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Choctaw Nation

The Choctaw Indian Nation, a Muskogean tribe also known as Chakchiuma, or Chatot, traces its roots to the Mississippi Valley and some parts of Alabama. The Choctaw Indians' origin Myth is a fascinating one: The tribe had been travelling through rough terrain and dense forest for months, carrying the numerous bones of their dead; this task had taken its toll on the living, who grew more fatigued with each passing day of their seemingly unending journey. It is then that they came upon a creek, which the Chief decided they would use as their encampment for the winter. When the warmer climes came, the tribe was healthy from rest and an abundance of food from the surrounding area, so they decided to make the creek their permanent home. Overlooking the creek was a steep hill with an indent in one side, which the Choctaw named "Nunih Waya", meaning: "Productive Mound". Nunih Waya is also often referred to as "The Mother Mound"; from this, the Choctaw encampment got the name "Nanih Waya". The Choctaw were a Matriarchal society, which explains why they liken abundance from nature to a mother's care. The Choctaw, along with five other southern tribes were moved to Oklahoma following the treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek in 1830. Many Choctaw died from disease, famine and attacks from white men and hostile Indians including the Comanche, during this transition, which came to be known as the "Trail of Tears". Those who adjusted to the relocation were soon assimilated by religious missionaries sent to Oklahoma in an effort to "civilize" the Natives. The missionaries stressed the importance of education in the goal of establishing a better rapport with the white man. The Choctaw sided with the Confederates during the Civil war of 1860, an alliance which prompted the Choctaw to become the first US Indian tribe to adopt a flag of their own; the flag, carried by the Choctaw Confederate Soldiers, features a circle surrounding a calumet, and a bow with three arrows symbolizing the three Choctaw Sub-Nations. This Link will Show u Many http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=Choctaw+Indian&ei=UTF-8&fr=moz2
Native American Commandments Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect. Remain close to the Great Spirit. Show great respect for your fellow beings. Work together for the benefit of all Mankind. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed. Do what you know to be right. Look after the well being of mind and body. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good. Be truthful and honest at all times. Take full responsibility for your actions. Great Spirit, give us hearts to understand; never to take from creation's beauty more than we give; never to destroy wantonly for the furtherance of greed; never to deny to give our hands for the building of earth's beauty; never to take from her what we cannot use. Give us hearts to understand that to destroy earth's music is to create confusion; that to wreck her appearance is to blind us to beauty; that to callously pollute her fragrance is to make a house of stench; that as we care for her she will care for us. We have forgotten who we are. We have sought only our own security. We have exploited simply for our own ends. We have distorted our knowledge. We have abused our power. Great Spirit, whose dry lands thirst, help us to find the way to refresh your lands. Great Spirit, whose waters are choked with debris and pollution, help us to find the way to cleanse your waters. Great Spirit, whose beautiful earth grows ugly with misuse, help us to find the way to restore beauty to your handiwork. Great Spirit, whose creatures are being destroyed, help us to find a way to replenish them. Great Spirit, whose gifts to us are being lost in selfishness and corruption, help us to find the way to restore our humanity. Glacier Legacy © Jonathan Earl Bowser www.jonathonart.com

The Eagle

The Eagle (wo-ha'-li) The Eagle is the great sacred bird of the Cherokee Indians and of nearly all native tribes. Eagle figures prominently in their ceremonial rituals. Each Tribal group has its own stories and legends concerning the Eagle. Only the greatest warriors and the Medicine Man wore feathers of the eagle. Eagle medicine is the power of the great spirit, the connection to the Devine. It is the ability to live in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected and balanced within the realm of earth. If someone dreamed of an eagle or eagle feathers, the town organized an Eagle Dance as soon as possible. This could only be done in late fall or winter as the songs sung during the dance angered the rattlesnakes. The eagle could only be killed by a proffessional Eagle Killer who knew the proper ceremonies for turning aside vengeance by the eagle's spirit. There were only certain times when the eagle could be killed, usually only when an Eagle Dance was held.

The Buffalo

The Buffalo (ya'-n'-s-si' or yansi) The buffalo or bison is considered by many tribes to be a symbol of adundance for it was the meat of the buffalo that fed the people, the hides that provided clothing and shelter, the bones and sinew provided tools of survival. In the Legend of the Sacred Pipe, the White Buffalo Calf Woman gave the Sacred Pipe to the Sioux as a caretaker for the Red Nation. This pipe held the power of the Great Spirit. She brought the people a message of peace and said that they would have good hunting and turn into a great nation. The appearance of a white buffalo is a sign that prayers have been heard, and signals a time of abundance plenty. "Buffalo Medicine" means to bring a special honor, or appreciation for all of the things that the Earth provides for her children. To use buffalo medicine is to smoke the pipe in a sacred manner, and to give praise for the richness of life to be shared with all. If a child's name included the word "buffalo" in it, the Indians believed that the child would be especially strong and would mature quickly. If a warrior was renamed after a vision or great hunting or war accomplishment, and his new name included the word "buffalo," it meant that the buffalo was his supernatural helper, or that he exhibited the strength of a buffalo, or that he was an extraordinary hunter. In other words, the name desribed the powers of the man. Societies named after the buffalo had the animal as their patron. Holy men who saw buffalo in the vision during which they were called to the practice of medicine would seek thereafter to commune with the Great Spirit through the buffalo.

