About Me |
Name: | Victoria "Vicky" |
Birthday: | July ,1976 |
Birthplace: | West Virginia |
Current Location: | West Virginia |
Eye Color: | Blue |
Hair Color: | Brown |
Height: | 5'6 |
Right Handed or Left Handed: | Right |
Your Heritage: | Indian,,Irish,,Germen..Basicly Heinz 57 |
The Shoes You Wore Today: | my white low converse. |
Your Weakness: | Chocolate, Ice Cream, Potatoe Chips and Sex! |
Your Fears: | Spiders. |
Your Perfect Pizza: | X-tra cheese, Peppers ,light on sauce, pepperoni |
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: | Actually stick to my budget and save myself some friggin' money. |
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: | Probably -lol- and I say 'dude' a lot - even though it isn't technically a phrase. |
Thoughts First Waking Up: | What time is it? |
Your Best Physical Feature: | Eyes |
Your Bedtime: | Depends |
Your Most Missed Memory: | being under 12 and the first day of summer vacation..Stepping barefooted on the concrete |
Pepsi or Coke: | Pfft.. like there's anything else I'd drink |
MacDonalds or Burger King: | Burger King all the way. Put's McD's burgers to shame. Although I will admit that the Big Mac is absolutly excellent! |
Single or Group Dates: | Certain movies are sorta fun 'group dates' but if it's like.. a nice dinner or a special occasion then it's just gotta be me and Paul |
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: | Neither |
Chocolate or Vanilla: | You're talkin' to the world's biggest choco-holic here. |
Cappuccino or Coffee: | Coffee! But it gotta be Tim Horton's! Large Triple Tripel baby! Nothin' else gets me thru the day/ |
Do you Smoke: | If I can afford to buy a pack or am totally stressed out.. then yeah. |
Do you Swear: | Fuck, who doesn't!? |
Do you Sing: | Not in public! Just in the car and around the house. No.. wait. That's a lie. I sing in the car all the time. |
Do you Shower Daily: | Uh.. yeah.. hello.. uber grossness! Gotta have a shower! Or a bath.. soemtimes both! |
Have you Been in Love: | M-hm. Been bit in the ass by it to.. No wait.. I'm confusin gthat with lust.. sorry. |
Do you want to go to College: | If and/or when Maybe |
Do you want to get Married: | Am |
Do you belive in yourself: | Sometimes. Usually. Unless I'm just feeling depressed and feeling like the world's biggest fuck up |
Do you get Motion Sickness: | Nope |
Do you think you are Attractive: | In the right outfits.. yes |
Are you a Health Freak: | lmao- No. I can't eat healthy to save my friggin' life. And a gym? Pfft I mighta been in one about.. 10 times in my entire life. |
Do you get along with your Parents: | Yes |
Do you like Thunderstorms: | Love Love Love |
Do you play an Instrument: | Nope |
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: | Nope |
In the past month have you Smoked: | Certainly |
In the past month have you been on Drugs: | Nope |
In the past month have you gone on a Date: | Nope |
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: | Yep |
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: | No but oh god, please don't tempt me! |
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: | EWWW but nope |
In the past month have you been on Stage: | Nope |
In the past month have you been Dumped: | I'd be short a roommate and place to live if I was. lol |
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: | No. But I've always wanted to do it! |
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: | Nope |
Ever been Drunk: | Yep |
Ever been called a Tease: | On several occasions |
Ever been Beaten up: | Nope |
Ever Shoplifted: | No. What's with all the stealing/shoplifting questions anyways? |
How do you want to Die: | I don't! I'm going to discover the secret to Immortality!! |
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: | Famous! Angelina Jolie! |
What country would you most like to Visit: | Paris |
In a Boy/Girl.. |
Favourite Eye Color: | Green |
Favourite Hair Color: | Brown |
Short or Long Hair: | Either |
Height: | Tall |
Weight: | Average |
Best Clothing Style: | Confy |
Number of Drugs I have taken: | None..wait does Tyinol count?? |
Number of CDs I own: | Ogosh alot |
Number of Piercings: | 5 |
Number of Tattoos: | 2 |
Number of things in my Past I Regret: | 2 |
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