key in on the right erotic response. Don't expect imagination, but he is a hard worker and is open to suggestion. His secret life: can be obsessed with pornography. Erogenous zones: his buttocks. LIBRA WOMEN: Drama is the key word - you set the stage for sex. Intensely feminine and an instinctive exhibitionist. You feel your body was made to be seen and admired. Feel that seduction is an art, not an assault. When approached the right way, you find it easy to say yes to almost anything. Unusual control of vaginal muscles. Best sex mates: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Saggitarius, and Aquarius. Like any position where your buttocks are exposed. LIBRA MEN: Looks for the whole experience, not just a tumble between the sheets. Has a definite kinky side, a voyeur and fond of the menage a trois. He has the patience needed to satisfy. He like women who dress well and have long hair. If a woman's clothes look as though they are easily removed, he finds her hard to ignore. Erogenous zone: back and buttocks, especially the feel of erect nipples against either of them1 SCORPIO WOMEN: Inquisitive, searching and experimental. Knows that eroticism consists of more than the physical act of lovemaking. While looking like a perfect lady in public, you dress and act like a whore in the bedroom. Control of the orgasm is very important and will try anything to help your man maintain his potency. You never take no for answer and when interested in someone, you will pursue him with determination and guile. Best sex mates: Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Props you love: scented body oils, flavoured lubricating gels, and vibrators. SCORPIO MEN: A lustful, sexy animal. Enjoys biting and sucking and is a master of oral sex. Inflicting pain turns him on so he may pinch at nipples or the inside of thighs. Likes it in water, but his kink is that the prefers wood tables and hard floors to satin and silk. His erogenous zone is his genitalia. SAGITTARIUS WOMEN: You like the outdoors - freaking out if you are in a tent, camper, or on the beach. You enjoy sex, but you don't like to prolong the preliminaries and want to start the main show as soon as possible. Like to tease your partner to the point of losing control. You don't mind if your partner comes too quickly - you are a generous and accepting lover. Best sex mates: Leo, Libra, and Aquarius. Your sexual wardrobe will consist of accessories - gloves and shoes! SAGITTARIUS MEN: Sex is rarely an intense experience with him - he often comes too quickly, but he'll be the first to try a new position. He is the master of erotic massage - both oral and manual. His tongue can be a wicked instrument and when combined with his lips, creates an explosive effect! Erogenous zones: hips and thighs. And he likes to look at a woman's calves and thighs, and likes to have sex with a woman in stockings. CAPRICORN WOMEN: Don't need much foreplay - you go straight from zero to WOW in nothing flat! Not interested in exotic variation; only staying in power. Since you like to dominate, you like to be astride your man, set a rhythym, and please yourself. Once into a rhythym, lovemaking becomes a wild contest with orgasm as the prize and you can depend on getting here more than once. Also a scratcher and screamer. Best sex mates: Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces. CAPRICORN MEN: Sex evokes the best he can offer. He is a planner and a schemer (that is schemer, not a screamer!). Prefers a woman who knows what he enjoys, and he expects her to be willing and ready whenever he wants her. Has the stamina of a marathon runner. Here is the man who will hold off until you are ready to scream! Erogenous zone: a massage that starts at the lower back and gently strokes upward along the sides of his spine. AQUARIUS WOMEN: A slow starter, you idealise love and encompass it with tenderness. Once aroused though, anything goes! Extremely imaginative and likes to try new things. There is nothing in any sex manual that you won't try. Belief that anything that increases the pleasure for your partner is worthwhile. Best sex mates: Arie, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Favourite sex position: standing up, and in water. AQUARIUS MEN: Never treats a woman like a sex object and prefers a variety of foreplay before getting down to it. May have to be revved up, but once his engine is started, he is free and inventive with amazing persistance. He will always see you through to climax. A woman that knows what she wants will be very happy. He usually ensures an orgasm twice - once orally and once genitally. Erogenous zones: gently touching the calves and ankles will get him going. Be careful though - a kinky Aquarian can be a sadist who doesn't like to be denied! PISCES WOMEN: Always make the right moves, say the right things, and create the right ambiance. You aresexually liberated and enjoy a wide range of eroticism. If his fantasies coincide with yours, the action can really get torrid! You seldom say no to anything your lover suggests! Favourite places: in a waterbed or hot tub. Best sex mates: Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. PISCES MEN: Takes the lead in lovemaking and impatient if he doesn't get a swift response. Indifferent to sexual restrictions, both moral and legal; prefers a partner with a tremendous sexual craving. Likes sex in a chair. He likes to be submissive. Becomes an addict to anything that will give pleasure and release. Erogenous zones: massaging and caressing his feet. In case you can't get enough! :) Let me know what you think ..if I get no feedback Ill stop posting them...


