Joined on March 22, 2008
Born on January 1st
hey there my name is meagan i am only here to hang out. i just got out of what i thought was a great relationship. i loved him so much and in all honesty i still love him and that is the hardest thing ever after everything he has done to me. I still want to be with him but i cant go back to him. but part of me wants to see him at my front door again. i love him so much....but i am with someone now. but i will always miss my airforce man. i just wish i could figure out alwaysbroken but still stronghey update i am seeing the man of my dreams he is amazing he is so sweet kind he is a sgt in the army he is amazing he is so awsome i really like him and no one i mean no one can take him from mebody {background-color:; background-image:URL(""); background-repeat:repeat; background-position:bottom left; background-attachment:fixed;} a.text, table div font a, table div div {visibility:hidden;}
Joined on March 22, 2008
Born on January 1st
Welcome to the fu! I Stopped by Your Profile & I rated you a 10. If you can take a moment to rate me back that would be great....Have a great day *STGiggles*