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41 Year Old · Female · From Fredericksburg, VA · Joined on April 16, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 7th
41 Year Old · Female · From Fredericksburg, VA · Joined on April 16, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 7th

I fucking hate those Gay ass glitter graphic comments... There all LAME... stop leaving copied and mass pasted comments.. you want to leave me a comment say something like... Hey steph whats up Hows your day been or some other shit like that.. I will fucking delete you from my friends if you clutter up my page with them...

And now with that being said on to other things like.........

I think I am pretty...
I like my stuff. I like having stuff and I like doing stuff.
I have a chihuahua named Invader Zim
I have a red tail boa and a weird ball python named gerard.
I have a cat named jinx. And a Hermit Crab named Hermin.
My view on religon is it exists to keep a strong hold on society.. I dont believe in it personaly but whatevers cleaver to get you by..
I enjoy the once and a while recreational binge..
I drink beers..
I like beers, and Speaking of beers, Do you have any? and can I get one?
I miss some of my friends I dont get to see anymore.
I miss being a Kid..
But I realize that my time is over and its someone elises turn, I realy cant do anything other then try and give them the best I can and everything I never had.
I hate random fat people that refuse to help themselvs atain a smaller waist line. Drop the fucking twinky you pig gut and jog your fat ass around the block 5401681 times...
I dislike internet stalkers..

I like to dye my hair ALL THE TIME.. when I get bored I take it out on my pretty hair.
I bite my nails uncontrolably...
I get angry and I like to fight, I will win and I will beat your ass, SO Don't make me angry and I wont try and fight you.
I have the word GANGSTER tattooed acrost my toes.
Ive been to 28 states by ways of my thumb...But now I have a truck. a busted ass ford explorer... Smile2.gif In any case. thats me.. If you dont like it Fuck off your probobly not worth my time anyway.

41 Year Old · Female · From Fredericksburg, VA · Joined on April 16, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 7th
I have a sexy banner! Threesomes with hott ladies, Cows, Duct tape, hott chicks with duct tape, people that realy believe there a Vampire, Knuckel fucking you in the cock sucker, Fisting your face, Fisting you in general, laughing at funny things, Sex With the boy, Poking the boy, Wrestling with the boy, Laying around with the boy, Fishing with the boy, and anything not mentioned here with the boy, and calling the boy funny names, I got the duce duce in the tunk of my car, Hitchimg rides to nowhere, Setting rediculously large fires in my front yard, Strange porno, Kinky Sex, people that believe in god, jews, jesus, lava lamps, pot, the internet, Anarchy, Beating up your mom, Baking Cookies, Killing the living, Candles, Trying to cook but burning stuff is the end result yet he still eats it cause I made it with love,<-HAHA, Laughing when you fall down, Eating psychadelic substances, AKA TIMM, Mexie packing cars, Unicorns, Cheshire cat, Tattoos, Piercing myself, Painted toenails, Makeup, Tight clothes, being skinny, Skinny girls that dress like whores, Tiny chicks I can throw around, Raping, getting jewlery, being a girley girl, SODA, Fuzzy things, Shiney things, Things that go Jingle, Glow sticks, E-tards, Going to Buzz back in the Day. Rhinos, Hippos, Emus, and any other ugly animals, Animal planet, being warm, Lots of blankets, Pillows, being vengefull, making fun of Dickface whenever possible, snakes, the stafford county judicial system, Pittbulls Magic the gathering (yeah im a nerd So fuckin what) and Zombies..
Sublime, A perfect circle, Tool, <3 <3 <3 My chemical romance <3 <3 <3. Fall out boy, The used, Alkaline trio, Metallica, nirvana, When scott forces me to listen to country I like it sometimes, 311, alice cooper, the doors, the dead, dark star orchestra, matisyahu, <3 <3 jerry <3 <3 buck cherry, misfits, operation ivy, greenday, marilyn manson, rob zombie, and lots lots more,, I like alot of classic rock too... and Rap sucks except 50 cent.. (he was shot 9 times you know.)

Natural Born Killers. Night of the Living Dead,
Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Land of the Dead, and Diary of the Dead. I love Zombie Movies.. It will Happen one day I swear.. and when It does will you be ready?
Saw 1 2 3 and 4.. Lord of the rings. Half Baked. Finding Nemo while on LSD,House of 1000 corpses, and The Devils Rejects.
Video Games
All Hail Playstation 3... and my Nintendo Ds...
Animal Crossing. and other Awesome Ds Games.
I fucking Love my Wii.. Fuck you haters its fucking awesome.. GET ONE!

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