Sun signs Aries (March 21 - April 19) is the sign of the natural born leader. Always impulsive, spontaneous and headstrong. They often remind one of a Mac Truck barreling down the highway. Never malicious, though often self-centered. Set on a mission carving their own way in life. Not aware of their actions until later. An Aries is fearless and brave almost to a point of foolishness definitely making their actions and presence known. Ruled by the head, they often look like a ram plowing through the crowd on the way up that mountain. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) manages to possess, and "have" just about everything possible. Very gentle, steadfast, stubborn and at times, slow. They plod through life making other's dreams come true by taking other's projects and making them shine. Down to earth with a no-nonsense approach, saying what they mean with a very strong sense of values. You will find nothing cheap or shoddy about them or what they own. Waiting until they can afford only the best, including fine food and wine. Often artistic and sometimes very musical since they are ruled by the throat. Gemini (May 21 - June 21) Here you will find Geminis, the communicators of the zodiac. If it is spoken or written, a Gemini is often involved. Do you want to know the latest gossip? Find a Gemini and they will know everything about everyone's life. Often quite intelligent and insightful. Quick-witted people who are sometimes standup comics on or off the stage. Always moving and some are even wonderful dancers and runners. Moving at an incredible speed, they can do several things at once. They talk fast and often talk with their hands. Unable to stay with projects or relationships for any length of time. Their lungs give out more often than any other body part due to all that communicating. Cancer (June 22 - July 21) is the mother of the zodiac. Always providing for others, protecting and making a nest wherever they go. Cancer is more concerned with expressing emotions than on superficial conversations. Some think of Cancer as moody, shy and too much like a baby. Do not be fooled. They are not shy, but protecting themselves against emotional exposure. The most empathetic zodiac sign, though often overly sensitive. Very artistic and creative. Labeled a pack rat by some, for they hold onto everything including wealth. Don't try to lie to a Cancer for they will hold onto every word you ever said to them. Often difficult to understand for their moods are often changing from sweet to cranky. Like the crab, when they are hurt, they will retreat into their shell. Leo (July 22 - August 22) Look for the royal label on everything Leos do and say. For they are truly the Kings of the zodiac. Nothing modest about Leo. If you do not complement them, they will tell you what you should complement them on. Very proud and self-confident. They will not even start a project unless they think they will come out on top when it is finished. Generous, affectionate, charismatic and often theatrical in their behavior. Do not hurt their pride or they will argue with you until you give them something they can walk away with that boosts their egos. Give them the sunshine to make them the happiest. If you come home and all the lights are on, you know you have a Leo in the house. Give them mirrors and a Kingly chair and they will be content. Like the heart they are ruled by, they are generous often to a fault. Virgo (August 23 - September 21) Here you will find our worker bees. Virgo is the original server. Precise and methodical like no other sign of the zodiac. No detail gets by them. They can miss the big picture being lost in the details. Perfectionism can often lead to picky and critical words. Want to hire the best employee you will ever have? Choose a Virgo. They often do not like to delegate and want to oversee every step of the operation themselves. Always worrying and fussing about others. You will find many Virgos surrounded by pets for who needs them more than the family pet. If Virgo focuses too much on others, they can be prone to illness. Libra (September 22 - October 22) Here is Libra, the a number one charmer of the zodiac. They are more diplomatic than any other sign. They hate uncouth behavior. Always looking for balance, yet rarely finding it. They so please others, they cannot make up their minds. For everything looks good to them. They can spend hours debating each side of an argument. Often you will see them as lawyers for just this reason. The most artistic of all the signs. They can do so many things artistically that they cannot find which one to do. Want to know what is in fashion? Ask a Libra, for they always know just how to decorate their bodies in ways that make them look truly beautiful. Libra's need to be popular often gets them in trouble. They