The Horse

The Horse (so'-qui-li) Mighty horse...power to run Across the open plains, Or to bring the vision of the shields Dancing in purple dream rain... The horse was a marvel to the Indian and came to be regarded as sacred. It had a mysterious or sacred character. The Indian often times referred to the horse as the big dog or the sacred dog. The ceremonial importance of horses is strong in many cultures. In the Navajo Enemy Way ceremony, which is used to rid someone who has come in contact with the enemy of the evil, horses transport the sacred staff that carries the evil away from the person. Horses are the focus of many Plains ceremonies as well.

Talk to Aninmals Like I

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. Chief Dan George
The man awoke,with his home,smoldering in ashes.As them puke fuckin peasants laughing what they had done.He climbs out of the ashes as them puke peasants look on.The Moon is Full,My Ancestors built this house built your Town an u have the Nerve to burn my house to the ground.With 1 mighty slash,of 1 powerful arm.The heads of them to hapless peasants rolling on the ground.He drinks there blood from thee headless corpses.as others appear,they see not the man but a Great an Fierce Wolf of a Creature whom stands on 2 legs.They are Frighten'd,an try to Run,With one Swift Bound they are all dead or dieing Writhing in pain.Begging to be Finished off.As they die a merciful death.The Wolf Creature sniffs around smelling fear,of one who ran off hideing.Stand you piece of shit,beg me for your Life.He is some sort of Royalty.I should have known it was you,my own cousin twice removed.Strip off your clothes u worthless piece of shit.He does what he's told.I shall let u live cousin,I shall cut out your Tongue,an since u hid like a winch.You shall live like one.As he cut off his cousins manhood,+ ripped out his Tongue.Now your women will be mine,all the women in town will be mine to bore me,more like me.An from this Day forward,I shall be Known as Lord Wolf.An with all the women as mine,they shall Birth me an army in just 7 yrs.I have Spoken
I was Born in 1849 in North Carolina,I had a Twin brother,he was deheaded, shortly after,we were transform'd into the Walking Dead.Prior to being Satans Spawn. We fought Bravely for the South.I had a Vision I new we couldn't win.The Yanks just Kept on coming.We'ed Kill 5 an 15 would take there place.We were Bushwac trying to get back to our Regiment.There were 5 of us.My Brother an I an 3 other Confederates.The 3 others were shot up pretty bad.We had no water an no food.As the others lay dieing we made our pact.When they Slept,we drank their blood.My brother an I were stark Crazy Mad.1 died, we ate his flesh.It was nasty,sometimes I feel I can still taste that rotten stinky flesh,it permeanted our nostrils.Then another died,we cut him open to use his stomache for a water bag.Then Jeb held the other dieing man down.I open'd him up had his heart pump the last of his blood into the stomache bag.Then he Dies.The yanks had moved on,they left 1/2 dozen men to finally flush us out.I pulled them Dead bloated bodies to the entrance of the Cave.Couple Yanks came up looked at them bloated Bodies an Vomited all over them,2 more came up thats when my brother an I attacked them Murderess Yankee slime.We killed these 4 with ease.Then we tracked the other 2 Tortureing them Slowly.Then we tied them up an their begging us pleading with us,to let them go.Then we gaged 1 an slit his wrist an drank him dry while the other watched in Horror.The 1 watching had a massive Heart attack an died before our eyes.Weak Yankee Swine I said.Then Satan came out of the Darkness an gave us eternal Life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ March 1,2007 Above ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The man awoke,with his home,smoldering in ashes.As them puke fuckin peasants laughing what they had done.He climbs out of the ashes as them puke peasants look on.The Moon is Full,My Ancestors built this house built your Town an u have the Nerve to burn my house to the ground.With 1 mighty slash,of 1 powerful arm.The heads of them to hapless peasants rolling on the ground.He drinks there blood from thee headless corpses.as others appear,they see not the man but a Great an Fierce Wolf of a Creature whom stands on 2 legs.They are Frighten'd,an try to Run,With one Swift Bound they are all dead or dieing Writhing in pain.Begging to be Finished off.As they die a merciful death.The Wolf Creature sniffs around smelling fear,of one who ran off hideing.Stand you piece of shit,beg me for your Life.He is some sort of Royalty.I should have known it was you,my own cousin twice removed.Strip off your clothes u worthless piece of shit.He does what he's told.I shall let u live cousin,I shall cut out your Tongue,an since u hid like a winch.You shall live like one.As he cut off his cousins manhood,+ ripped out his Tongue.Now your women will be mine,all the women in town will be mine to bore me,more like me.An from this Day forward,I shall be Known as Lord Wolf.An with all the women as mine,they shall Birth me an army in just 7 yrs.I have Spoken _______________________________________ March 28,2007 Above ________________________________________
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