may say what they think you want to hear, truth or not, just so you will like them. Impersonal and impartial, this sign gives out only what is demanded, never overdoing things. Scorpio (October 23 - November 22) is the deepest and most intense of any of the signs. Never concerned with the superficial. Often this gives them great power They can see into people with their immense intuition. Very passionate in everything they do. Often thought of as the sexual sign. Scorpio carries this intensity into everything they do. Scorpio can inspire fear or awe in others because of their often overwhelming ability to strip away all veneer to get to the bottom line. Not afraid of endings or new beginnings. A loyal friend but a fanatic foe. They invented the word "revenge." Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) Do not think you can have a good party without a at least one Sagittarius. They will liven up any party. Usually the first to arrive and the last to leave. Their favorite word is *fun* Anywhere they hang their hat is home. They can be comfortable anywhere. They are the travelers of the zodiac. Not content to see the sights, they want to know about the culture and people of each country they visit. Often they will live in another country than the one they were born in. A seeker of knowledge and wisdom. Optimistic and easy-going. They have a strong sense of justice and truth. They do lack a bit of tact, direct and to the point. They often open their mouths to change feet. In a relationship they are often as carefree as they are in the rest of their lives. Being a free spirit, and answering to no one, they often look for the new adventures to tackle and travel from relationship to relationship as often as they travel from country to country. Capricorn (December 21 - January 20) Here you will see the workers of the zodiac. For their lives often revolve around the work they do. A true workaholic. Capricorn sees the world as a harsh and exacting arena. Always taking the most direct route. Not afraid of hard work. Often placing themselves in the most difficult situations to prove to themselves that they can conquer any problem put in front of them. Always the one to point out "the emperor has on no clothes". They will point out all the problems if you want to see them or not. Asking why things are the way they are. Not stopping until they get their answers. Using whatever means necessary, will achieve their goal. Everything they do, they take very seriously from marriage to work. Often having the most difficult time having "fun". A tendency to be cold and snobbish. Underneath that cold exterior is a very lusty and loyal friend. Frequently long-lived and healthy into old age. They are know as the "sage" later in life for they have lived it all. Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) Here you will find the humanitarians of the zodiac. Aquarius loves mankind and will doing anything for the masses. Since they are rather cold and detached, with little emotional appreciation, they are often thought of as disliking the individual. Fighting for the underdog on one hand and being clinically impartial on the other. Freedom of movement, thought and life is important to them. These are our inventors and technical wizards. They come up with different and unusual ideas that change our planet. Computers, airplanes and astrology are all ruled by Aquarius. Often thought of as eccentric. Always living in the future and changing their minds as quickly as they think up a new idea. Little patience for people who do not think as they do. For they love to argue for the fun of it. By all means, never try the hold them down or change their minds for you will see their dust as they run out of your life. They dream up wonderful grand solutions to the world's problems without bothering to figure out the details. Never boring and truly one to stand up for any causes that involve mankind as a whole. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) are the most intuitive of all the zodiac. They are so empathic that they often take on other's pain to the detriment of their own health. Giving to a point of martyrdom is a major problem for these kind souls. Unselfish to a fault. No wonder they make the best nurses. They can easily be confused. Taken up by every whim, they cannot get much done. Very spiritually evolved and best when living in a world of creativity. Sensitive to drugs and alcohol. Where you find a body of water, you will always find at least one pisces. Often the ship captain or life guard. Once they start on the road to obsessions, they have more trouble than anyone else coming back to this world. Play music for them and they will calm down. Mediation and day dreaming will help them fit in the world.
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